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Darkthrone - F.O.A.D.

[Oct 5,2007 3:25pm - Yeti ""]
ok i haven't heard this yet, but i'm wondering if anyone has. what are your thoughts? i'm reading many different views, either people love it, or fucking hate it. i heard the song "Canadian Metal" and i thought it was awesome, but that doesn't tell me what the rest is like. or it might. do tell.
[Oct 5,2007 4:27pm - dreadkill ""]
i have the album. listened a couple times. need to listen again to form a real opinion. so far, i like it but not as much as the last album.
[Oct 5,2007 4:58pm - Ryan_M ""]
I haven't heard it yet either, but I haven't really enjoyed the last few albums Darkthrone has put out so I'm guessing I probably won't like the new one.
[Oct 5,2007 5:40pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
i only listened to it twice. i like "the cult is alive" way better. nocturno's vocals are a bit over the top on this one... and there's really nothing on par with "graveyard slut" or "whisky funeral"
[Oct 5,2007 6:36pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Darkthrone can do no wrong. If they wrote a song about Piledriver and Anvil, you can't question how incredible this album will be.
[Nov 3,2007 12:11pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
I just picked it up. It's fucking awesome!! It sounds like a d-beat crust band with some black metal influence. They're obviously not taking themselves too seriously which is awesome. I like when bands can actually have fun.
[Nov 3,2007 12:22pm - RichHorror ""]
I love this record. I even can hear a little Motorhead influence in it.
[Jan 29,2008 1:42am - BSV  ""]
I've heard 3 or maybe 4 tracks from this and it sounds fucking awesome. Want to get this soon.
[Jan 29,2008 1:54am - phobia ""]
any album with a song called 'canadian metal' is top notch brutal
[Jan 29,2008 1:59pm - stillfuckingdead  ""]
this album is a pretentious piece of monkey shit.
gay as hell lyrics too.

[Jan 29,2008 2:00pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Mike_Giallo said:I just picked it up. It's fucking awesome!! It sounds like a d-beat crust band with some black metal influence. They're obviously not taking themselves too seriously which is awesome. I like when bands can actually have fun.

Funny - just now I was trying to decide what the guitar sound on this record reminded me of, and I figured it out: Filth.



Gilmore St. punks and Norwegian black metallers - separated at birth? :thescream:
[Jan 29,2008 3:09pm - A.PANZER (Kinslayer)  ""]
It's rokken like dokken...


No really though, it kicks ass...

Black N Roll...
[Jan 29,2008 7:28pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
Seeing this thread bumped made me throw it on and listen to it. Good shit.
[Jan 29,2008 7:50pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
[Jan 29,2008 8:11pm - Troll ""]
Best punk album I've heard in a long time.
[Jan 29,2008 8:13pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
[Jan 29,2008 8:17pm - Dankill  ""]
I heard some stuff from this album and it really does seem like they are going for that whole Black Metal/Crusty D-Beat/Thrash sound.
Sounds pretty tight to me.
Until I read some interviews with him lately, I did not know that Fenriz is really into D-Beat and Crossover bands.
[Jan 29,2008 8:17pm - Troll ""]
Troll said:Best punk album I've heard in a long time.

.....same goes with "The Cult is Alive"
[Jan 29,2008 8:19pm - Troll ""]
they've always had punk sensibilities.
[Jan 29,2008 8:38pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
Yeah Fenriz has always been into punk and hardcore, like Troll said you can hear it even in their old stuff.
[Jan 29,2008 8:38pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
And their cover of Love In A Void off Too Old, Too Cold is fucking AMAZING!
[Jan 30,2008 10:36am - Yeti ""]
i need to get this. i've heard just about all of it, and it all rules. i love The Cult is Alive.
[Jan 30,2008 10:38am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
SRSLY, the guitar sound is awesome - it's like three crappy DOD distortion pedals into a cheap Marshall. The audio equivalent of chewing tin foil.
[Jan 30,2008 1:44pm - unholy_dave ""]
album rules. listening to it now. plus the liner notes are hilarious. i don't know if they're supposed to be, but they are.
[Feb 25,2008 3:20pm - Yeti ""]
so yeah, this album rules. i don't know where people get their cockamamie ideas that they are losing anything, or "selling out", but they certainly are not. they sound like they got shitfaced on whiskey and just hung out recording stuff.

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