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i'm lookin for a bassist

[Aug 12,2007 11:46am - Sickjohn ""]
I play guitar in a metal band.looking for a bass player to keep up with my brutality i got a cheasy recording of what i sound liek with my drummer on my myspace page.

go to-


thanx ya'll

[Aug 12,2007 2:04pm - powerkok ""]
do you have hepatitis?
[Aug 13,2007 12:03pm - slow  ""]
Zebra Sacrifice needs you!
Reply to: comm-394575670@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-08-11, 12:52PM EDT

Um..hello music people. My name is Rodney. I want to take over the globe with my uneek brand of death metal/gangsta rap/gospel music. All I need to complete my majestic vision is a drummer who can play a quadruple-bass pedal, three bass players, and a mandolin player.

I play the harpsichord and my influences are the Beatles and Malmsteen. I really know that I have what it takes to be famous (I have the look and the chops!) and so...what about you...are you kick ass enough to climb aboard my spaceship? Drop me a line if you are IN...also...no
Democrats, people under 7 feet tall, or poseurs need apply. Look forward to hearing from you!

[Aug 13,2007 12:13pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I want to take over the globe with my uneek brand of death metal/gangsta rap/gospel music

NOW, we are talkin.
[Aug 13,2007 12:57pm - timjohnny  ""]
l o fuckin' l... i am sure he will get a ton of legit responses to that ad!
[Aug 14,2007 8:57pm - rhys ""]
[img] he will once people start using two of these
[Aug 14,2007 11:18pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
rhys said:[img] he will once people start using two of these

holy balls.
[Aug 14,2007 11:54pm - timjohnny  ""]
i think axis was the first to do that. that shit would be nuts if you became adept with two feet on 'em!

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