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Mark's Showplace (Bedford, NH) - [a_simple_complex][change_of_season][eyes_sewn_shut][kultur][mongrel][prong][provocate][randomshots][rebel_angel][unexpect][warmonger]
[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Jul 23,2007 2:09pm - streetteamnh  ""]
New England Concerts
w/KULTUR + Change of Season
Saturday October 27th Halloween Party
[Oct 9,2007 1:02pm - OKVILL  ""]
Bump for this one!
[Oct 27,2007 4:42pm - the_reverend ""]
Change of Season
A Simple Complex
Eyes Sewn Shut
Rebel Angel
[Oct 27,2007 4:54pm - NIGGER ""]

[Oct 27,2007 6:59pm - the_reverend ""]
this is NH. the black kid won't be here.

unexpect is playing too. nice!
[Oct 27,2007 7:19pm - Blue ""]
prong, unexpect and a shitload of bad bands.
[Oct 27,2007 7:37pm - the_reverend ""]
on the 3rd band now. getting sleepy too. sucks. they need to open up a starbucks in this hizzle.
[Oct 27,2007 7:45pm - NIGGER ""]
[Oct 27,2007 8:23pm - the_reverend ""]
warmonger: (second) they sound much better on the floor.

rebel angel: (main) I think the singerRguitar player as billy joe guy from greenday for halloween. Not sure. They were a lot more rocky sounding than the mp3's. They played that 616 song too.

provocate: (second) looks familiar. Wonder if I've shot them before. From maine so maybe. They messed up a song and started it twice. They did play a song for paul raven, thatzs cool.

Change of Season: (main) the singer wore a venom costume for 1-2 songs. That thing was crazy. Then he changed into a chowderhead an talked about his favorite sport's squadron. The singer had amazing stamina. He ran around the audience screaming non-stop. If I did that, I would be dead.
[Oct 27,2007 10:45pm - the_reverend ""]
mongrel: (second) music cooler on the floor and in your face as opposed to on a big stage. They had a kid from the audience hop up on stage to sing a new song. I have a feeling he was with the bnd. The wole front of the crowd sang along to everyting. one of the gujitarists jumped for their entire set. The wonders of wireless technology. It seems they had a lot of fans there for them. I walked away when theor said their set was over, but then they played another on. I wasn't sure what was going on so I just stayed at the mainstage.

a simple complex: (main) this is their CD release party. A lot of their riffs sounded like some nu-metal band that I can't think of. When they started, the room almost flooded with people. Not just peole, but dancing people. Very weird.

eyes sewn shut: (second) played cowboys from hell. I knew that they were bringing a bus full of people with them the people raging forthem. Drunk dressed up people raging for them. They started off the set with more heavy metal/riff driven songs, warming the crowd up before the death metal songs towards the end.
[Oct 27,2007 11:18pm - the_reverend ""]
unexpect: (main) what an unexpected and totally awesome thing for this show to have, this gypsy metal band. The sound was a lot better than the palladium. I could hear every gremlin backup vocal and everyting. I hope I was able to get more pictures at the right moments seeing as I just shot them a week ago. Same songs, very spazzy. Very animate. Very good. Their music is so weird and unnormal. Thus, a lot of this WAAF crowd didn't stay unfortunately for them. I know, I'm just a sucker for a violin.

kultur: (second) people were getting pulled left and right from the crowd. Huge bald dudes bro-moshing each other. This totally cleared out the crowd in from of them. By the time they got the 10 minute waring, the movement in the front had all but stopped. The only thing left was some dirty dancing. That stuff is forbidden on this side of the establishment. Especially if dudes are doing it with dudes. Fellas, it might seem cool and fun now... But when you see the video of you and you best bro getting it on on youtube, you will wish you never drank that 4 pack of zima. Er... Not tht that happened ever. Just saying that you wouldn't want that to happen.
[Oct 28,2007 2:34am - the_reverend ""]
pictures uploading slowly.
[Oct 28,2007 2:36am - sacreligion ""]
the_reverend said:kultur: (second) people were getting pulled left and right from the crowd. Huge bald dudes bro-moshing each other. This totally cleared out the crowd in from of them. By the time they got the 10 minute waring, the movement in the front had all but stopped. The only thing left was some dirty dancing. That stuff is forbidden on this side of the establishment. Especially if dudes are doing it with dudes. Fellas, it might seem cool and fun now... But when you see the video of you and you best bro getting it on on youtube, you will wish you never drank that 4 pack of zima. Er... Not tht that happened ever. Just saying that you wouldn't want that to happen.

