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[Jul 5,2007 10:15am - passerby'er  ""]
Hey everybody. Sorry I've been away. I've assembled my dream band with incredible musicians. We are known as Ballistic Air Purifier. Rough demos will be up soon. I'm glad this board didn't fall apart when I left. I am looking for slutty girls that will dance while we're on stage. Think Hinder meets (get this!!!@) Shroud of Bereavement. Shits gonna be off the hook. I actually started listening to some death metal and I love it but still can't get away from my poppy roots. I'm looking to start a mailing list if anyone wants to put an email address down and or phone #
So if there's any sluttly skanky girls that want to be part of my band leave info OK
[Jul 5,2007 10:18am - metal_church101 ""]
Did you get that Behringer endorsement?
[Jul 5,2007 10:41am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm down. And I'm a total whore, srsly.
[Jul 5,2007 11:38am - DreamingInExile ""]

I must know this person... only a friend of shroud would take a dig like that at us... HAHAHA
[Jul 5,2007 11:42am - xanonymousx ""]
Does this band feature members of the supergroup COMPLETE?
[Jul 5,2007 2:11pm - passerby‘er  ""]
No. One guy used to be in the band Tabularasa. The other guys are pretty much closet super musicians. If you are slutty also please post pics because we are pretty picky. You're really gonna have to shake your ass for the kinda music we're playing
[Jul 5,2007 3:07pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
passerby‘er said:You're really gonna have to shake your ass for the kinda music we're playing

you guys playing reggaeton or something?
[Jul 5,2007 3:48pm - passerby'er  ""]
No. Death metal meets radio rock. Imagine the ass shaking for that combo.
[Jul 5,2007 3:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
passerby‘er said:... Imagine the ass shaking for that combo.

[Jul 5,2007 4:32pm - passerby‘er  ""]
That's not real
[Jul 5,2007 9:30pm - rhys ""]
do you have a myspace?

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