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I gotta deliver mail in Olneyville tomorrow.

[Sep 18,2007 10:35pm - yummy ""]
The anticipation is killing me. We'll see how it goes.
[Sep 18,2007 10:36pm - the_reverend ""]
it was nice knowing you before the bullet hole
[Sep 18,2007 10:37pm - yummy ""]
It has been fun.
[Sep 18,2007 10:38pm - the_reverend ""]
hope you have no regrets!
[Sep 18,2007 10:40pm - yummy ""]
What would Newman do? I already know what Cliff Clavin would do.
[Sep 18,2007 11:36pm - yummy ""]
Somebody I work with used to work there and they were egged, tossed off a porch, and shot with a bb gun. If tomorrow is check day I'm golden.
[Sep 18,2007 11:57pm - DrewBlood ""]
maybe someday you can roll with the big boys


best of luck!
[Sep 19,2007 12:03am - yummy ""]
their hours suck when first starting. Late shifts that don't go well with my schedule. Not that the USPS is all that flexible either. You gotta pay your dues first.
[Sep 19,2007 12:26am - Lamp ""]
My dad worked at UPS for a year a long time ago and he said that job sucked and they treated you like shit.
[Sep 19,2007 5:58pm - yummy ""]
I lived. Another go at it tomorrow then Friday. Damn, I'm white...
[Sep 19,2007 6:16pm - demondave ""]

Go Fedex. Their Express has one of the lowest turnovers. They love it there.

[Sep 19,2007 6:21pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
dude..I work out of the New England Ambulance substation in the Ville...
you'll be fine..its not that bad..................during the day. I'll keep an eye
out for ya...
[Sep 19,2007 6:30pm - yummy ""]
I'm not tough to find Bob. How many long haired mailmen do you know?
It really wasn't all that bad. But, as soon as school got out I wanted to get the fuck out. So, I finished my route real quick, but got sent back out, finished that real quick, and they said, wow you should come in tomorrow at 9 and possibly Friday as well. Hmm....
[Sep 19,2007 7:28pm - kok  ""]
No Niggers are gonna fuck with the guy that brings them their welfare checks.
[Sep 19,2007 7:41pm - the_reverend ""]
I was going to say while the sun is up, you are all set.
[Sep 19,2007 10:22pm - yummy ""]
No Niggers are gonna fuck with the guy that brings them their welfare checks.

Who do you think they take it out on when they made a mistake with TDI, workers' comp., SSI, welfare checks. A lot of times they are expecting checks and don't get them. The only person they can be mad at is the one that didn't give them what they wanted.

Personally, I'm more concerned about a group of kids that think they have something to prove. And I'm a goofy motherfucker. I would fuck with me.
[Sep 20,2007 9:09am - 2White  ""]
Carry Babakoo Saw. Theyll chase that faster than a honky.
[Sep 20,2007 6:34pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
Just learn spanish, watch out for the crackheads, and you'll be fine...that little taco truck is the shit.
[Sep 20,2007 8:03pm - yummy ""]
I saw the taco truck today. I'm not getting tacos from a truck.
[Sep 20,2007 8:07pm - the_reverend ""]
pussy. if you don't, then don't drink the water either.
[Sep 20,2007 8:48pm - yummy ""]
I bring my own water thank you. You wouldn't eat that shit either rev.
[Sep 20,2007 9:03pm - hoolio  ""]
try the sewer rat enchilada....it's deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelicious!
[Sep 20,2007 9:22pm - the_reverend ""]
I was hoping you'd get bro raped, but there is always manana.
[Sep 20,2007 10:20pm - yummy ""]
No, I'm not lured in with a 6 pack and video games. Glad you're pulling for me tho. fagbag of faggotryness.
[Sep 20,2007 11:06pm - lbprovidencenli  ""]
Olneyville + Taqueria La Lupita = yummmm (and cheap)
[Sep 20,2007 11:13pm - the_reverend ""]
I like how you signed you name with so many fag's.
[Sep 21,2007 5:39pm - yummy ""]
no. I signed fagbag of faggotryness. not me name.
I survived. No more Onleyville...I hope.

I thought about getting Taqueria La Lupita but people coming out looked "unhealthy" and I didn't have enough time. Construction there today was a pain in the ass. You couldn't park anywhere. Too bad I couldn't deliver around Wes'. I did deliver to the New England Ambulance substation tho. Didn't see ya Bob.
[Sep 21,2007 6:48pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
yeah man...i hit the road as soon as I do my paperwork . I dont
like hanging around the station as it makes you a target to do unwanted
shitwork and "I ain't that guy". I'll keep my eye peeled to make sure
you dont get a cap peeled on ya. Lupita is actually really good and quick
authentic Mex..good Veggie tacos...La Hacienda directly across the
street rules for breakfast. Keep an eye out for gang assholes at the
7-11...Sean Fourhorse got his ass handed to him by some twats a year
ago over there...but it was almost 3am...so go figure...
[Sep 21,2007 7:05pm - yummy ""]
I was always used to hanging out in the ville at night. Never really had a problem. But stepping onto everyone's property in the day is quite a change. I almost got hit with a bottle. A couple were fighting. She threw a glass bottle at him. Smashed his car window. That was the highlight of the ville.
Yeah, I don't go to that 7-11. I heard about that.
It really wasn't that bad...but when school gets out it's a fucking zoo....of people who could give a shit that you got a job to do. The language barrier was a little bit of a problem seeing as I don't have the RI accent....

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