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ATTN: Movie Fans

[May 23,2007 3:46am - pam ""]
[May 23,2007 3:53am - pam ""]
(greatest T-shirt ever)
[May 23,2007 6:16am - Mess ""]
i hate the theatre
[May 23,2007 7:30am - the_reverend ""]
I saw that yesterday and was likee "crap, I didn't see that movie yet"
[May 23,2007 7:49am - Mess ""]
[May 23,2007 8:28am - Mess ""]
[May 23,2007 8:35am - SteveOTB ""]
Mess said:[img]

I'm convinced that cats have 9 lives.
[May 23,2007 8:37am - Mess ""]
when i was a kid, my bro and i use to toss our cat as high as possible and flip it as many times as we could just to see if it would land on it's feet. it actually did almost everytime.
[May 23,2007 11:01am - xmikex ""]
Mess said:[img]

[May 23,2007 11:16am - aaron_michael ""]
I can't figure the "Kristin *gun* JR".
what is it?
[May 23,2007 11:23am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
aaron_michael said:I can't figure the "Kristin *gun* JR".
what is it?

Who shot J.R.?

-Kristin shot J.R.
[May 23,2007 11:43am - aaron_michael ""]
ohhhh yeah. thanks
[May 23,2007 1:27pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
Snape kills Dumbledore? Really?
[May 23,2007 2:03pm - Boine (NLI)  ""]
ya its in book 6 but like why is it on movie shirt when it isnt a movie yet
[May 23,2007 2:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Rosebud... I mean, Schwiiing!!
[May 23,2007 5:14pm - pam ""]
Mess said:[img]

[May 23,2007 6:51pm - Ryan_M ""]
"It was his sled. There, I just saved you two long, boring, boobless hours"
[May 23,2007 7:15pm - immortal13 ""]
Damn, some of those I still haven't seen. I'll still take it though.
[May 23,2007 7:31pm - dreadkill ""]
hahahaha, amazing
[May 23,2007 7:34pm - pam ""]
[May 23,2007 7:40pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:I saw that yesterday and was likee "crap, I didn't see that movie yet"

really? hary potter? all the other i saw..though

the only one i don't get is "it was earth all along"
[May 23,2007 7:42pm - pam ""]
planet of the apes?
[May 23,2007 8:15pm - succubus ""]
oh duh!
[May 23,2007 8:29pm - dreadkill ""]
i never saw the village and don't care to

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