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motorcycle restoration

[Jul 12,2007 10:58pm - TROLL ""]
A work in progress and a good excuse to hang around the garage and drink :duffbeer:

1972 Honda cb350




[Jul 12,2007 11:05pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
You forgot to hail.
[Jul 12,2007 11:06pm - TROLL ""]
Oh, I am hailing victory...

.....in spirit.
[Jul 13,2007 11:31am - immortal13 ""]
Antique restoration...nothing better than the classics. I'm more of a car guy, and I'm hoping that eventually I could get a 1970-1973 Plymouth Barracuda to make a nice project out of, only problem is how rare they are. Very nice bike though, classic hondas are always fun.
[Jul 13,2007 11:50am - Hungtableed  ""]
Sitting around the garage and drinking is almost as cool as drinking and shooting. I wish I lived somewhere that such an activity was commonplace.
[Jul 13,2007 11:51am - Hungtableed  ""]
Nice job, BTW.
[Jul 13,2007 11:58am - immortal13 ""]
Come up to NH and chill with me dude. Drinking and shooting almost go hand in hand with each other, and it's almost second nature to us up here.
[Jul 22,2007 5:49pm - TROLL ""]
The Reich Bike!!! Hahaha!!!

Runs descent but, still needs a street sprocket and rear wheel cause the hillbillies that turned it into a dirtbike welded this huge sprocket to it! I think they were hill climbing?!?!
[Jul 22,2007 5:51pm - TROLL ""]
Hey Rev, why are my images coming up as URLs?
Thats happened a few times now?!?!
[Jul 22,2007 6:05pm - sxealex ""]
a "Reich" bike would have to have cylinders point outwards :P

i only know that cuz the history channel or something
[Jul 22,2007 9:49pm - TROLL ""]
Wow, that is absolutely beautiful!

I'm mean ya know, my little Japanese putt putt can hardly live up to the name Reich Bike but that Beamer on the other hand......Wow.
[Jul 23,2007 8:33am - Mess ""]
sick, nice job, looks like fun.
[Jul 23,2007 11:32am - Kinslayer  ""]
Shit! Looks good. Heil Honda!

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