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Recording Question: Using Cubase with Line 6 Toneport GX???

[Jul 5,2007 4:05pm - paganmegan ""]
That's the idea. Now, does anyone have any tips on going about this??
[Jul 5,2007 4:08pm - Aegathis ""]
you have to make the two compatible somehow, i did this when i first got my tone port. Check the line 6 web site for the guidelines on how to do it, or on google. I know i did one of those.
[Jul 5,2007 4:47pm - handinjury ""]
does that toneport plug in via usb?
[Jul 5,2007 4:57pm - paganmegan ""]
handinjury said:does that toneport plug in via usb?

Yes it does.
I bought it initially because my laptop has no line-in, so I figured any sort of interface with a USB would do. Its not shaping up to be as simple as I thought it would be, which is primarily due to my lack of prior knowledge of such.
[Jul 5,2007 4:57pm - paganmegan ""]
Anthony, do you use cubase? And what toneport do you have?
[Jul 5,2007 4:59pm - paganmegan ""]
ps. : I have come up with nothing of worth by perusing google and the line 6 site.
I read some post on the line 6 forum about a guy trying to use the toneport GX as a plug-in with cubase, but needing to spend 199 dollars in order to do that. I don't want to do that.
I just want to make the signal from the toneport appear in cubase so I can manipulate it from there.
[Jul 5,2007 5:26pm - thuringwethil ""]
if you installed the line6 driver cubase should recognize it in the settings....

I'm a mac-tard

which one is it Megan - Cubase 4? Studio? SE3?

this shit help? --
[Jul 5,2007 6:40pm - d.cead  ""]
she's not using a mac, I dont think...
[Jul 5,2007 6:55pm - Aegathis ""]
I have'nt really been following the whole toneport line since i got the one i have now, i am unfamiliar with the GX. Mine just has an xlr and 1/4 inch insert, mic and out put knob and thats about it. I dont use cubase any more, now i just fuck around with sonar.
[Jul 5,2007 7:57pm - mordrukk  ""]
I've got a gearbox setup and use adobe audition, recording from the line in:


You can get the Y cable at radio shack for $5.

If you're using windows, open up volume control (the sound icon in the bottom right corner next to the time), un-mute Line In if muted.

Select Options -> Properties

select Recording and make sure Line In is checked off. hit OK

select Line In as the recording device. use the level to adjust recording volume.

whatever you're using to record should work now...
[Jul 5,2007 8:33pm - paganmegan ""]
well, the only problem with that is I have no line-in on my laptop. The toneport is connected only through the USB. The only in's I have on this laptop are for headphones and one for the microphone (besides the USB, etc).

I am using cubase VST/32

[Jul 5,2007 8:47pm - paganmegan ""]
I mean no line in besides the one microphone line-in.. would that be appropriate to use with said "y-cord"? Also, the line out on the toneport gx is mono so no y cord would be necessary. I'd have to use something else.
[Jul 5,2007 9:26pm - mordrukk  ""]
same should apply with the mic input, but you might need to toy around with the levels in volume control. just select that instead of line in from recording properties.

just use the line out to the mic input, and buy a converter/adapter if necessary.

if all else fails, you can try select "stereo mix" from you volume control, instead of line in or mic. not sure if you'll have that (it might be called something different for you), but when selected it allows me to record whatever is being played through my soundcard. in your case, the usb should work fine if you can hear any playback from gearbox. only drawback there is any other sounds your computer plays (alerts or any sound in general) will be picked up while recording.
[Jul 5,2007 9:41pm - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
Select the toneport as your input? I have no idea why it's a problem.
[Jul 5,2007 9:42pm - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
P.S. - cubase is shit. I tried it once, and cried dead babies.
[Jul 5,2007 9:45pm - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
P.P.S. - Explain your situation better. Are you getting it as a track input, but without the ability to monitor? Or is it just not showing up as an audio input?
[Jul 5,2007 9:50pm - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
mordrukk said:I've got a gearbox setup and use adobe audition, recording from the line in:


You can get the Y cable at radio shack for $5.

If you're using windows, open up volume control (the sound icon in the bottom right corner next to the time), un-mute Line In if muted.

Select Options -> Properties

select Recording and make sure Line In is checked off. hit OK

select Line In as the recording device. use the level to adjust recording volume.

whatever you're using to record should work now...

This seems ass backwards.

Which toneport do you use?

