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Paris Hilton on Letterman

[Oct 1,2007 3:46pm - the_reverend ""]

[Oct 1,2007 3:47pm - hyper_sludge ""]
i saw this. brutal. dave is the man.
[Oct 1,2007 4:06pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Making fun of her is too easy.

\m/ Dave
[Oct 1,2007 6:53pm - Wink Martindale  ""]
what a trash bag...
[Oct 1,2007 11:24pm - Hung_to_Bleed ""]
"...yeah, ain't New York great, How'd you like jail?"
[Oct 2,2007 1:34am - Lamp ""]
Why do people give a shit about stuff like this?
[Oct 2,2007 7:38am - deadlikemurf ""]
dave still rules.
[Oct 2,2007 9:04am - Ryan_M ""]
Lamp said:Why do people give a shit about stuff like this?

Well everyone wishes they could be as rich as Paris Hilton and other celebrities, so they probably feel like if they can at least stay up to date on petty Hollywood gossip, they're just that much closer to living the dream.
[Oct 2,2007 10:25pm - yummy ""]
because it's funny Lamp.
[Oct 2,2007 10:52pm - VoidExpression ""]
The scariest part of that interview is the revelation that Repo is going to be made into a movie with Sarah Brightman. Sweet Jesus.
[Oct 2,2007 10:59pm - Lamp ""]
yummy said:because it's funny Lamp.

I don't know, dude. Every day stuff like this is seeming more and more scary to me, that someone can achieve celebrity status just for being a moron that everyone can laugh at. There's plenty of stupid people in our everyday lives, I've got no problem laughing at them...
[Oct 3,2007 8:52am - yummy ""]
Trust me Mike, I could give a shit about celebrities and who is seeing who and who looks best in a bikini. It's confusing to me why the people I deliver all these magazines to are even interested. But, it sure makes me feel normal to know there are people out there like Paris. Keeps you grounded. To see her put in her place on national tv is hilarious.

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