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Putrescine added to the NILE show Aug 17

[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Jul 11,2007 3:53pm - LORDBACON ""]
Yup, Bound in Entrails had to drop off the show, so Putrescine is playing instead. fucking Nile.........

i think this flyer is right


[Jul 11,2007 3:59pm - xmikex ""]
I really hate to rag on other local bands, and this is really more directed at the promoters but... these are the bands they got to support NILE? What the hell kind of show is that?
[Jul 11,2007 4:18pm - dreadkill ""]
the only band on that flyer besides nile that i've heard of is burn my remains
[Jul 11,2007 4:29pm - LORDBACON ""]
i hear ya
[Jul 11,2007 4:35pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
xmikex said:I really hate to rag on other local bands, and this is really more directed at the promoters but... these are the bands they got to support NILE? What the hell kind of show is that?

No shit right. Know how they pull it off? Mark's makes them sell upwards of about 75 tickets to play. That's why we are not going to play. For some reason we foolishly agreed to do so even though all along I though it was a fucking racket and a rip off. After a few weeks of being pimped out, everyone else decided that it was a sham too. I myself have been steadfast in my belief that paying to play (this case $1125) is gayer than the easter bunny and therefor I would never agree to it. Ever.
[Jul 11,2007 5:16pm - LORDBACON ""]
right? "you guys want to play with Nile? alright, then raise us $1000"....bastards
[Jul 11,2007 5:32pm - metal_church101 ""]
I'll support and buy some tix for this (Burn My Remains.)

As far as the rest of the bands on this, WTF?

[Jul 11,2007 5:34pm - BrianDBB ""]
So BMR is off this? I was gonna buy a ticket last minute from you guys, but now i'm just not gonna go.
[Jul 11,2007 5:38pm - metal_church101 ""]
Your shitting me?

BMR dropped?
[Jul 11,2007 5:44pm - hungtableed  ""]
I'm surprised that people are surprised. Why in shit's chlamydia-infected-dick should we PAY $1125 to fucking MARK's SHOWSPLACE to play a show. The place is a strip club, it's not exactly like our $ would be going to a noble cause or anything. Anyone is in the business of booking bands like Nile that doesn't think that enough people will go to pay them without having bands be pimped, then they shouldn't be in the business of booking bands. Period.
[Jul 11,2007 5:46pm - metal_church101 ""]
Oh, I hear you. That's why you don't see me begging Bloodshed Unreal to play at Mark's.

I want to go to this show, but wanted to buy the ticket off of a band that was playing that I was friends with.
[Jul 11,2007 6:09pm - i_am_lazy  ""]
Is this an Ozzfest off-date? I could've sworn Chthonic was playing those.

Severed Survival is cool, though...oh, wait, I might be thinking of Severed Savior, or Severed Survivor...

Seriously, I like to go to Mark's for shows...it's nice and small, and the no moshing rule weeds out the fucktards. But pay to play is fucking gay.
[Jul 11,2007 10:07pm - hungtableed  ""]
metal_church101 said:Oh, I hear you. That's why you don't see me begging Bloodshed Unreal to play at Mark's.

I want to go to this show, but wanted to buy the ticket off of a band that was playing that I was friends with.

Thanks man, I appreciate the support. We're playing at Rusty G's tomorrow, you guys should try and get some shit going there. We usually hit that place up on Thursdays now that it's become our local watering hole. As of lately, there really hasn't been any bands on Thursdays. From what I understand, they could use some good local acts to book on what use to be Metal Thursday.
[Jul 11,2007 11:47pm - SteveOTB ""]
I tried getting OTB on this show but Bernie was like "Agree to play the Skinless show and sell 30 tickets then we'll talk" and I was like "what the fuck? Skinless is like a week and a half away" so I said "we can't push that many tickets that fast and our guitarist wont be 18 until August 1st so we wouldn't be able to play the Skinless show anyway". I got no response.

Ohh also OTB has been offically banned from playing Mark's Show Place and doing anything "New England Concerts" related.

Haha watch us get huge and signed then he'll start sucking our cocks to play his venue but instead we'll play a free show just to piss him off.
[Jul 11,2007 11:56pm - archaeon ""]
New England concert's is the lowest of the low as far as booking agents go. they want people to sell 75 tickets to play nile in a shitty venue in the middle of no where? I hate business.
[Jul 12,2007 10:39am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Steve, consider it a blessing that you're "banned" from playing anything New England Concerts related. Bernie is the scum of the earth. I have said it a thousand times, but I will say it as many times as I fucking want because shit like this needs to stop.

