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I hate guys that hit girls...

[Jul 17,2007 1:09am - joshtruction ""]
I got thisw friend that her ex used to beat the shit out of her. She left him. He see's her at the bar today (recent split up mind you) and talks to her. She thinks nothing of it. She leaves then thats the end of it. What she didn't realize is he stole her cell phone.

so minutes later I am getting a phone call from this woman beating tough guy saying he is gonna find me and fuck me up. I told him there was no need to search for me I will go to him. "10 minutes... stop & shop... I'm gonna fuck you up"

Normally I'd just ignore some idiot telling me places to go fight them, but with my childhood and how I feel about woman beating I decided to go. I felt so bad when I seen her all bruised and batterd. I'm angry about it. Of course just like I expected he didn't show up. God forbid he had to fight a man and not some little tiny girl. Just makes me mad that some guys are such cowards. :bartmoon:
[Jul 17,2007 1:11am - the_reverend ""]
but girls bruise so much easier so you have to do less work.
[Jul 17,2007 1:12am - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
such truth the Rev speaks, speak Rev speak!
[Jul 17,2007 1:13am - pam ""]
Yeah, couple of my friends were dumb enough to date dudes like that. I'd like to see some motherfucker pull that bullshit with me. Hopefully he'll get killed.
[Jul 17,2007 1:16am - the_reverend ""]
Carina punches me all the time. damn those italian's and their tempers. josh, will you fight her for me? I'll warn you now, her secret move is the remote toss.
[Jul 17,2007 1:16am - the_reverend ""]
Pam, you say all that like you don't beat jon.
I hate hypocrites!
[Jul 17,2007 1:22am - Aegathis ""]
I hear some of those Pros in New Bedford get paid to be beaten up
[Jul 17,2007 1:25am - RichHorror ""]
Aegathis said:I hear some of those Pros in New Bedford get paid to be beaten up

I wouldn't know anything about that. Stop looking at me like that.
[Jul 17,2007 1:28am - joshtruction ""]
the_reverend said:Carina punches me all the time. damn those italian's and their tempers. josh, will you fight her for me? I'll warn you now, her secret move is the remote toss.

if she has masterd the art of the remote toss I am all set. A well placed remote can take a man down!

[Jul 17,2007 1:31am - joshtruction ""]
Aegathis said:I hear some of those Pros in New Bedford get paid to be beaten up

I'd do it for free. I like to fight, but hate to fight for no reason. you know... like a you moshed too close to me reason. I need to get my ass back in shape and start doing some MMA fights.
[Jul 17,2007 1:40am - Aegathis ""]
RichHorror said:Aegathis said:I hear some of those Pros in New Bedford get paid to be beaten up

I wouldn't know anything about that. Stop looking at me like that.

I will look at you when someone starts a thread about throwing shit at people in Providence, and them not caring.
[Jul 17,2007 1:41am - RichHorror ""]
It was the cleanest they'd ever been.
[Jul 17,2007 1:47am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
[Jul 17,2007 2:01am - RichHorror ""]
Beating Women: It's not just for gorillas anymore!
[Jul 17,2007 4:25am - thuringwethil ""]
anyone who hits or even YELLS at a woman is gonna have to answer to me

and Saint Lorena
[Jul 17,2007 7:23am - thegreatspaldino ""]
the_reverend said: I'll warn you now, her secret move is the salad toss.

oh, you guyz r s0 frisky~! :shocker:
[Jul 17,2007 8:08am - xmikex ""]




[Jul 17,2007 8:54am - WOMAN-BEATER  ""]
joshtruction said:Of course just like I expected he didn't show up. God forbid he had to fight a man and not some little tiny girl. Just makes me mad that some guys are such cowards. :bartmoon:

Where were you, fag? I was there but you didn't show up. I knew you'd pussy out. Stay away from my woman, or I'll bust up the both of you.
[Jul 17,2007 9:10am - Metal Mega-Stud  ""]
Yeah, now we're talkin'!!

Nothing screams "Metal!!!" quite like knocking some dumb bitch's face across a toilet tank!!
[Jul 17,2007 10:44am - WOMAN-BEATER  ""]
You want to know why I hit her? Just look at the bruises. She has black eyes because she wouldn't lay off the remote while I was watching tv
[Jul 17,2007 10:45am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
xmikex said:ALL OF YOU





I'ma fuck you up with a rutabaga and stuff Brussels sprouts up your ass.
[Jul 17,2007 11:46am - CuntLicker  ""]
Isnt there at least one exception, like if she is a cunt!, selfish, lies and does things for her own benefit. If there is a god, then there must be one excuse. Just once!
[Jul 17,2007 11:48am - RichHorror ""]
CuntLicker said:Isnt there at least one exception, like if she is a cunt!, selfish, lies and does things for her own benefit. If there is a god, then there must be one excuse. Just once!

