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What will it take?

[Oct 2,2007 3:11pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
For people, mainly sportscasters, to stop with the stupid video crap and actually acknowledge how good the Patriots are?
[Oct 2,2007 3:13pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 2,2007 3:14pm - Yeti ""]
as long as we continue to run trains over our opposers, this will continue. they'll find any way they can to try and distract us.
[Oct 2,2007 3:23pm - ariavette ""]
We've really never gotten the credit we deserve. 3 superbowls in 4 seasons didn't shut em up, so this one probably won't either. It will be something along the lines of " we cheated" even though we're being watched now and there is no way the pats would be dumb enough to do it again. Just jealous. fuck em.
[Oct 2,2007 3:57pm - Lamp ""]
When will there be channels on TV that extensively cover all kinds of music and art and not just sports?

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