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new bad brains

[Jul 12,2007 11:54am - tbone_r ""]

anyone pick up the cd yet?
[Jul 12,2007 12:22pm - Lamp ""]
Holy fucking crap, that was some of the worst shit ever. Why?
[Jul 12,2007 12:32pm - timjohn  ""]
people listen to bad brains?
[Jul 12,2007 1:10pm - brad weymouth  ""]
timjohn said:people listen to bad brains?

there's more to life than awful gore/death metal
[Jul 12,2007 1:22pm - Lamp ""]
I love old Bad Brains, but this stuff is pretty bad.
[Jul 12,2007 1:28pm - blue ""]
yeah, i really didnt care too much for it when i gave it a listen.

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