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Devin Townsend Presents: Ziltoid the Omnisent

[Jun 13,2007 12:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Devin Townsend is such a dork... but supposedly this is a really good solo album. I'll have to check it out. Anyone else hear it?

"Ziltoid is a fourth-dimensional alien from Planet Ziltoidia 9, far across the Omniverse. On his home planet Ziltoid is considered a nerd, but he has discovered that the third-dimensional creatures like humans can have their realities manipulated by fourth-dimensional entities such as Ziltoid through their control of time." Got that much? Now get ready for the clincher. Ziltoid has traveled to earth "in order to procure all the black coffee he can in order to travel back through time and present himself as the ultimate fourth-dimensional rock star."
[Jun 13,2007 1:03pm - Sinistas ""]
Album of the year, so far.
[Jun 16,2007 10:48am - Foghorn  ""]
This album is ridiculously awesome. Devin Townsend is definitely a nerd, but in this case it's not a bad thing. He wrote and performed the entire album himself, using a computer for alot of effects and the drums. The album's a bit cheesy, but it's definitely an entertaining listen. I played the entire thing on the air about a month ago. Had alot of phone calls asking who it was saying that it was amazing. Definitely check it out.
[Jun 16,2007 2:17pm - christopher  ""]
it's his best in a long time...better then the last 2 SYL that's for sure
[Jun 16,2007 3:07pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
the newest SYL had a couple of AWESOME songs though.
[Jun 16,2007 3:18pm - porphyria  ""]


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