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New Camera Technology

[Jun 15,2007 2:32pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Here's how it would work: The new technology would increase light sensitivity of existing image sensors by two to four times. That means a camera's shutter speed could be cut in half, or at least a quarter, which would reduce camera shake and blurring problems. If it works, it also would allow photographers to shoot in low light without producing grainy, speckled photos.

[Jun 15,2007 2:39pm - fleshfries ""]
yea that was my idea
[Jun 15,2007 2:59pm - the_reverend ""]
I was telling carina about this this morning. the basic idea is replacing 2x2 pixel patterns with 4x4 patterns and putting in receptors for just light. Since our eyes work more like this, it will work better with how we see the world.

this technology is only meant for cellphones and p&s cameras since kodak dumped all it's DSLRs 2 years ago.

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