Mark's Showplace isn't necessarily the enemy, it's New England Concerts (Bernie runs NEC). Mark's is just the host to the parasite, but I hate that place and its staff anyway, so fuck 'em all.

The first time I denounced Bernie's business ethics, his response was, "Good luck ever trying to get a show around here again." HAHAHAHAHA...I don't know who the fuck Bernie thinks he is, but I highly fucking doubt that every other promoter is going to say, "Oh that Mark Richards fellow spoke his mind on a bullshit business tactic, I'm never going to book his bands!" And the fact that I could set up shows myself completely derails his attempt at threatening me with no shows. Heavens no, I won't be able to play a show for NEC EVER AGAIN?! Lord have mercy on my poor soul! Fucking fat idiot.

I say in the near future, all the bands that boycott NEC and/or Mark's Showplace should set up a series of "Fuck New England Concerts" shows or something. We'll have to come up with something clever.

If Bernie ever wants deserved respect, he should make tickets available to all bands to sell, as long as the bands give him the money for how ever many they sold plus the remaining tickets, with no mandatory quota agreement. At the end of the night, after all the guarantees and staff members have been paid, if there is any remainder, it should be split up between the bands according to how many tickets they actually sold. There are many other solutions, but this would be a good transition at least.

Oh, and I hope he tells the Tweeter Center that Nile can't play the Ozzfest because they're playing his show and it's too close in proximity! WAAAAAHHHHH!
[Jul 12,2007 10:40am - Yeti ""]
i fucking HATE this place, but they keep getting the good shows. i do not want to support Bernie, but damnit, i want to see these shows.
[Jul 12,2007 10:42am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I hear ya man, but sometimes you have to bite the bullet. Well, you don't have to, but I do.
[Jul 12,2007 10:46am - metal_church101 ""]
Yeti said:i fucking HATE this place, but they keep getting the good shows. i do not want to support Bernie, but damnit, i want to see these shows.

I hear you on that one. That was why I was looking to buy a Nile ticket off of a local band.

[Jul 12,2007 12:18pm - LORDBACON ""]
buy them off Putrescine, we need the help.
[Jul 12,2007 12:41pm - Hungtableed  ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:

Mark's is just the host to the parasite, but I hate that place and its staff anyway, so fuck 'em all.

Hahaha, right? I remember when we played there once, the fuckin' Manson tools working the door were like "AAARE YOU IN A BAND!?!?!?! NO ONE THAT ISSSSN'T IN A BAND CAN'T GO OUTSIDE!!!" - Meanwhile, I was only going in and out to bring in gear. They're like Nazis for crying out loud.

I say in the near future, all the bands that boycott NEC and/or Mark's Showplace should set up a series of "Fuck New England Concerts" shows or something. We'll have to come up with something clever.

I would so be down with that. If they think they run shit around here then they are sadly mistaken. We've played only 1 NEC show and have had no problem getting around without them.
[Jul 12,2007 12:57pm - archaeon ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:
I say in the near future, all the bands that boycott NEC and/or Mark's Showplace should set up a series of "Fuck New England Concerts" shows or something. We'll have to come up with something clever.

If Bernie ever wants deserved respect, he should make tickets available to all bands to sell, as long as the bands give him the money for how ever many they sold plus the remaining tickets, with no mandatory quota agreement. At the end of the night, after all the guarantees and staff members have been paid, if there is any remainder, it should be split up between the bands according to how many tickets they actually sold. There are many other solutions, but this would be a good transition at least.

and he should have some integrity and look for bands that fit the bill, rather than grabbing a bunch of kids who've never played live before or are know at all in the local scene. Or he could try promoting a show, which he has never done before, leaves the burden to the bands.

This guy is absolutely ruining the local music scene, the bands that get on the shows are the ones with the most money, surprise surprise. very little of them have a significant enough fan base to sell 50+ tickets. ticket selling is fo fag0tz.

[Jul 12,2007 1:51pm - metal_church101 ""]
More of the same. Clueless business at all cost.
[Jul 12,2007 2:00pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I was told I couldn't go in and out when Sexcrement played Mark's with Suffocation (I was still in the band at that time), even though the only time I ever went outside was to put gear back in my car. Fucking idiots. I wanted to punch the door guy in the face. Meanwhile Bernie just stood there like, "Uh...yeah, uh...I guess...you can let him in," with his head down like a retard in a dunce cap. Oh, and it was easy as hell to just go to the strip club part and walk outside from there. Mark's is run by fucking idiots.