Or because it feels good to hit people smaller and weaker than yourself. There oughtta be a law.
[Jul 17,2007 1:07pm - joshtruction ""]
WOMAN-BEATER said:joshtruction said:Of course just like I expected he didn't show up. God forbid he had to fight a man and not some little tiny girl. Just makes me mad that some guys are such cowards. :bartmoon:

Where were you, fag? I was there but you didn't show up. I knew you'd pussy out. Stay away from my woman, or I'll bust up the both of you.

thats it, meet me at the flagpole, 3pm!
[Jul 17,2007 1:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I only hit girls to compensate for my lack of virtue.
[Jul 17,2007 1:32pm - WOMAN-BEATER  ""]
I hit girls and women because they like it.
[Jul 17,2007 4:49pm - dreadkill ""]
there was a domestic dispute at the testament show last night. some douche and his cunt girlfriend wouldn't stop fighting with each other. she kept slapping him and he kept pushing her and grabbing her by the neck. they spilled beer all over themselves and other people. i was hoping they'd get into it again while driving home and kill themselves in a car crash.
[Jul 17,2007 5:19pm - largefreakatzero ""]
dreadkill said:there was a domestic dispute at the testament show last night.

At a Testament show? That's weird.
[Jul 17,2007 6:37pm - powerkok ""]
Just because I have self control and dont smack a bitch, I dont blame someone else for doing what I wanted to.....
[Jul 17,2007 7:44pm - craigisfuckingawesomeseriously ""]
joshtruction said:
thats it, meet me at the flagpole, 3pm!

youre always thinking about pole:HUMP:
[Jul 17,2007 8:39pm - Conservationist ""]
Women beating is terrible.

Just about as bad as women in politics.
[Jul 17,2007 9:08pm - boine ""]
http://youtube.com/watch?v=mzXkbJwrN38 how you gonna argue with Connery
[Jul 18,2007 4:20am - iren_the_viking ""]
RichHorror said:Aegathis said:I hear some of those Pros in New Bedford get paid to be beaten up

I wouldn't know anything about that. Stop looking at me like that.

hahahahahaha oh richard
[Jul 18,2007 11:08am - smack her around  ""]
Just punch her until her pussy is wet
[Jul 19,2007 11:36am - beat the shit out of her  ""]
Always hit a woman
[Jul 19,2007 11:42am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
looks like we have some wife-beating connoisseurs here
[Jul 19,2007 11:57am - RichHorror ""]
Women inherently don't know how to act properly, so a well placed kick to her solar plexus is actually you helping her out.
[Jul 19,2007 12:22pm - detazathoth ""]
dont make wayne brady chock a bitch
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/tODEUAIU2zs"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/tODEUAIU2zs" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
[Jul 19,2007 2:39pm - beat the shit out of her  ""]
Always hit a woman.
[Jul 19,2007 2:49pm - Whoremastery ""]
im sorry...equal rights? iv'e known chicks that totally need a brick to the face.....Expecally the ones i have been involved with...(.hence whoremastery!) I have dated alot of coked out, drunk ass, so called abused tramps that don't deserve to even blink...
[Jul 19,2007 2:57pm - murph nli  ""]
RichHorror said:Women inherently don't know how to act properly, so a well placed kick to her solar plexus is actually you helping her out.

Ha ha ha.

I want to cue a "women in the workplace' video from the '40's right now.

Aren't their brains smaller too?
[Jul 19,2007 2:59pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Jul 19,2007 5:01pm - craigisfuckingawesomeseriously ""]
rich actually has a very good point. i heard womens brains are located in their solar plexuses. right above the uterus. no seriously, women beating is one thing that really pisses me off. sure its funny to joke about in a room full of dudes, but the ones that actually do it...id love to watch them get smashed to pieces.
[Jul 19,2007 5:04pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
Almost every day my girlfriend and I have no bruises and cuts from eachother.
[Jul 19,2007 5:24pm - joshtruction ""]
Mike_Giallo said:Almost every day my girlfriend and I have no bruises and cuts from eachother.

but thats just kinky

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