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Band Promotion Ideas Anyone?

[Jul 2,2007 3:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I'm looking to find new effective ways of promoting my band's music... other than the usual online flyering and what not. I came up with idea of strageticly placing free samplers in with influencial band's cds at music stores. I dont know if it will work but its worth a shot.

Anyone got any other ideas for shameless guerilla-esq promotional tactics?
[Jul 2,2007 3:13pm - Niccolai ""]
I think Rich horror was planning on doing a few compilation CDs.

Compilation CDs are a decent way because instead of you just handing the CD out, you have 10 other bands promoting for you.

Also, burning a bunch of copys of your demo and putting them in places of interest (the exit of newberry comics, any underground music stores, etc.) wouldn't hurt.

other then that, just hand out 2 song demos at shows to people for free.

There's too many bands around here now adays for there to be an easy and effective promotion method. The second one appears, all 3000 bands in the south shore are all over it and it gets exhausted (like myspace) because there are too many bands.
[Jul 2,2007 3:14pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, my label's doing a series of 4-way splits on 7". The first one should be out in a few weeks.
[Jul 2,2007 3:18pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
We should get RTTP comp cd goin. I dont have alot of pull in putting something like that together but I'll help in anyway i can.
[Jul 2,2007 3:20pm - Lamp ""]
I used to see Buddy from Third Death standing at the door at shows handing out tons of demos while everyone was leaving, that seemed to work pretty well.
[Jul 2,2007 3:21pm - archaeon ""]
Niccolai said:
Compilation CDs are a decent way because instead of you just handing the CD out, you have 10 other bands promoting for you.

Ideal, but when was the last time you got/listened to a compilation CD of new bands?

[Jul 2,2007 3:21pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
kidnap random people on the streets and tell them if they don't listen to your band, then they and their family are DEAD.
[Jul 2,2007 3:21pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, and flyer out in the real world, not just the internet. That is still the most effective form of promotion. How many times do you ignore flyers you see online, and 'event invites'? I know I almost never take notice of that kind of stuff.
[Jul 2,2007 3:23pm - RichHorror ""]
Oh yeah, going to local shows your band isn't playing works wonders too.
[Jul 2,2007 3:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
RichHorror said:Yeah, and flyer out in the real world, not just the internet. That is still the most effective form of promotion. How many times do you ignore flyers you see online, and 'event invites'? I know I almost never take notice of that kind of stuff.

ya i plan on flyering Summer Slaughter, Sounds of the Underground and a couple Lucky Dog shows. i'm trying to find other good events to flyer as well
[Jul 2,2007 3:25pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
bake pizzas with your cd inside of them and hand out free pizzas. hopefully no one eats the cd.
[Jul 2,2007 3:25pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
that only works for hardcore bands
[Jul 2,2007 3:27pm - RichHorror ""]
Give pizzas to firefighters.
[Jul 2,2007 3:30pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
definitely give pizza to firefighters.
[Jul 2,2007 3:35pm - Niccolai ""]
RTTP is starting to spawn quite the collection of memes
[Jul 2,2007 3:35pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 2,2007 3:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]


[Jul 2,2007 3:42pm - metal_church101 ""]


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