And Grant, very good points you bring up. If Bernie has the audacity to call himself a "promoter," he deserves to be tarred and feathered.
[Jul 12,2007 2:02pm - metal_church101 ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:
And Grant, very good points you bring up. If Bernie has the audacity to call himself a "promoter," he deserves to be tarred and feathered.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

[Jul 12,2007 2:41pm - blue ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:I was told I couldn't go in and out when Sexcrement played Mark's with Suffocation (I was still in the band at that time), even though the only time I ever went outside was to put gear back in my car. Fucking idiots. I wanted to punch the door guy in the face. Meanwhile Bernie just stood there like, "Uh...yeah, uh...I guess...you can let him in," with his head down like a retard in a dunce cap. Oh, and it was easy as hell to just go to the strip club part and walk outside from there. Mark's is run by fucking idiots.

And Grant, very good points you bring up. If Bernie has the audacity to call himself a "promoter," he deserves to be tarred and feathered.

every time they tried pulling it on me, id just leave through the strip club exit. those bastards thought they could keep me down but they were wrong.

no offense to putrescine (solid band), but any band could get on these shows. i think thats why a lot of people stopped going to them, too many stupid openers and their rep has turned to poopy.
[Jul 12,2007 2:46pm - the_reverend ""]
this is listed under "NILE on Ozzfest; offdates with Daath & Chthonic"
[Jul 12,2007 3:03pm - metal_church101 ""]
blue said:

no offense to putrescine (solid band), but any band could get on these shows. i think thats why a lot of people stopped going to them, too many stupid openers and their rep has turned to poopy.

Very true.

[Jul 12,2007 8:32pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Anyone who's willing to try selling tickets/part with their own money can get on these shows. And if you are one of those bands that can fork over the cash to play, even if you do it 10 times in a row, then the 11th show you play for NEC you've only sold 40 of the 50 tickets, Bernie will probably try to give you a Cleveland Steamer anyway.

Just to further my soiling of Bernie's name, here's a good story that I've told before:

Sexcrement played his show with Cryptopsy at Good Times and said we were the first--possibly the only band, but I can't say for sure--to have all the money right up front, and with no argument, so he appreciated it. To top it off, we helped Downfall sell a large quantity of their tickets because they were letting us use cabs, and are awesome guys; we also were able to sell another 20 or 30 tickets if I remember correctly. Then, we were supposed to play the Suffocation show at Good Times but the show got moved to Mark's Showplace, the night after there was already a Suffocation show at Mark's Showplace. So, there were 2 Suffocation/Goatwhore shows right in a row at Mark's Showplace. Retarded. But, of course Bernie has to make it even more retarded and say, "If anyone has bought a ticket for either night, you can get into both with the same ticket stub." Brilliant! So, being the rational band that Sexcrement is, we thought, "Oh, ok, shit happens, whatever. Bernie will understand that we were only able to sell 12-20 or so tickets because he's letting everyone from the first night back in for free the second essentially." Well, we were wrong, because clearly Bernie's amazing business/social skills took over and threatened to not let us play. That's real nice, appreciating the fact that a band could come up with all the money he wanted (and far, far beyond that) so he didn't have to pay out of pocket, then trying to dick them over because of a stupid decision that he made.

Fuck you, you fucking fuck.
[Jul 12,2007 9:06pm - Hungtableed  ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:Anyone who's willing to try selling tickets/part with their own money can get on these shows. And if you are one of those bands that can fork over the cash to play, even if you do it 10 times in a row, then the 11th show you play for NEC you've only sold 40 of the 50 tickets, Bernie will probably try to give you a Cleveland Steamer anyway.

Just to further my soiling of Bernie's name, here's a good story that I've told before:

Sexcrement played his show with Cryptopsy at Good Times and said we were the first--possibly the only band, but I can't say for sure--to have all the money right up front, and with no argument, so he appreciated it. To top it off, we helped Downfall sell a large quantity of their tickets because they were letting us use cabs, and are awesome guys; we also were able to sell another 20 or 30 tickets if I remember correctly. Then, we were supposed to play the Suffocation show at Good Times but the show got moved to Mark's Showplace, the night after there was already a Suffocation show at Mark's Showplace. So, there were 2 Suffocation/Goatwhore shows right in a row at Mark's Showplace. Retarded. But, of course Bernie has to make it even more retarded and say, "If anyone has bought a ticket for either night, you can get into both with the same ticket stub." Brilliant! So, being the rational band that Sexcrement is, we thought, "Oh, ok, shit happens, whatever. Bernie will understand that we were only able to sell 12-20 or so tickets because he's letting everyone from the first night back in for free the second essentially." Well, we were wrong, because clearly Bernie's amazing business/social skills took over and threatened to not let us play. That's real nice, appreciating the fact that a band could come up with all the money he wanted (and far, far beyond that) so he didn't have to pay out of pocket, then trying to dick them over because of a stupid decision that he made.

