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owen wilson's suicide attempt

[Aug 27,2007 9:18pm - succubus ""]
[Aug 27,2007 9:24pm - succubus ""]
Owen Wilson was taken to St. John’s hospital in Santa Monica, California Sunday afternoon and the National Enquirer is claiming it was a suicide attempt. They say that he sliced his left wrist and took an overdose of pills. He was transferred from St. John’s after being stabilized to be detoxed and details are still coming out.

UPDATE: Owen Wilson has issued the following very boring statement which says absolutely nothing about whether or not he actually tried to kill himself: "I respectfully ask that the media allow me to receive care and heal in private during this difficult time."
[Aug 27,2007 9:24pm - succubus ""]
[Aug 27,2007 9:25pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
shoulda sliced his nose off instead of his wrist.
[Aug 27,2007 10:23pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
Too bad he is as bad at suicide as he is at acting...
[Aug 27,2007 10:24pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Aug 27,2007 10:25pm - thuringwethil ""]
awwww, c'mon I like him

Meet the Parents:
"Yeah, I figured if you're gonna follow in someone's footsteps, who better than Christ?"
[Aug 27,2007 10:29pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
Too bad every line you would ever think is funny that he said he didn't write. Fuck hollywood fag actors/actresses who get paid in the millions to memorize cheesy one-liners. Pussies.
[Aug 27,2007 11:09pm - Ryan_M ""]
"According to The National Enquirer and Star magazine, the star of Shanghai Noon and and Starsky & Hutch had cut his left wrist and taken a number of pills."

"According to The Enquirer, Wilson's wrist was stitched and bandaged at the hospital."

I wouldn't believe a word from The Enquirer or Star magazines.
On the other hand, if the story is true, its too bad he failed.
[Aug 27,2007 11:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Ryan_M said:

I wouldn't believe a word from The Enquirer or Star magazines.
On the other hand, if the story is true, its too bad he failed.

it was just on the news NBC 7.
[Aug 27,2007 11:23pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I guess he felt like the best rimjobs of his career were behind him, and he wanted to go out on top.


BTW, this thread is the #1 result when you Google "owen wilson rimjob." Good jorb, Rev!
[Aug 28,2007 1:53am - Dwellingsickness ""]
If he did not bleed to death, He did it wrong
[Aug 28,2007 1:58am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
it's his huge nose
[Aug 28,2007 2:59am - the_reverend ""]
shucks.. not nic cage.
[Aug 28,2007 10:32am - Yeti ""]
that is horrible. that he failed.
[Aug 28,2007 1:10pm - sausage  ""]
hung_to_bleed said:Too bad every line you would ever think is funny that he said he didn't write. Fuck hollywood fag actors/actresses who get paid in the millions to memorize cheesy one-liners. Pussies.

Your name on here is hung to bleed..... owen wilson could have sucked a dick in a movie and you would still be gayer then him. No but i hate anything thats popular in anyway, its cool guys!
[Aug 28,2007 3:33pm - ariavette ""]
Yeti said:that is horrible. that he failed.

right, how can you fail at that? If you want to die do it in a way that ensures no possible means of waking up in a hospital with your face plastered all over every tabloid.
[Aug 28,2007 6:23pm - thuringwethil ""]
I'll bet Kate Hudson feels like a million dollars right now.
[Aug 28,2007 6:38pm - pigsportrait ""]
His nose was probaly blocking the view of his wrists which led to failure (how depressing could his life be)
[Sep 5,2007 9:18am - Mess ""]
i want some
[Sep 6,2007 6:26am - Mess ""]
mnar mnar mnar
[Sep 6,2007 9:25am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Mess said:mnar mnar mnar

Are you sure that's how that's spelled?

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