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[Jul 31,2007 9:10pm - diamond_dave ""]
that's all you need to know.

except, $7 with saint jude and dr. fuck yeah, i'm sure others will be added.
[Jul 31,2007 9:12pm - Lamp ""]
Fuck yeah!

I will be at this show and feeling quite fancy at that, I'm talking monocle, toast point, and stock dividends fancy.
[Jul 31,2007 9:14pm - yummy ""]
I shall eat a queer fetus for jesus but not at this show.
[Aug 1,2007 2:08am - brendannli  ""]
listen to el-p's i'll sleep when you're dead.


and bring your hot sister / cousin / friend / teacher
[Aug 1,2007 11:02am - the asthma kid  ""]
im going.my sister is a rap douche.not going.
[Aug 1,2007 12:01pm - lbprovidencenli  ""]
[Aug 1,2007 5:04pm - lbprovidence ""]
[Aug 2,2007 3:37am - Lamp ""]
The night is that special time where I say things that don't make any sense and pee on my own face.

Point being, go to this show.
[Aug 2,2007 5:06pm - lbprovidence ""]
[Aug 2,2007 11:40pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
[Aug 3,2007 11:06am - BOBDEAD  ""]
[Aug 3,2007 11:08am - BOBDEAD  ""]
[Aug 4,2007 12:34pm - brendannli  ""]
I remember the first time I saw dropdead . . . I was about 17 and it was in the box of knives before it was the box of knives, candle factory I think? either way, changed me for-ev-er. always excited and appreciative to see and play with them.
[Aug 4,2007 2:44pm - Lamp ""]
My first Dropdead show was at Redrum a couple years ago. That was one hell of a time.
[Aug 4,2007 3:12pm - mattytoofatty  ""]
saw dem years back and that sick fuck singer almost brained me with the mic stand. freakin cool as shit anyway.
[Aug 5,2007 4:43pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
sorry dude...stand farther back next time?8^(
[Aug 6,2007 1:07am - brendannli  ""]
hey bob, when was the first time you saw dropdead?
[Aug 6,2007 10:21am - BOBDEAD  ""]
[Aug 6,2007 5:24pm - veganbootz  ""]
godzilla in Providence!
[Aug 7,2007 9:58am - BOBDEAD  ""]
[Aug 7,2007 10:10am - BOBDEAD  ""]

so excited i can't spell!
[Aug 7,2007 11:52am - PUNK4LIFE  ""]
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaah boy!
[Aug 7,2007 6:37pm - lbprovidencenli  ""]
[Aug 7,2007 7:20pm - Lamp ""]
A big fucking burrito and a Dropdead show are in my near future, life is good.
[Aug 8,2007 1:35am - the frito bandito  ""]
[Aug 8,2007 10:26am - BOBDEAD  ""]
[Aug 8,2007 10:27am - BOBDEAD  ""]
[Aug 8,2007 11:41am - matt tf  ""]
going right after work!
[Aug 8,2007 6:09pm - punk4life  ""]
headin to p town now
[Aug 8,2007 6:32pm - Lamp ""]
Fuck yeah! I'll be on my way up in an hour, this is going to be great.
[Aug 9,2007 1:50am - punk4life  ""]
fuckin AWESOME. dr fuck yeah were ok. St Jude killed it but friggin DROPDEAD WERE AWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESOME!!!!!!!! dudes seriously best show ive been too in forever. fuck yeah.
[Aug 9,2007 2:46am - Lamp ""]
Maybe I just wasn't in the mood tonight or something, but this show just seemed really average to me...

But I think I probably just knew what to expect since this was my 4th time seeing both Dropdead and St. Jude.
[Aug 9,2007 9:59am - Dmalice  ""]
disagree. Dropdead were phenomenal. Ive been waiting years to see them.
[Aug 9,2007 11:33am - Lamp ""]
Who ARE all these random people that pop up every time a Dropdead show happens!?!?
[Aug 9,2007 11:43am - Dmalice  ""]
just moved to providence.lookin for cool peeps to hang.
[Aug 9,2007 12:27pm - lbprovidencenli  ""]
this was fucking kick ass last night!
[Aug 9,2007 12:45pm - Lamp ""]
Hey...I see myself...looking stupid as usual... :D
[Aug 9,2007 9:27pm - yummy ""]
I enjoyed myself. Lots of good friends here last night. I missed the first couple bands. St. Jude.....wow, these guys are fun as shit to see live. Very happy to see them have a bunch of kids singing and going apeshit . New song is good...little nightmarish...at times in my opinion. Could have just been the long clean part. Probably the best time I've seen them. Dropdead is always a blast. Lots of kids tying up the mic cable with dives.
Overall, just a great night. When you don't go to as many shows as the rev the few you do attend stand out. This was one.
[Aug 9,2007 9:41pm - Lamp ""]
I did a couple really half-assed stage dives and a poor sing along.
[Aug 9,2007 10:19pm - yummy ""]
There was no way to not have fun.

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