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Fight breaks out at the Boston Pops (video)

[May 10,2007 1:58pm - shatteredliz ""]
I can't check out this video at the moment, but I really want to see it!

[May 10,2007 2:05pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
[May 10,2007 2:05pm - Zachary_Robert ""]
Keith Lockheart should have thrown a Violin Bow at the guy in the blue shirt and impaled him.
[May 10,2007 2:11pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
guy looked hammered
[May 10,2007 3:18pm - Yeti ""]
is there ever a time where adults can act like adults? a fight at the Boston Pops? let me guess, some dudeguy was being loud, another dudeguy asked him to be quiet, dudeguy #1 had to defend his masculinity so he fought dudeguy #2. so fucking gay.
[May 10,2007 3:50pm - xmikex ""]
"I say Mozart's 5th was his greatest work!"
"I say his 3rd!"
"Oh yeah, well your wife gave me a hand job during the last cello solo!"
[May 10,2007 5:07pm - demondave ""]
well, you can take em outta tha chateau,
but ya can't get tha chateau outta dem...
[May 10,2007 5:50pm - litacore ""]
and they said Slayer have violent lyrics!

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