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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to HailAtWork.
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[QUOTE="HailAtWork:617895"]Yeti said:[QUOTE]did you ever stop to realize that we CANT stop using oil any time soon? the average suburbanite slob cant afford to convert over to new forms of energy. we barely make enough to survive WITH oil. for us to stop using oil, its going to take a very, very long time. the gears of change are turning, we have scientists working their asses off to divert the effects of oil, but its not going to be this year, or next year, or even within the next 20. you dont factor in human ingenuity which is starting to reverse what we have done. you want instant results, but you wont get them, and because you dont see them, you continue to badmouth everything. or perhaps you believe that the government should fund every single vehicle, train, plane and boat to be converted over to earth-friendly fuels. or maybe you think the government should fund every single factory that relies on fossil fuels. its possible in the future, but not economically feasible right now. you spew your hate as if nothing is being done, as if we are just taking tankers full of oil and dumping them in the rainforest. news flash, the world isnt in as bad of shape as the media will have you believe. but i suppose you know differently because you are you right? WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! instead of bitching, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!![/QUOTE] Sure we can, I'm wondering why it wasn't done 30-40 years ago, back when they'd already known it was a serious problem for a long time. If I could afford to convert over, anyone can, because I don't make shit. The government funds big oil, why shouldn't they fund safe, renewable energy conversion instead? Economic feasiblity isn't going to matter if we can't live here anymore will it? I don't care how corporations and factories switch, that's their problem, they've got plenty of money I'm sure they can handle it. We don't have all this time you're talking about, sure things are being done, but not fast enough. I've already done something about it, I'm telling you that you can do something about it also instead of making up excuses and waiting for the idiots in the government to come up with a solution. there's plenty of info on the internet about how to tell big oil to fuck off, why wait? [/QUOTE]
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