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I=Creeped Out.

[Aug 10,2007 2:59pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
An old man with a shovel approached me today and said, "You will be famous someday very, very soon. Unfortunately, I'll be dead by then," and walked away. What the fuck do you say/do after that?
[Aug 10,2007 3:00pm - atthehaunted ""]
I say kill him with his shovel and then bury him, he'll be dead and u'l be famous, just make sure u get caught.
[Aug 10,2007 3:01pm - Aura_At_Dusk ""]
woah...you will be famous for killing the guy with the shovel. just like that monkey paw story.
[Aug 10,2007 3:04pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I hope I'm that creepy when I'm old. What happens if I don't kill him? Will he kill me first then kill himself? I'm a-scared.
[Aug 10,2007 3:05pm - atthehaunted ""]
don't worry if he kills u, u'll still be famous
[Aug 10,2007 3:06pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
[Aug 10,2007 3:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Aug 10,2007 3:08pm - Aura_At_Dusk ""]
im picturing the creepy old guy with the shovel thats in home alone. It was probably him and he meant to say that he is famous.
[Aug 10,2007 3:08pm - Aura_At_Dusk ""]
oh damn i posted that while you posting that picture
[Aug 10,2007 3:11pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ha ya thats the first thing i thought of... couldnt find a picture of him with the shovel though unfortunately.
[Aug 10,2007 3:12pm - atthehaunted ""]
i was thinking the same shit after i read it too just couldn't remember the movie. Just watch out for the trash can man
[Aug 10,2007 3:13pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
that was albert fish
[Aug 10,2007 3:17pm - Yeti ""]
hahaha i too thought of the old guy from Home Alone.
[Aug 10,2007 3:18pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Maybe I've been "Punk'd," and Ashton Kutcher has been replaced by shovel guy from Home Alone.
[Aug 10,2007 3:30pm - Yeti ""]
[Aug 10,2007 3:34pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'd watch that.
[Aug 10,2007 3:43pm - 80081e5  ""]
you'll be famous when the body farm releases some tunes
[Aug 10,2007 3:46pm - Niccolai ""]
80081e5 said:you'll be famous when the body farm releases some tunes

yea, but not the good kind of famous.

The Gilbert Godfree kind of famous.
[Aug 10,2007 3:46pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
80081e5 said:you'll be famous when the body farm releases some tunes

Well looks like it's gonna take me another 20 years to get famous then...heyyooo!!! I kid, I kid.
[Aug 10,2007 3:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Niccolai said:80081e5 said:you'll be famous when the body farm releases some tunes

yea, but not the good kind of famous.

The Gilbert Godfree kind of famous.

Does that mean you are gonna do a musical rendition of the Aristocrats? that would be so mint.

[Aug 10,2007 4:03pm - SkinSandwich ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:An old man with a shovel approached me today and said, "You will be famous someday very, very soon. Unfortunately, I'll be dead by then," and walked away. What the fuck do you say/do after that?

Get famous son!!!

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