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LORD BACON welcomes back original vocalist Ian Parfitt!

[Sep 27,2007 12:09pm - LORDBACON ""]
thats right, the Barf will be fronting up Lord Bacon once again. he finally got his shit squared away in boston so hes back! He will also be using his keyboard skills to add the the music as well as his singing and screaming talents. We should have some demo versions of the songs recorded that we may or may not share with the public coming soon.

Thanks a lot to Mike from Putrescine for filling in in his absence in the meantime. the songs sounded badass and its always fun to make music with him. http://www.myspace.com/putrescinemedm

LORD BACON is fucking playing with Enslaved and Arsis goddamnit!!! If you miss this show you are a fucking dumbass. we have pre-sale tickets to sell, so send us a message and get yours before they run out!


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