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Green Carnation - New Song "Maybe?" off DVD

[May 18,2007 2:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Complete with wierd instruments I've never seen/heard before!


[May 18,2007 3:39pm - pam ""]
I fucking love this band.
[May 18,2007 3:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ya i defintely wanna do GC song with Fenrir
[May 18,2007 3:45pm - pam ""]
Jon would mess his pants.

Did you see them in Chickopee or whatever last year?
[May 18,2007 3:48pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
yeah it was an amazing show. there were barely 50 people at the show too.
[May 18,2007 3:49pm - pam ""]
I know. I was right in front and it was one of the greatest shows I've ever seen. Except for that stupid drunk bitch I threw duct tape at. She sucked.
[May 18,2007 3:52pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i just remembered my buddy recorded the gig on his mp3 player. i dont remember how good the quality is though. i was hoping they'd play Light of Day/Day of Darkness but instead they played every other song I wanted to here.
[May 18,2007 3:56pm - pam ""]
I was bummed that they were missing their acoustic guitars, but yeah...wow. I want to hear that mp3. I bet it's got that bitch yelling SWWWWEEETLEAF PLAY SWEEET LEAF IVE BEEN WAITING FOR YEARS SWEETLEAF..

And then me yelling SHUT THE FUCK UP WHORE
[May 18,2007 3:57pm - xanonymousx ""]

[May 18,2007 4:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
pam said:I was bummed that they were missing their acoustic guitars, but yeah...wow. I want to hear that mp3. I bet it's got that bitch yelling SWWWWEEETLEAF PLAY SWEEET LEAF IVE BEEN WAITING FOR YEARS SWEETLEAF..

And then me yelling SHUT THE FUCK UP WHORE

lol thats great. i'm gonna have to check that out cause i dont remember it. i was just completely mesmerized by tunes. also i tried complimenting whats-his-face after the show for his work with Emperor but he got pissed and started talking to someone else (must be some bad blood.)

[May 18,2007 4:04pm - pam ""]
We talked to Tchort (sp?) for a while, he was very weird but friendly.
[May 18,2007 4:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i must have caught him at a bad time then.
[May 18,2007 4:19pm - pam ""]
We didn't really mention Emperor...maybe he just hates them.

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