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Documentary about Worcester being Made ...

[Jun 2,2007 3:18pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Welcome to Worcester is the first ever feature length documentary film celebrating the city of Worcester, Massachusetts.

We're looking for old home movies, videos, TV clips, audio recordings, and photos that have something to do with the following:

- Historic downtown
- Worcester Center Galleria
- Worcester Common Fashion Outlet
- Construction of I-290 (before and after)
- Anything from Worcester's old TV stations (Channels 14 or 27)
- Factory life
- Schools & Universities
- Parades & Festivals
- Church functions
- Other major Worcester events

We're also looking for folks who have stories about downtown befor the Galleria Mall and neighborhoods before I-290.

The documentary film is being produced by Andrea Ajemian, (Rutland, USA, Freedom Park, Still Green, and the upcoming We Got the Beat) who has made a commitment in the last six years to bring quality independent filmmaking to Worcester County while involving and educating members of the community in her films. The Director Kaz Gamble grew up in Worcester, studied filmmaking at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, and has enjoyed a successful ten year career in the music industry signed to such record labels as Dreamworks and Warner Bros with various bands. The anticipated goal for the film is to play at film festivals and hopefully achieve national distribution, however no distribution is in place now. The personal goal of the filmmakers is to capture Worcester's history on film for the viewing pleasure and research of generations to come.

Please contact us in our office at (508) 754-8080 or via e-mail at:

Kaz Gamble, Director - kazgamble@gmail.com
Andrea Ajemian, Producer - andrea@aafilms.com

Artigo/Ajemian Films
44 Portland St. 4th Floor
Worcester, MA 01608


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