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Marco Minneman kicking Necrophagist's ass.

[Jun 16,2007 2:11am - porphyria  ""]

[Jun 16,2007 3:44am - TheFilthyFrenchman ""]
I think diarrhea just came out of my eyes
[Jun 16,2007 9:44am - Archaeon ""]
I'm surprised people there appreciated that, I'd expect everyone to be like "BLAST BEATZZZZ!!!" or " ADVANCED CORPSE TUMAAAAA".
[Jun 16,2007 10:50am - largefreakatzero ""]
I'm not even sure what to say about that.
[Jun 16,2007 12:31pm - moe @ work  ""]
that was amazing...i'd like to see a video of him playing the songs, though
[Jun 16,2007 12:36pm - Archaeon ""]
[Jun 16,2007 12:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
holy balls... i thought his arms were going to fly off his body at one point.
[Jun 16,2007 12:49pm - porphyria  ""]
moe @ work said:i'd like to see a video of him playing the songs, though

it sounds like a necrophagist song, but quieter because he doesn't use triggers and apparently can't do the double kick fast for as long as some parts do.

the drum solo was better than any of the drumming in their songs.
[Jun 16,2007 12:54pm - moe @ work  ""]
well fuck, i prefer that than some dude with triggred everything br00tally tapping his shit wicked fast, d00d
[Jun 16,2007 12:55pm - xanonymousx ""]
that was awesome, but is that from the summer slaughter tour?
that venue seems really small. I'm surprised they are going to the palladium.
[Jun 16,2007 1:01pm - porphyria  ""]
moe @ work said:well fuck, i prefer that than some dude with triggred everything br00tally tapping his shit wicked fast, d00d

of course, what he's doing alternatively is probably 100x better anyways.
[Jun 16,2007 1:16pm - xanonymousx ""]
moe @ work said:well fuck, i prefer that than some dude with triggred everything br00tally tapping his shit wicked fast, d00d

i agree although the people who play with triggers may be playing faster it is a lot more talent to play without them in my own opinion.
[Jun 16,2007 1:28pm - Archaeon ""]
Necrophagist songs aren't that fast in the first place. They never do blasts faster that 240.
[Jun 16,2007 3:35pm - infect sli sli sli  ""]
hes got nothing on the guy from foghat
duggada duggada duggada
[Jun 16,2007 3:46pm - hungtableed  ""]

If this guy is on their next album, the shits gonna be wicked pissah.
[Jun 17,2007 4:02am - Execution_Style ""]
I saw Necrophagist live tonight in L motha fucking A. He did this solo, too. It was actually pretty fucking bad ass. The show was pretty fucking great. They didn't do an encore though =(.
[Jun 17,2007 12:09pm - Archaeon ""]
Setlist according to some dude

Stillborn One
I + P
Diminished to Be
Only Ash Remains
Drum solo
Intestinal Incubation
Extreme unction
[Jun 17,2007 2:53pm - Ironstorm  ""]
I saw these foos last night in LA. Yesterday's drum solo was way longer than this. Pretty down ass show, except for Decapitated's short ass set. =[
[Jun 18,2007 8:41am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Jun 18,2007 10:45am - Yeti ""]
oh big deal. i fail to see whats so amazing about Necrophagist. obviously i can see the talent, but they arent making anything spectacular.
[Jun 18,2007 10:46am - porphyria  ""]
Yeti said:oh big deal. i fail to see whats so amazing about Necrophagist. obviously i can see the talent, but they arent making anything spectacular.

please tell us you're referring to 'necrophagist' and not marco.
[Jun 18,2007 11:10am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Marco is awesome but I hate drum solos. They're so boring and uninteresting. I think a drummer's talent is shown off more when there's music a' playin'.
[Jun 18,2007 11:14am - doihsd  ""]
Bitching about drum triggers is like bitching about microphones. They don't have anything to do with talent.
[Jun 18,2007 11:46am - Archaeon ""]
doihsd said:Bitching about drum triggers is like bitching about microphones. They don't have anything to do with talent.

you don't play drums do you?

[Jun 18,2007 11:50am - dyingmuse ""]
[Jun 18,2007 12:05pm - porphyria  ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:I think a drummer's talent is shown off more when there's music a' playin'.

which he is also capable of doing. I can see why some people hate solo's in general. I think I'm a drummer trapped inside a crappy guitarist's body because I'd rather watch talented drummers over anything.

It's refreshing not to see a "watch how fast I can blast, yay" drum solo in death metal.

[Jun 18,2007 12:07pm - doihsd  ""]
I do play drums.

And bitching about drum triggers is like bitching about a microphone.
[Jun 18,2007 12:16pm - porphyria  ""]
people who trigger all of their drums might as well just use an electronic drum machine.
[Jun 18,2007 12:27pm - doihsd  ""]
And that has what to do with their ability to play drums?
[Jun 18,2007 12:51pm - Yeti ""]
porphyria said:Yeti said:oh big deal. i fail to see whats so amazing about Necrophagist. obviously i can see the talent, but they arent making anything spectacular.

please tell us you're referring to 'necrophagist' and not marco.

[Jun 18,2007 1:04pm - mOe forgot his PW  ""]
doihsd said:I do play drums.

And bitching about drum triggers is like bitching about a microphone.


Microphones are placed on drums to amplify the kit in a room that might be too big. TRIGGERS on the other hand tune the drums FOR the player as well as attack the drums for the player. Which makes them a VERY big cop out for me. You obviously DONT know what you're talking about which is nothing new for this topic, i've noticed. Triggers make it so a synthetic drum hit can be amplified through a PA system. What you hear isnt the drum itself, but a digital replication. MICROPHONES DO NOT DO THAT. I tune my drums, and I hit hard. Triggers are not for me. I want people to hear ME and what I can do, not what i programmed to sound br00tal.
[Jun 19,2007 8:50am - mOe forgot his PW  ""]
yea i figured mr. smarty pants wouldnt have a response for that

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