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Minor League Meltdown

[Jun 4,2007 1:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Minor league Atlanta Braves coach loses his mind over call. Complete with sandcastle building and crawling through mindfields!
[Jun 4,2007 1:49pm - deadlikemurf ""]
hahaha the best is al green in the background...
[Jun 4,2007 3:17pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
I saw the highlights from that this weekend on ESPN. That guy had the biggest army flashback I've ever seen.
[Jun 4,2007 3:23pm - Lamp ""]
Haha, why is one of the tags "Daxflame"?
[Jun 4,2007 3:25pm - sxealex ""]

[Jun 4,2007 3:27pm - xmikex ""]
[Jun 4,2007 6:06pm - tylerl ""]
hahah i wouldve loved to be at that game
[Jun 4,2007 9:55pm - DomesticTerror ""]
that was better than the Izzy kick
[Jun 5,2007 12:11am - sxealex ""]
i saw this on the news

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