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Patriots Cheated?

[Sep 12,2007 12:43pm - ariavette ""]
I can't find any articles on this b/c my work blocks sports sites, but did anyone else hear about this? Apparently we were video taping the Jets signals at the game last Sunday. WTF?
[Sep 12,2007 12:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
LOL, say goodbye to those draft picks, guys! PWNED
[Sep 12,2007 12:50pm - Aura_At_Dusk ""]
they have something about it on Yahoo. They arent really saying much though.
[Sep 12,2007 12:54pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[Sep 12,2007 12:55pm - Joshtruction ""]
NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has determined that the New England Patriots violated league rules Sunday when they videotaped defensive signals by the New York Jets’ coaches, according to league sources. NFL security officials confiscated a camera and videotape from Patriots video assistant Matt Estrella on the New England sidelines when it was suspected he was recording the Jets’ defensive signals. Sources say the visual evidence confirmed the suspicion.

Goodell is considering severe sanctions, including the possibility of docking the Patriots “multiple draft picks” because it is the competitive violation in the wake of a stern warning to all teams since he became commissioner, the sources said. The Patriots have been suspected in previous incidents.

The Patriots will be allowed an opportunity to present their case by Friday, sources said, most likely via the telephone. NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said on Tuesday that no official decision has been made and that the club has not been notified.

The league also was reviewing a possible violation into the number of radio frequencies the Patriots were using during Sunday’s game, sources said. The team did not have a satisfactory explanation when asked about possible irregularities in its communication setup during the game.
[Sep 12,2007 12:59pm - Yeti ""]
ugh. if it is in fact true that is very disappointing. why the fuck do you need to cheat? just play the fucking game. that game was awesome too, i would hate to learn that they cheated.
[Sep 12,2007 1:01pm - Joshtruction ""]
This is the second time the pats got caught doing this too.
[Sep 12,2007 1:06pm - SkinSandwich ""]
The Boston Herald has a funny picture on the front page of the old team Pats logo holding a spy glass, haha! it is priceless. I tried to find it online, but to no avail. :(
Check it out if you are in a store somewhere.
[Sep 12,2007 1:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I heard that they had the Packers sneak in while the ref wasn't looking and bean the Jets with the ring bell.
[Sep 12,2007 1:32pm - ariavette ""]
Joshtruction said:This is the second time the pats got caught doing this too.

yeah I heard that too, I guess the other team just booted the guy off the field though. Nothing like what is going to happen now. Taking away our draft picks? this SUX..very very very dissapointing
[Sep 12,2007 2:56pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
doesnt mean shit. pats are still a better team then every other NFL club out there.
[Sep 12,2007 3:25pm - ariavette ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:doesnt mean shit. pats are still a better team then every other NFL club out there.

Well that may be and I dunno about you but one of the reasons I love the pats so much is b/c they stay out of the limelight with this sort of shit, no Mike Vick, or TO kinda nonsense. Just good old fashioned american football. They don't need to cheat, they've got arguably one of the best line-ups in the NFL right now.
[Sep 12,2007 5:49pm - metal_church101 ""]
This blows.
[Sep 12,2007 6:20pm - DomesticTerror ""]
it's the third time they've been accused. every team does this. Mangini is just a rat. he didn't seem to mind the Pats stealing signals while he worked for the team. 2 years from now, when the Jets still suck and his ass gets fired, good luck getting a new job.
[Sep 12,2007 8:11pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
DomesticTerror said:it's the third time they've been accused. every team does this. Mangini is just a rat. he didn't seem to mind the Pats stealing signals while he worked for the team. 2 years from now, when the Jets still suck and his ass gets fired, good luck getting a new job.


