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So I bought Cowboy Bebop:The Movie...

[Dec 6,2003 10:00am - thegreatspaldino ""]
and its really bad ass. it has a damn decent story and isnt a typical anime type of thing with random scrawny chicks with massive tits, galivanting around topless with some sort of ultra br00tal demon and a lot of constipated screaming and ridiculous long start up times for a person to do a move or something. its beautiful, maybe kinda artsy at times, but when its artsy... its gorgeous. nice fluid animation with subtle swearing and a great plot.


thats the official site for it. i was going to see it in harvard square when it came out but it only played there for a weeka nd i missed it by the time i had nothing to do the day i was gonna go see it. as you would expect from Cowboy Bebop... there is plenty of awesome jazz. although there are a couple of shitty songs in the movie (i am still wondering why) but overall... the jazz is impeccable. buy it or rent it or something. or if you dont live too far away from me i can let you borrow it at a show and then i could pick it up from you a couple days later or something.
[Dec 6,2003 11:19am - the_reverend ""]
how does it compare with Shirow's ghost in the shell, Miyazaki's spirited away, or Otomo's akira?
those are my 3 favorite anime... well..
after la blue girl that is.
[Dec 6,2003 11:20am - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 6,2003 11:30am - thegreatspaldino ""]
you need to see Perfect Blue, desperately. anyways... its better than Spirited Away and Akira... Almost up there with Ghost in the Shell (my fav anime)
[Dec 6,2003 11:49am - the_reverend ""]
didn't shirow also appleseed and dominion?

I saw bought of those soooo long ago.. like in summer 96.

I really liked the movie "a wid named amnesia"
pretty cool story with that one. I had just read nevil shute's on the beach and that book and this movie go well together.
[Dec 6,2003 12:01pm - succubus ""]
liars..both of you..

HERE is your fave anime:

[Dec 6,2003 12:34pm - the_reverend ""]
yeha.. and we were having a serious convo here
[Dec 6,2003 12:54pm - succubus ""]
yep i can see that...

as i was saying that is your favorite anime..no need for me to explain

and it's Spanding's too because he created it

soooo you were saying?

[Dec 6,2003 3:19pm - George ""]
the movie is pretty good, but the series is much better. i'd say the cowboy bebop series is my favorite anime. there were a couple things wrong with the movie. firstly the music was not that great compared to bebop standards. One of the great things about that show was the kick ass jazz during the fight scenes and the movie had crappy pop instead, although there were some awesome jazz songs. Also some of the characters were drawn weird. Ed looked really strange in the movie and Faye was a little different looking. And if you want to get really picky, the movie had a couple plotholes here and there, since they made it after the series was made. like the goofy cowboy bounty show was canceled before the movie was supposed to happen. OH and the cover of the movie is fucking retarted....the glare on spike's crotch.
But it is a really really really good movie. Vincent fucking kicks ass. if you like this movie though, you should really watch the series. try to watch is in order.
other than bebop, my favorite anime are furi kuri, akira, beserk.

if you havnt noticed, im kind of an anime dork.
[Dec 6,2003 3:57pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I hate 99% of anime. This movie was good. No big-tittied demon women who's vaginas turn into elephant penises, but good nonetheless. The Cowboy Bebop movie get's my seal of approval.
[Dec 6,2003 4:02pm - George ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:I hate 99% of anime. This movie was good. No big-tittied demon women who's vaginas turn into elephant penises, but good nonetheless. The Cowboy Bebop movie get's my seal of approval.

you wouldnt like furi kuri. a giant fedora wearing penis comes our of a 13 year old's forehead and destroys the city with guns on each of his 6 arms that he pulls out of a trenchcoat.

they kill him with a guitar.

most rediculous show ever.
[Dec 6,2003 4:12pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Hahahahahahah. That sounds like the anime equivalent of terrible horror movies... so bad it's good.
[Dec 6,2003 4:13pm - BronzeBronson ""]

[Dec 6,2003 7:11pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
George said:
if you havnt noticed, im kind of an anime dork.

yes... but thats ok because if i had the money i would have a ton of anime dvds. im actually trying to get the rest of the X:tv series dvds. i need 3 through 8. and i need them with the black fake leather slip cases. but yeah. the series is obviously better. thats how it is with any anime. i have heard great things about Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. which i need to see. any of you seen Serial Experiments Lain? pretty damn awesome. Beserk is fucking sweet too. i saw the first 5 eps on dvd and then the rest i downloaded. awesome series. also if any of you havent, see Spriggan. another cool movie. VERY Akira-ish. but ummm... im gonna go now and stop talking about anime because i could talk about it all day.
[Dec 6,2003 7:14pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
George said:

you wouldnt like furi kuri. a giant fedora wearing penis comes our of a 13 year old's forehead and destroys the city with guns on each of his 6 arms that he pulls out of a trenchcoat.

they kill him with a guitar.

most rediculous show ever.

in america they call it "FL CL". that show is fucking amazing too. although it really doesnt make too much sense, hahahaha. i like that chicks rickenbacher/backer or however you spell it. that show is SO metal .
[Dec 6,2003 7:39pm - George ""]
thegreatspaldino said:yes... but thats ok because if i had the money i would have a ton of anime dvds. im actually trying to get the rest of the X:tv series dvds. i need 3 through 8. and i need them with the black fake leather slip cases. but yeah. the series is obviously better. thats how it is with any anime. i have heard great things about Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. which i need to see. any of you seen Serial Experiments Lain? pretty damn awesome. Beserk is fucking sweet too. i saw the first 5 eps on dvd and then the rest i downloaded. awesome series. also if any of you havent, see Spriggan. another cool movie. VERY Akira-ish. but ummm... im gonna go now and stop talking about anime because i could talk about it all day.

The ghost in the shell series is awesome. i have them on my computer. I've never seen serial experiments lain or spriggan. My roommate has the beserk boxset. along with the bebop box set and flcl boxset (or furi kuri, or fooly kooly...i love how there's no real name for that show). my only problem with flcl is that its so damn short. if it were longer i might like it more than bebop.....actually probably not. bebop's so dramatic and well done, flcl is just rediculous. If you want i can send you some anime via aim. i can actually add people to my buddy list now that my computer is fixed! haha
[Dec 6,2003 8:05pm - the_reverend ""]
I started to get all the robotech dvds.
started from the beginning, but then they re-released them so each part of the saga was in one boxset. I really want to get into the second and third part.
though, I've sat for an entire day watching the macross part.
[Dec 7,2003 11:20am - joostin ""]
the cowboy bebop movie was good, but it seemed like a long episode to me. Perfect Blue was an insane movie. i loved it, but if you want to go see a good moviestyle anime from a series, NOTHING beats Neon Genesis: Evangelion
[Jul 8,2015 11:12am - Tenzin eating vegetables on Air Temple Island  ""]
So is the series any good? I saw one episode years ago and it was awesome. Just ordered the dvds of the series.

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