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Drafting for North Korea and Iran invasion?!

[Oct 3,2007 2:27pm - SinisterMinister ""]
A top US military officer in charge of coordinating the US war effort in Iraq said Friday that it makes sense to consider a return of the draft to meet the US military's needs.

Lieutenant General Douglas Lutte, who serves as White House deputy national security adviser, said the all-volunteer military is serving "exceedingly well" and the administration has not decided it needs to be replaced with a draft.

But in an interview with National Public Radio, he said, "I think it makes sense to certainly consider it, and I can tell you, this has always been an option on the table."

"But ultimately, this is a policy matter between meeting the demands for the nation's security by one means or another," he said.

This interview was conducted on August 10, 2007. Now, if you go to http://www.draftregistration.us//URL] Some alarming shit is brought up:
Pursuant to Sub-Section 8, Paragraph C of Executive Branch Classified Directive #13334-P, dated 1 May 2004, the Armed Forces of the United States stand directed by President George W. Bush to accelerate preparations for compulsory induction of the adult non-homosexual population into active combat duty in the War Against Terror.

Henceforth, and in accordance with established Federal conscriptional provisions, all male and female citizens aged 16-45 must register for the impending draft. Each registrant's personal information will undergo rigorous computer analysis to compile a profile of overall physical, mental, and moral fitness prior to the issuing of orders to report for basic training.

WARNING: Persons failing to register prior to the impending invasions of Iran and North Korea will be classified as deserters and become subject to the penalties prescribed therefore by the Rules and Articles of War, up to and including incarceration for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) calendar years and fines up to $125,000.00.
[Oct 3,2007 2:38pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Sucks; this time around Canada won't be a friendly refuge, considering the US is getting ready to buy them out anyway.
[Oct 3,2007 2:46pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
The US is so deep in debt to China that they can't buy a double cheeseburger off the dollar menu, Canada's likely to own us before we own them.
[Oct 3,2007 2:55pm - Mess ""]

North Korea will provide a complete list of its nuclear programs and disable its facilities at its main reactor complex by Dec. 31, actions that will be overseen by a U.S.-led team, the six nations involved in disarmament talks said Wednesday
[Oct 3,2007 2:55pm - Dr. sphincto  ""]
i dont want to live anymore
[Oct 3,2007 2:55pm - the_reverend ""]
"George W. Bush to accelerate preparations for compulsory induction of the adult non-homosexual population into active combat duty in the War Against Terror"

DYA, Bob, SM, you guys want to make out?
[Oct 3,2007 3:01pm - the_reverend ""]
you guys do know that that site is a fake right?
[Oct 3,2007 3:02pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
the_reverend said:"George W. Bush to accelerate preparations for compulsory induction of the adult non-homosexual population into active combat duty in the War Against Terror"

DYA, Bob, SM, you guys want to make out?

Sure - in Amsterdam. William Shatner is over right now helping me Priceline Negotiate.
[Oct 3,2007 3:02pm - the_reverend ""]
Administrative Contact ID: GODA-28998297
Administrative Contact Name: John Wooden
Administrative Contact Organization: Chickenhead Productions
Administrative Contact Address1: PO Box 150184
Administrative Contact City: Brooklyn
Administrative Contact State/Province: New York
Administrative Contact Postal Code: 11215
Administrative Contact Country: United States
Administrative Contact Country Code: US
Administrative Contact Phone Number: +1.9175912345
Administrative Contact Email: johnwooden@yahoo.com
Administrative Application Purpose: P1
Administrative Nexus Category: C11
[Oct 3,2007 3:15pm - SinisterMinister ""]
the_reverend said:Administrative Contact ID: GODA-28998297
Administrative Contact Name: John Wooden
Administrative Contact Organization: Chickenhead Productions
Administrative Contact Address1: PO Box 150184
Administrative Contact City: Brooklyn
Administrative Contact State/Province: New York
Administrative Contact Postal Code: 11215
Administrative Contact Country: United States
Administrative Contact Country Code: US
Administrative Contact Phone Number: +1.9175912345
Administrative Contact Email: johnwooden@yahoo.com
Administrative Application Purpose: P1
Administrative Nexus Category: C11

[Oct 3,2007 3:31pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
He's pointing out that the linked website is a Chickenhead Productions site; he's the guy that does www.whitehouse.org and the Landover Baptist sites. (Both essential for your daily ha-ha requirements, BTW.) Highly entertaining, usually spot-on, but not technically factual.
[Oct 3,2007 5:41pm - SinisterMinister ""]
You know, I always thought dogs laid eggs... So I learned something today.
[Oct 3,2007 9:16pm - vomittingcarcass ""]
so easy, all i have to do is come out of the closet, and i can skip my way to canada no questions asked.:bartnormal::HUMP:
[Oct 3,2007 9:16pm - Hoser ""]
[Oct 3,2007 10:06pm - the_reverend ""]
kiss dudes or fighting/dying in a worthless war. hm... that's a tough one.

im not about to get blown up so the us can have .99 gas again.
[Oct 3,2007 10:13pm - rotivore ""]
manditory suicide
[Oct 3,2007 10:22pm - hungtableed  ""]
did someone say masturbatory spewicide?
[Oct 4,2007 9:46am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Statutory spewinside.
[Oct 4,2007 10:24am - immortal13 ""]
I'll fight if I have to. Not saying it's my top choice, but I'll do it. I've almost joined the military and I've talked to all four branches already. I just decided not to do it for now.
[Oct 4,2007 10:31am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
There would be no draft. To my understanding and hope, we would protest something like that.

But humans are so dumbed down they probably don't remember Vietnam so they will let a draft happen.

There is one thread of truth to that article though, the war with Iran is inevitable. They passed bill declaring the islamic royal guard as a terrorist group, therefore subject for attack....the royal guard is Iran's army.
[Oct 4,2007 10:33am - Yeti ""]
there is no way that is real.
[Oct 4,2007 10:36am - y_ddraig_goch ""]
It could be if we go to war with Iran, they actually have a real army...unlike Iraq and afganistan
[Oct 4,2007 10:41am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Why couldn't we go to war with Holland? I'd much rather get cheap hookers and weed than gas.
[Oct 4,2007 10:42am - brian_dc ""]
these rumors start with every major war since the draft has been eliminated.

By the time the draft is necessary again we'll all be too old for it, huzzah for other people's problems!
[Oct 4,2007 10:44am - the_reverend ""]
go ahead. my only regret will be that I will not be able to fill my gas directly with your blood.
[Oct 4,2007 10:44am - the_reverend ""]
that was to immortal13
[Oct 4,2007 10:48am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
the_reverend said:go ahead. my only regret will be that I will not be able to fill my gas directly with your blood.

Bio-diesel would rule if it worked that way. This would be me filling the tank:

[Oct 4,2007 11:21am - VomittingCarcass ""]
too bad no one here listens to actual news. North Korea just gave the ok for the UN and all those other dipshits to come in and take apart the nuke factory. Iran however is going to be nuked for their terrorism. Ah, this reminds me of back in castle times when my feudal lord Mutton would ass hump us serfs, then send us to war with Balderdash to take his land and gold. Then Mutton would repay the survivors with nob rocks. I love you Mutton.
[Oct 4,2007 12:42pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Blackadder: Give the likes of Baldrick the vote and we'll be back to cavorting druids, death by stoning and dung for dinner.

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