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Goregon Massacre Fest, the positives and the negatives.

[Jun 25,2007 12:52am - RichHorror ""]
+ The Shell station three minutes from our motel room selling High Life and PBR 24 hours a day.
- Being told all the Econo Lodge had was a 'smoking room' when in reality it would've been more accurate to call it a 'room filled with dead hookers' armpits'.
+ Seeing Engorged come out to a sample about Cobra-La complete with Sean dressed as Cobra Commander.
- Seeing Ex Dementia. Period.
+ FINALLY seeing FKU, complete with Freddy Krueger sweaters.
- Seeing retarded hillbilly faggots dance to Dekapitator like they were a Pantera cover band.
- Dekapitator in reality being more or less a Manowar tribute band.
- Manowar sucks and you are gay.
+ Tyler losing his wallet and all identification and being told in order to be allowed to take the flight back home he'd have to undergo a full body cavity search.
- The realization that this was not the case, and Tyler only going through a minor security detail.
+ Clogging the toilet.
- The toilet staying clogged for four days causing me to think I was smelling babies for days on end.
+ Throwing a full bag of Funyuns, a beer bottle and a cooler at Graffeo's head.
+ Viciously whipping Graffeo in the face with a belt, causing welts to form.
+ Graffeo getting mono.
- Eddie not getting mono.
+ Finally unclogging the shit-filled toilet.
- Locking the bathroom door immediately afterwards, when I had to drop a huge duece.
+ Tyler doing gay shit with Eddie.
- Tyler attempting similar gay shit with me.
+ Throwing our empties into the dresser, along with a pizza box and a bible.
- Realizing at midnight that our flight at home is in three hours, after a night of binge drinking.
- Oregon sucks.
[Jun 25,2007 2:37am - demondave ""]
Please tell us that you immediately clogged it again.....
[Jun 25,2007 3:02am - iren_the_viking ""]
haha after reading this, i really enjoyed this trip.
[Jun 25,2007 9:28am - demondave ""]
I would have loved to go to that. How were Ghoul and Nunslaughter?
[Jun 25,2007 11:18am - RichHorror ""]
demondave said:Please tell us that you immediately clogged it again.....

No, but it did smell terrible the rest of the time we were there, if that's any consolation.
[Jun 25,2007 1:06pm - RichHorror ""]
'I oughtta fuck him up!'
'Hey, tickets! Right on!'

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