Fuck you, you fucking fuck.

That's fucked the fuck up. Fuck, what a dick head.

The only show we ever played for NEC Pimps, INC. was with Immolation and the ONLY reason why we got off w/out paying that slob was because we got added a few days or so before the show. He must have been in a sort of understanding mood that week.

[Jul 12,2007 9:10pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Yeah that must have been the one day that month he wasn't bleeding from the mangina.
[Jul 12,2007 9:15pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
If the promoter was actually a cool guy who did a lot for local bands - maybe even in one himself - and didn't have probably the most scum bag name, selling tickets wouldn't be so bad....That is, of coarse, selling what you can and not having a 30, 40, 50, or 75 quota.
[Jul 12,2007 9:19pm - archaeon ""]
We need to organize something to fuck NEC over. I wish bands would just stop taking Bernie's gay offers, but hell when someone sees the opportunity to open up for a national headliner (the whole goal of being a local band) they jump on the chance. I wish people would stop booking with him and agents would stop setting up shows, but you know thats never gonna happen. promoters are t3h gay.
[Jul 12,2007 9:21pm - handinjury ""]
xmikex said:I really hate to rag on other local bands, and this is really more directed at the promoters but... these are the bands they got to support NILE? What the hell kind of show is that?

This lineup sucks.
[Jul 12,2007 9:24pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Slowly but surely, I am positive that a) NEC will either be forced to go out of business, b) Bernie will have to revise his code of ethics, or c) the same bands will keep dicking themselves over by working with NEC and eventually they'll all just pay out of pocket and no one wins except Bernie. No matter what, he will get what is coming to him in one form or another; what goes around comes around.

When I first started to hate Bernie's tactics, there were maybe a slight handful of people who wouldn't support NEC. But, almost a year later, there are countless bands and fans who won't even give NEC the time of day. The movement is growing!!! Haha.
[Jul 12,2007 9:35pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
The ball is rolling, kind of like the Kenny Lanning ban.
[Jul 12,2007 9:58pm - archaeon ""]
Can someone enlighten me on the Kenny Lanning character, i know about that AC show at the compound, but thats about it.
[Jul 12,2007 10:03pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Kenny Lanning is an alcoholic crackhead who has some sort of disease or dysfunction that I guess supposedly should have killed him a while ago, but he's probably too pickled and cracked out to realize he's already dead. The first public stint with Kenny that this "scene" encountered was Sausage Fest I. He took off will all of the door money, or at least a vast majority of it, and just fucked everything up and fucked everyone over. The same thing happened with pretty much every other show he's ever set up or been involved with. His famous tag line is, "Well, I'd like to be able to pay you, but it's all going back into the music," which is obviously bullshit. That's Kenny Lanning in a nutshell.
[Jul 13,2007 10:46am - Yeti ""]
yeah Kenny Lanning has committed some shady business practices. we, Sacreligion, fell victim to his toothless chicanery and wont work with him again. he offered us to open for Vital Remains. no thanks dude.
[Jul 13,2007 11:15am - Dwellingsickness ""]
All this bitching is funny, Yea I don't like Mark's either and I think Bernie is a tool, But it should be about supporting the music. I don't care any more, about stupid scene politics and boycotting a club( I used to feed right into all the bullshit, Til I realized I am only hurting the bands I should be supporting). I for one, Like PUTRESCINE alot and am going to support them,regardless of where they play.
[Aug 10,2007 6:00am - Dwellingsickness ""]
I think Anderson and I are guest listed for this shindig
[Aug 10,2007 6:08am - Dwellingsickness ""]
which puts a damper on me going to see Goreality and Sexcrement:thescream:
[Aug 14,2007 11:23am - nilest  ""]
[Aug 14,2007 11:49am - BONEDOG  ""]

[Aug 14,2007 1:23pm - nilest  ""]
[Aug 17,2007 12:50pm - xoxo  ""]
bump for tonight @ Marks
[Aug 17,2007 1:09pm - Hammer Bros  ""]

We will be there representing.

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