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Clemens goes to NY

[May 6,2007 3:35pm - DomesticTerror ""]

good. they can have that cunt.
[May 6,2007 4:33pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i doubt he'll have a good year anyways.
[May 6,2007 5:22pm - tylerl ""]
clemens is nasty, but it's been a few years since he's had to pitch in the AL, especially the east, whose batting has definitely improved since he left the yankees in 03
[May 6,2007 5:55pm - xmikex ""]
what a fat piece of shit
[May 6,2007 6:15pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Worst news of the day.
[May 6,2007 6:23pm - hung_to_bleed ""]
WTF? I thought he retired?
[May 6,2007 6:31pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
He's been pitching for the Astros for the past couple seasons.
[May 6,2007 6:57pm - DomesticTerror ""]
more like the past couple of Augusts.
[May 6,2007 6:59pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Well, I know he hasn't pitched a complete season but at least he pitched. I still respect Roger Clemens but I don't think he will do a whole lot for the Yankees rotation. They just have too many injuries. Clemens can't pitch as much as he used to.
[May 6,2007 7:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
he would have to clone himself at least two more times to do anything worthwhile for their pitching rotation.
[May 6,2007 8:58pm - JayTUS nli  ""]
Big mistake, but hey, it's his decision. All he has to do is come back to the Red Sox and win one game and he's the all time leader in victories, but I guess winning it all with his butt buddy Pettite is higher on his priority list. We'll see how he fares against the AL after hiding in the NL the past few years. I'd love to see him finish it out with the Sox, but quite frankly, signing Clemens would have impeded Jonathan Lester's progress so it's no big deal. The Yankees clearly needed him more than we did.
[May 6,2007 9:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
JayTUS nli said:...quite frankly, signing Clemens would have impeded Jonathan Lester's progress so it's no big deal. The Yankees clearly needed him more than we did.


[May 6,2007 9:27pm - xanonymousx ""]
i think he wanted to come to the red sox's but they wanted him after he wanted to come or something so he just went to the yankee's yet im not too up on my sports news.
[May 6,2007 9:34pm - JayTUS nli  ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:JayTUS nli said:...quite frankly, signing Clemens would have impeded Jonathan Lester's progress so it's no big deal. The Yankees clearly needed him more than we did.


What does that mean?
[May 6,2007 9:49pm - xanonymousx ""]
ubb point.
whatever that is.
[May 6,2007 9:52pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i thought it meant good point.
[May 6,2007 10:12pm - JayTUS nli  ""]
Ah, well thanks then.
[May 6,2007 11:00pm - DomesticTerror ""]
DomesticTerror said:

good. they can have that cunt.

yeah, that's right. I quoted myself.

[May 6,2007 11:22pm - Dankill  ""]
A few points....
Roger has to go up through the minor league systems because he didn't do spring training, so the Yankees aren't going to use him until June anyways.
Plus, I read somewhere that his contract will be like what it was with the Astros, meaning he'll only pitch at Yankee Stadium. If that's the case, they'll only be able to use him half the time, halfway through the fucking season! At an insane amount of money no less.

The Sox are doing great so far and are only gonna get better when Lester comes back. Plus, when that happens, I've been reading that the Rockies are desparate for good starting pitching, that they'd be looking to jumpstart that Todd Helton trade again for Julian Tavarez. That would beef up our hitting so much for the price of a guy we'd be putting back into an already fairly soild bullpen.
[May 6,2007 11:56pm - DomesticTerror ""]
^^^the man speaks the truth. Pink hats, go away!
[May 6,2007 11:58pm - dreadkill ""]
i don't really give a shit. we don't really need roger on the sox anyway. the team is doing fine without him.
[May 7,2007 12:12am - tylerl ""]
Dankill said:The Sox are doing great so far and are only gonna get better when Lester comes back. Plus, when that happens, I've been reading that the Rockies are desparate for good starting pitching, that they'd be looking to jumpstart that Todd Helton trade again for Julian Tavarez. That would beef up our hitting so much for the price of a guy we'd be putting back into an already fairly soild bullpen.

there's no way that we'd get helton for tavarez straight up. when we almost got helton in the offseason it was gonna be for tavarez and mike lowell. mike lowell is a great defensive 3rd baseman and so is youk at 1st. i dont think sacrificing that is worth one better bat.
[May 7,2007 12:13am - dreadkill ""]
lowell is one of the league leaders in errors this year, even though he is usually great defensively. he's been good with the bat so far.
[May 7,2007 12:58am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
dreadkill said:lowell is one of the league leaders in errors this year, even though he is usually great defensively. he's been good with the bat so far.

yah the errors situation isnt fantastic but he has made some incredible plays as well this year. also from what i've seen, whenever he fucked up in the field he came right back with the bat and did some serious damage.
[May 7,2007 8:49pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Dankill said:
The Sox are doing great so far and are only gonna get better when Lester comes back. Plus, when that happens, I've been reading that the Rockies are desparate for good starting pitching, that they'd be looking to jumpstart that Todd Helton trade again for Julian Tavarez. That would beef up our hitting so much for the price of a guy we'd be putting back into an already fairly soild bullpen.

I would love to see Tavarez go. I wasn't happy when they signed him and he sucks anyway. He does nothing for the rotation and once Lester is back, our pitching rotation will be insane. Plus, our bullpen is in the best in the major leagues right now. Okajima has been lights out since he pitched a home run to that John Buck guy.
[May 7,2007 9:04pm - Frank Shamrock  ""]
Lester averaged less then 6 innings per start, had an ERA of nearly 5, walked 43 batters with 60 strike outs... People need to fuckin cool it on this kid. He beats cancer, and people somehow remember him being lights out last season, when he wasn't. He was slow as shit on the mound, had WAAAY too many walks and couldn't get out of the 5th inning.

Tavares is doing the job. Hansac is next in line. Let's relax on Lester and let the kid pitch in the minors for awhile. He wasn't nearly as good last season as people would like to think.
[May 7,2007 9:26pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Frank Shamrock said:Lester averaged less then 6 innings per start, had an ERA of nearly 5, walked 43 batters with 60 strike outs... People need to fuckin cool it on this kid. He beats cancer, and people somehow remember him being lights out last season, when he wasn't. He was slow as shit on the mound, had WAAAY too many walks and couldn't get out of the 5th inning.

Tavares is doing the job. Hansac is next in line. Let's relax on Lester and let the kid pitch in the minors for awhile. He wasn't nearly as good last season as people would like to think.

If you like Tavares, I bet you like Kyle Snyder too don't you?
[May 7,2007 10:13pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
We'll probably see Kason Gabbard at some point... hopefully he can provide some decent relief.
[May 8,2007 9:28am - xmikex ""]
Tavarez sucks. Every time I see him talking to Matsusaka I cringe. I picture Tavarez like the obnoxious guy at the office that everyone hates, but whenever there's a new guy around he attatches himself to him in the hopes of forcing someone to be his friend finally.

Francona should make Tavarez sit on the bus if he's not playing, so that way he won't fuck up anyone's mindset.
[May 8,2007 9:32am - brian_dc ""]
I can just see him trying to talk to Matsuzaka:

"Hi, I'm Julian Tavarez, I'm here to infect you with mediocrity and insanity. Can you translate that?"

Translator: ::sighs:: "He says you have a massive dong for an Asian and he fears clowns."


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