[Sep 12,2007 8:28pm - starmummy ""]
Sounds typical of meathead jocks. Every kid on my high school's football team cheated through school or had coaches pull strings to get them good grades. Fuck the patriots.
[Sep 12,2007 9:14pm - hungtableed  ""]
...they're probably all juicin' too.
[Sep 12,2007 9:51pm - dyingmuse ""]
Pats fucking own!
[Sep 13,2007 10:49am - ariavette ""]
starmummy said:Sounds typical of meathead jocks. Every kid on my high school's football team cheated through school or had coaches pull strings to get them good grades. Fuck the patriots.

fuck the patriots?! prepare for battle :whipper:
[Sep 13,2007 10:56am - starmummy ""]
ariavette said:starmummy said:Sounds typical of meathead jocks. Every kid on my high school's football team cheated through school or had coaches pull strings to get them good grades. Fuck the patriots.

fuck the patriots?! prepare for battle :whipper:

Bring it on. Sports are for fags or meatheads.
[Sep 13,2007 11:24am - xmikex ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:I heard that they had the Packers sneak in while the ref wasn't looking and bean the Jets with the ring bell.

Bob Kraft argued with the ref while Brutus the Barber Beefcake DDT-ed Laverneus Coles.
[Sep 13,2007 4:34pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Every team cheats.
[Sep 13,2007 4:46pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:Every team cheats.

[Sep 13,2007 4:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 13,2007 5:40pm - Joshtruction ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:[img]

[Sep 14,2007 9:26am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

The Cheat is grounded!
[Sep 14,2007 10:49am - ariavette ""]
What was the final punishment? I heard briefly this morning, a couple draft picks and some fine's was that it?
[Sep 14,2007 10:50am - Mess ""]
500k fine i think?
[Sep 14,2007 11:10am - SkinSandwich ""]
500k for Bellychex, 250k for the organization. They lose a second and third round pick if do not make the playoffs, they lose a first round pick if they get into the playoffs. Looks like they are losing a first round pick. GO PATS!

[Sep 14,2007 12:30pm - domesticterrornli  ""]
they still have SF's 1st round pick.
[Sep 14,2007 5:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
pffft they still rule. fuck mangini for being a rat bastard.
[Sep 14,2007 5:28pm - xmikex ""]
Just for the sake of pointing it out....

The camera was confiscated in the middle of the 1st quarter during that game. Meaning the Pats still scored 31 points without "cheating". Pats rule. End of story.
[Sep 14,2007 5:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
and they will continue rule when the stomp those loudmouth fucking Chargers on Sunday.
[Sep 15,2007 1:35am - xanonymousx ""]
patriots choug diesz jets suck partots fo life.
[Sep 15,2007 1:35am - xanonymousx ""]
time for me to play the twang machitne
[Sep 16,2007 10:58am - jere nli  ""]
sooo fucking tired of hearing about this!!! Quote stealing signals unquote...
that are out in the fucking open anyway, it would have been legal to write them down on a peice of paper or take a picture or document them in any other way.....
a league wide memo weeks ago banning this makes me believe that there are other teams doing it if not most or all, or at the least the pats were not the only team doing this
now every bitch that has lost in the past has an excuse of why it wasnt their fault, the bitch bandwagon, and now everyone is questioning the best quarterback in the leauge and one of the best defenses for the past 5 years...fuck this

pats will roll this year shutting everyone the fuck up. 14-2 regular season, a ring, and I have never hoped for an individual player to get his face pounded into the grass more than that whiny ass bitchbandwagon riding LT. Maybe we are classless, but at least we dont cry like a bunch of fags after our losses. fuck off and die LT!!!
[Sep 16,2007 11:25am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
amen brothaman.
[Sep 16,2007 12:54pm - DomesticTerror ""]
Lawrence Taylor?
[Sep 17,2007 2:56pm - xmikex ""]
38 - 14 against one of the leagues top ranked teams, top ranked defenses, and #1 running back.

And with zero "cheating"
[Sep 17,2007 3:05pm - SkinSandwich ""]
They made their point last night. Good show. Fuck all the doubters. Lick my pubes bitches for they are long and tangly!
[Sep 17,2007 3:29pm - ariavette ""]
hell yeah awesome game!!
[Sep 17,2007 3:32pm - Yeti ""]
the ridiculous security measures they took for last nights game were absurd. frequency monitors, plays weren't written down, locker room under security with a lock and key, give me a fucking break. Bellichick proved his worth last night. next they are going to say that he is an android.
[Sep 17,2007 5:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Bellichick has proved his worth many times over ... and apparently they think he will continue to until 2013.

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