The USB cable is carrying all the necessary input information. You're adding another input just to be able to monitor. It would make more sense to run your speaker out to the toneport, and run your speakers from the 1/8 headphone or line out. No Y cable, and no pointless analog recording source.
[Jul 6,2007 9:36am - paganmegan ""]
Its Toneport GX...
I can get signal to monitor my guitar tone with headphones through the toneport, that's no problem. I am just stuck at the getting signal to come through cubase as audio track one, (or whatever track)
Fuck, I wish I was at my home computer so I could better describe what I've attempted. I can get the Cubase to recognize the toneport is there, so to speak, but to get it to actually play through cubase is the problem.

thanks to anyone who has attempted to put a thought into this headache. technology is gay
[Jul 6,2007 10:37am - watchmaker666 ""]
Hey Meg, Cubase should see the tone port as a soundcard so you can select it as an input to a track. You may also be able to use Rewire
[Jul 6,2007 10:49am - jonny8pins  ""]
depending on wich version of cubase you have, click on devices then vst inputs a setup screen comes up and you should see asio input and output you may just have to change your in or out source,also on the mixer you should see an input list, cubase can be absolutely enraging until its set up right,tascams us 122 works really well with older cubase if you can spare $100 bucks or so
[Jul 8,2007 1:33am - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
Did you have any luck with this yet? I can help out with more info, but for the record get rid of Cubase. It's crap.
[Jul 8,2007 1:53am - Aegathis ""]
yea try sonar, i can give you a copy of that. dont need any plugins or anything
[Jul 8,2007 2:09am - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
She'll need the vst adapter plugin, If she currently uses cubase. I got a copy of that though, if you need it.

I agree with Aegathis, give sonar a try. Since Cubase seems to be throwing you quite a curve (not an insult, cubase is VERY unintuitive) Sonar would be good for you. It's got the easiest learning curve of any app I've used, and the latest engine (version 6) is on par with anything else out there. Plus, the Sonar Power! series of books are cheap and can expand what you can do 1000 fold.
[Jul 9,2007 9:18pm - paganmegan ""]
hey just reading this now.
I would gladly try sonar because cubase is giving me the worst headache. Either that or to learn to really use cubase properly because its trying my patience to learn as I go... thought it would be SO much more simple.
Again I say technology is gay. I just want to record music!!!
Anyhow thanks for the help/tips
[Jul 9,2007 9:24pm - ZenErik ""]
Cubase is so easy. I know nothing about this interface you're using, but do you input your guitar into the interface? If so, you should be able to record onto the computer with this USB interface in Cubase.
[Jul 9,2007 9:26pm - paganmegan ""]
I have accomplished that much.
I am now trying to program drums and to not pull my hair out in the process.
[Jul 9,2007 9:27pm - paganmegan ""]
PS: telling me Cubase is so easy is not that helpful.

[Jul 9,2007 9:34pm - ZenErik ""]
Sorry, I haven't really read the thread. I use Reason 3.0 to do drums and all sorts of electronics. It easily ReWires with Cubase and almost all other recording software out there. You may be looking for something like Battery or DrumKitFromHell...I honestly couldn't tell you how to use either. I have both but never figured out how to use them within Cubase.
[Jul 9,2007 9:39pm - paganmegan ""]
Hmmmm I was trying to just do the drums on cubase but I think I will destroy my computer (by heaving it out the window) if I try to hard to do that. What is this Reason 3.0 program, and also this DrumKitFromHell business? Any idea of the cost, etc?
[Jul 9,2007 9:41pm - ZenErik ""]
Everything is free with your friendly neighborhood BitTorrent. Reason 3.0 is like Fruity Loops on crack. It's a program to program music. Tons of options to modify sounds, create sounds, etc. DKFH is a program that'll produce more realistic sounding drums, and it's also what Meshuggah used for drums on their newest album. I wish I knew how to use it because then I'd probably just skip recording my own drum tracks.
[Jul 9,2007 9:50pm - paganmegan ""]
Hmm. So its tough to use? But that does sound good, the realistic sounding drums,etc. I was considering getting a drum machine but that sounds better.
Now I need to figure out how to get my hands on that, I don't use this torrent business.
[Jul 9,2007 9:59pm - ZenErik ""]
Well, I could send you my downloads...Maybe. But not if the files are too big. Someone else would have to tell you how to use it. If you decide to get Reason 3.0, I definitely can't send you that. It's a few gigs. Then there's all sorts of extra sounds you can download.

You can also look for these programs on sites like MegaUpload.
[Jul 9,2007 11:16pm - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]

1) Cubase is crap. I can't stop saying that. Clunky interface, and a sound engine from the middle ages. You can make some really good sounding recordings, but in the end the learning curve ain't worth it (as you are seeing)

2) Sonar is great. I would advice taking people up on the offer to get a copy. Then, drop about $20 at a bookstore for the "Sonar Power!" book by Scott Garrigus. The books are excellent, easy to read, and Scott himself is the man. He's even been known to answer readers' questions via email.

