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Garden of Shadows

[Jun 7,2007 6:36pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Found this Progressive/Melodic Death Metal gem through a friend. "Oracle Moon" is the album to explore if you're interested. Here is a fan page:

[Jun 7,2007 6:42pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
hahaha so you liked dissolution of the forms, eh? ;)
[Jun 7,2007 6:44pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Are you kidding me? This has to be one of the greatest melodic death metal bands of all time. I wouldn't have known if it wasn't for you. I will send royalties.
[Jun 7,2007 7:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this is really good
[Jun 7,2007 8:35pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
The female vocalist in ESTUARY used to be in this band.
[Jan 3,2011 3:19am - arilliusbm ""]
rocking out to oracle moon now. classic melodeth album.
[Jan 3,2011 9:41am - sinislazy  ""]
I fucking love this band. Heart Of The Corona is pretty cool - check it out if you can find it.
[Jan 3,2011 10:41am - Spaldino  ""]

arilliusbm said:rocking out to oracle moon now. classic melodeth album.

i listen to this a bunch still. not many like it. it's godly. into infinity + intro of Dissolution of the Forms is one of the most epic moments in extreme metal history. first time i heard that it floored me. it still gives me chills almost 10 years later.
[Jan 3,2011 10:45am - Spaldino  ""]


they need to get back together and atleast rerecord Heart of the Corona so it can have better production. its so good but sounds so flat and is dominated by treble
[Jan 4,2011 1:17am - WarriorOfMetal ""]
This band is awesome...they were one of the local openers at the first real show I saw (Opeth and Amorphis at Jaxx in VA, in 2001 or 2002), and I'm friends with a couple former members. Oracle Moon is such a sick album \m/

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