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LOLITA BLACK, Banana Hands, Butcherings, Tinsel Teeth (ex Spheres) The Tanks. MAY 31st. RI.

[show listing]  ______________________________________
[May 10,2007 6:14pm - LBprovidence ""]

[May 10,2007 7:50pm - Lamp ""]
I can't really imagine anyone on this forum going to this show.
[May 10,2007 8:01pm - yummy ""]
Hello, nice to meet you.
[May 10,2007 8:14pm - Lamp ""]
Heh, never mind.
[May 10,2007 8:29pm - yummy ""]
Come to think of it I probably won't be there. Thursdays are a no go.
[May 10,2007 9:42pm - Lamp ""]
I know Tinsel Teeth are ex-Spheres, are their sounds anything alike? I liked the Spheres.
[May 10,2007 9:59pm - LBprovidence ""]
not sure, iv never heard them. thanks for the positive support though. i didnt think anyone from this particular forum would be interested but ya never know.
[May 13,2007 6:00pm - bobdeaD  ""]
[May 13,2007 6:01pm - bobdeaD  ""]

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