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Some little shits from the neighborhood vandalized my bike yesterday

[Jun 15,2007 1:53pm - HailAtWork  ""]
The 12 year old kid who lives on the 2nd floor was even dumb enough to be wearing my bike gloves when I got home. Seems he and his friends decided to open the garage door, take my bike out, trash it and strip it while I was at work. They're really lucky I didn't catch them doing it or there would've been 2 police reports. Hope their parents have $200-$300 for repairs.
[Jun 15,2007 2:31pm - XmikeX ""]
Kids are so bad at everything.

Repairs? If you can prove that they did it you should be going for a new bike.
[Jun 15,2007 2:33pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Those kids should be locked in a hot car... until death.
[Jun 15,2007 2:35pm - HailAtWork  ""]
They did it, the kid was wearing my fucking gloves...dumb enough to still be wearing them when I came home. No wonder kids need helmets for everything these days, they're retarded. Shit, when I was 12 I took my own bike apart, and there are no less than 15 bikes outside back there for them to fuck with in their mother's garage. But no, they go for the one that's obviously someone elses.
[Jun 15,2007 2:37pm - HailAtWork  ""]
I thought about a new bike, but I'm trying not to be a prick about it so I'm going for repairs which will be cheaper.
[Jun 15,2007 3:20pm - Lamp ""]
Complain to someone who cares.
[Jun 15,2007 3:22pm - Yeti ""]
HailAtWork said:I thought about a new bike, but I'm trying not to be a prick about it so I'm going for repairs which will be cheaper.

you are constantly complaining about the injustices in society, and you now have the chance to fight back, and you are bitching out? surprise surprise.
[Jun 15,2007 5:36pm - HailAtWork  ""]
wtf are you talking about?
[Jun 15,2007 6:59pm - Pauly Walnuts  ""]
[Jun 15,2007 7:13pm - Hoser ""]
Hahahahaa I'll bet George Bush and Dick Cheney did it.

Or you'll somehow find the answer on alternet...hahahahahah...it's a vast republican conspiracy.

Now imagine if they vandalized your drugs......
[Jun 15,2007 7:31pm - the_reverend ""]
it is bush's fault. he made these kids' parent poor. instead of driving their SUV into things, they have to resort to this.
george mother fucking bush.
[Jun 15,2007 7:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jun 15,2007 10:57pm - Uh  ""]
Why weren't you riding that bike to work instead of driving your fossil burning, deadly carbon gas emitting car and poluting the Earth?

Why do you have a garage? Do you know how much coal and gas was burned to make that? Do you know how many trees you killed? You probably destroyed hundreds or THOUSANDS of homes of animals and insects. How fucking insensitive of you, you neo-conservative prick.

Maybe those kids were just standing up for Mother Earth to wasteful pigs like you.
[Jun 15,2007 11:18pm - Hoser ""]
[Jun 15,2007 11:44pm - the_reverend ""]
nomally I would make a comment about hoser sucking off GWB, but I'm pretty sure HTL runs bio-desiel. oh and hoser's sucking off GWB's pecker.
[Jun 15,2007 11:52pm - shamash nli  ""]
No.. I work for GWB, and stole yer whlz!! andI'min yr bnd!S?
[Jun 16,2007 12:30pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
Actually it's straight used veggie oil, and riding to work would take half the day. I didn't know bush and cheney could disguise themselves as 12 year old boys, sounds like some sick fantasy Hoser has.
[Jun 16,2007 12:58pm - Niccolai ""]
They killed corn to make that veggie oil... I hope you're greatful.
[Jun 16,2007 1:30pm - xanonymousx ""]
that sucks what kind of bike is it?
[Jun 16,2007 1:52pm - Archaeon ""]
Uh said:Why weren't you riding that bike to work instead of driving your fossil burning, deadly carbon gas emitting car and poluting the Earth?

Why do you have a garage? Do you know how much coal and gas was burned to make that? Do you know how many trees you killed? You probably destroyed hundreds or THOUSANDS of homes of animals and insects. How fucking insensitive of you, you neo-conservative prick.

Maybe those kids were just standing up for Mother Earth to wasteful pigs like you.

And your wasting electricity by posting this.

[Jun 16,2007 3:49pm - Hoser ""]
Didn't we already go over this in another thread?

It's "you're" dipshit.
[Jun 16,2007 10:20pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
Hoser said:Didn't we already go over this in another thread?

It's "you're" dipshit.



1) YOU'RE a dirty hippy. (contraction of YOU and ARE)
2) YOUR armpit hair could use a trim (Implies possession.)

Now here's a few exercises to try on your own:

1) ____ bike got stolen by neighborhood kids because they think _____ an annoying douche.

2) ____ damning evidence of the gloves on your neighbor is purely circumstantial, thus proving _____ as ignorant about the legal system as you seem to be with everything else you wrap your mind around.

3) Have fun watching ____ neighbors laugh at you, as _____ left without any means to prove they did it and receive compensation.

If you get all three right, you get a cookie.
[Jun 16,2007 11:17pm - Archaeon ""]
It's interesting when people spend more time dissecting grammar than actual content. I clearly understand it's "you're" but I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry, I'm a terrible person and I hope you'll forgive me.
[Jun 16,2007 11:43pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
Of course I forgive you, we just need to make out first.

I don't really care about grammar, I just can't pass up an opportunity to make fun of the hippy girl.
[Jun 17,2007 8:10am - hungtableed  ""]
hahahaha, funny shit right there.
Maybe if our society practiced policies of wealth distribution in the vein of communism, they wouldn't have had to resort to such desperate measures.
[Jun 17,2007 2:13pm - jesus_of_nazareth ""]
Everyone rides a bike...

When they're like 6.
[Jun 18,2007 1:44pm - HailAtWork  ""]
xanonymousx said:that sucks what kind of bike is it?

It was a Mongoose, but since they've been bought out and now make shitty bikes I'm getting a new Raleigh with an aluminum frame to replace it...and the best part is, I'm not paying for it.
[Jun 18,2007 1:46pm - Hungtableed  ""]
HailAtWork said:xanonymousx said:that sucks what kind of bike is it?

...and the best part is, I'm not paying for it.

You're stealing it? Hypocrite!

[Jun 18,2007 5:38pm - lbprovidencenli  ""]
theres nothing wrong with riding a bike...if you live in a city.
[Jun 18,2007 6:10pm - xmikex ""]
Riding a bike > taking the bus.
[Jun 18,2007 6:16pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
plus its a decent workout
[Jun 19,2007 11:35am - HailAtWork  ""]
Riding in the city is alright, but it's main purpose is something to throw myself down a mountain trail on.

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