3) Drums: For recording drums, things can be a little tricky. From what I've seen, the midi functions in Cubase are one of the worst things about the software. In general though, here's what you need to do.

Firstly, you need a midi track. This is going to be your "drummer". If you are using onboard sound, there is a good chance you do not actually have any GM (general midi) drumsounds on your computer. This is probably why you're getting so frustrated. A cheap-o soundcard will solve this problem for under $30, but it won't really add much as far as the rest of the sound card is concerned. Once you've created the MIDI file, and set the midi output to GM drums, open up your piano roll editor in your recording app, and scub your cursor up and down the keys. You should get an assortment of drum sounds. Now, you can plug in your drum beats one note at a time, just like a drum machine. Once you've got your drum tracks figured out, you can now use the MIDI track you created to trigger a sampler of some sort to substitute some high-quality drum samples for the general midi sounds. One word of warning: some collections like the Drumkit from Hell series do NOT use the General Midi mappings, so you'll end up finding that the sounds get all mixed up if you try it this way.

As for the drums, I would definitely recommend the drumkit from hell samples, however take care to avoid the Drumkit from Hell 2 package, if they even sell it anymore. It comes with a very clunky sampler, and is buggy as hell. Drumkit From Hell Superior is the creme de la creme, but it's also over 35 Gig and is very expensive. Due to size, it's also not something you're likely to find for download. Drumkit from Hell EZdrummer is a nifty little sampler/interface that they recently released, and with the DFH ezx expansion they released it's got some pretty arse kicking drum sounds. There are quite a few other drum sample compilations available as well, with BFD and drumkit from hell being the top two on the market right now.

This post is getting a little long, so I'd rather stop here and if you have questions about what I said so far, I can pick up there.
[Jul 10,2007 9:41am - paganmegan ""]
This Drumkit from Hell EZdrummer sounds to be about my speed. Do you know where that can be downloaded?

I am getting sounds out of the MIDI track, but its a pain in the ass to arrange, first because of the nature of cubase, and secondly, thinking back to music theory to get the EXACT tom roll that I have in mind on a computer, MIDI based track is also a headache.

What I think I will do is give Cubase a little more time and effort because I've gone to so much trouble already and then I may end up seeking out Sonar.
[Jul 10,2007 9:51am - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
I recently found EZdrummer on the DC++ hubs. However, you could also likely find it by doing a google search for ezdrummer + torrent. What you want to look for is the actual ezdrummer plug-in ('EZDrummer') and also the drumkit from hell sample expansion. The expansions are called EZX's, so do a search for EZX DFH or EZX Drumkit from Hell.

Depending on what you're recording, the DFH EZX comes with sample grooves and tons of tiny variations and fills for each groove. For metal it's pretty decent, including everything from in flames style double bass and snare backbeats, all the way to grindcore blast beats. Most likely you can at least find something that will FIT the riff you're recording, and then if needed to can go in and adjust the individual midi notes to something closer to what you want. If you want to just write the tracks yourself instead of using the included grooves (this is how I do it) you can still play it back through EZDrummer. However, it sounds like just working with the groove clips is what you'd prefer.
[Jul 10,2007 10:00am - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]

DFH ezx




ez drummer update

There's some quick links I found for the EzDrummer, DFH ezx expansion, and the EZDrummer update. I didn't get mine from torrents, so I don't know if the crack is in there, or if they are the correct versions, but the file sizes look about right.

[Jul 10,2007 11:00am - xanonymousx ""]
you could also try importing a drum track from a preexisting midi file, or make one out of guitar pro for the drum track...
I may try that DFH to see if I like it.
[Jul 10,2007 11:17am - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
xanonymousx said:you could also try importing a drum track from a preexisting midi file, or make one out of guitar pro for the drum track...
I may try that DFH to see if I like it.

Unfortunately, most midi drum tracks are set to the GM drum map. Most of toontracks products do not conform to that map, since the hi-hat samples alone are as large as the full GM set. If you try importing a pre-existing midi track into DFH, you're gonna end up with some goofy sounding shit with cymbals where drums should be, etc. etc....

It's a great sample set, and well worth it, but it frustrates me because most of my previous tracks are all set to the GM map, and I can't just switch them over to the ezdrummer sounds now.
[Jul 10,2007 9:21pm - xanonymousx ""]
Ok i downloaded and installed those programs but where is the program launcher?
[Jul 10,2007 11:41pm - ArrowHead is watching you  ""]
It's a plugin, just open the EZDrummer up in your recording app. If you're using Sonar, insert it as a DXi synth.

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