hey now...that's all sorts of mean
[Oct 28,2007 2:50am - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 28,2007 3:00am - sacreligion ""]
what you said about kultur and their fans was hardly complimentary.

just sayin...
[Oct 28,2007 3:04am - the_reverend ""]
I don't get what you are saying.
from my review:
1) people got pulled out of the crowd for dancing rough.
2) people stopped moving
3) there was some dirty dancing
and then I talked about how guys dirty dancing is wrong. I even said that it didn't happen.

please, tell me where I said something non-complimentary.
[Oct 28,2007 3:25am - Dwellingsickness ""]
I have to agree...What exactly did he say that was wrong? All I got from that review was that dudes like to dance with one another to Kultur's music.
[Oct 28,2007 10:33am - the_reverend ""]
if you consider bro-moshing dancing than that is a fact. the bro-mosh was bringed.
[Oct 28,2007 1:22pm - GoatCatalystNLI  ""]
i like it when people (ie band members) get butt-hurt by the rev's reviews.

just sayin...
[Oct 28,2007 1:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
lol bro-mosh
[Oct 28,2007 4:39pm - brandon... ""]
the_reverend said:unexpect: (main) what an unexpected and totally awesome thing for this show to have, this gypsy metal band. The sound was a lot better than the palladium. I could hear every gremlin backup vocal and everyting. I hope I was able to get more pictures at the right moments seeing as I just shot them a week ago. Same songs, very spazzy. Very animate. Very good. Their music is so weird and unnormal. Thus, a lot of this WAAF crowd didn't stay unfortunately for them. I know, I'm just a sucker for a violin.

Those guys are awsome!! Im pissed i havent got to see them yet.

[Oct 28,2007 9:58pm - trebel616 ""]
Unexpect was nuts and sexy, never seen them before. Glad you got some Rebel Angel shots! We're playing the same place in February with Rotting Christ & Belphegor, hope to see you there too
[Oct 29,2007 12:27am - afar ""]
Glad you finally got to witness Unexpect in true form, rev. I love that band, maybe a little too much.
[Oct 29,2007 12:32am - Dankill  ""]
He no like Rev being...what that word.....sar....sar....cass....cass...tak...fuck, what's the word?!
[Oct 29,2007 9:11am - mcmahon nli  ""]
rich horror?

[Oct 29,2007 9:28am - the_reverend ""]
wow... I remember when rich wore that shirt for a month straight. he also would not keep his tongue in his mouth.
[Oct 30,2007 11:13pm - soxmetalman  ""]
its not kulturs fault marks is a bitch place with no moshing and no being able to get into the music and i do remember one bitch dude tryin to cause shit with the bald kid, he's lucky he didnt get knocked the fuck out, ive got an idea have a show in a real club because ive seen kulturs crowd in action before and they dont fuck around. as for the rest of you bitches fuck off and act metal.
[Oct 31,2007 2:45pm - ascrocks  ""]
why don't you add this to your a simple complex review...

the guitarist jumped into the crowd and rocked out with them, then got on someone's shoulders and they walked through the whole club while jamming. the entire crowd went crazy for their entire set, the gate at the front of the stage was getting rattled so much by the crowd it could've tipped over.
[Oct 31,2007 2:57pm - sinistas ""]
Probably because it wasn't in his review.
[Oct 31,2007 3:04pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
soxmetalman said:its not kulturs fault marks is a bitch place with no moshing and no being able to get into the music and i do remember one bitch dude tryin to cause shit with the bald kid, he's lucky he didnt get knocked the fuck out, ive got an idea have a show in a real club because ive seen kulturs crowd in action before and they dont fuck around. as for the rest of you bitches fuck off and act metal.

Please enlighten us on how to "Act Metal"?
[Oct 31,2007 3:07pm - the_reverend ""]
*leans against a wall and pouts*

ass-rocks, I obviously forgot all that. but you just added it so why do I have to say the same exact thing that you said?
[Oct 31,2007 3:17pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
or a simple "They Suck" would work too
[Oct 31,2007 4:52pm - Dankill  ""]
Clearly, acting metal would involve men without shirts.

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