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Jul 27 (Fri) - Zircon,Frozen,Hung,Throne of Hate,Death Sick $8 9pm 21+ - Ralph's Chadwick Square Rock Club (Worcester, MA)[view flyer]

Friday, July 27 - Zircon, Hung, Frozen, Throne of Hate, & Death Sick

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Jul 25,2007 5:10am - Samantha ""]
[Jul 25,2007 10:36am - Yeti ""]
thats awesome, i really like Frozen.
[Jul 25,2007 11:10am - timjohn  ""]
frozen hasn't been any good for about 6 years
[Jul 25,2007 12:41pm - Yeti ""]
oh ok, good thing you cleared that up for me.
[Jul 25,2007 7:43pm - Samantha ""]
I don't know if anyone here saw Hung when they played at Metal Thursday a few months ago, but they were amazing. They have a Juilliard graduate violin player who plays an electric violin that looks like something H.R. Giger would have designed.
[Jul 25,2007 9:46pm - Aegathis ""]
that guy from porphyria has a Giger guitar, but doesnt use it no more :(

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