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May 28 (Mon) - The Angelic Process, Shroud of Bereavement, Black Mayonnaise, Feigned - $8 - Middle East Upstairs (Cambridge, Ma) +

May 28 @ Middle East: The Angelic Process, Shroud of Bereavement, Black Mayonnaise, Feigned

[show listing]  ________________________________________
[Apr 17,2007 8:35pm - VoidExpression ""]
WZBC and Void Expression are proud to present:

The Angelic Process (http://www.myspace.com/theangelicprocess)
Shroud of Bereavement (http://www.myspace.com/shroudofbereavement)
Black Mayonnaise (http://www.midheaven.com/artists/black.mayonnaise.html)
Feigned (http://www.myspace.com/bravenewwasteland)

Middle East Upstairs (moved from O'briens)

Come catch The Angelic Process make their New England debut with their only show in the area to support their new album on Profound Lore (they've just put a new track up on their Myspace page). The enigmatic Black Mayonnaise is also playing what I think is his first show in the area, so come show some love. The wonderful Shroud of Bereavement and Feigned are gracing us with their presence as well. Should be a nice way to spend Memorial Day.
[Apr 17,2007 8:44pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
that's a fucking cool show. the angelic process live must be crushing. black mayonnaise is pretty weird. not sure how that'll work live. oh, wait...

[Apr 17,2007 8:53pm - VoidExpression ""]
Ha, yeah, Black Mayo is going to be a wild card. His recorded stuff is great, and I know someone who played a show with him 5-6 years ago who said he was super heavy and pretty creepy, so it should be a good time. Can't wait to hear The Angelic Process live as a trio!
[Apr 17,2007 9:28pm - sacreligion ""]
[Apr 19,2007 1:18pm - C.dead  ""]
I never thought i would ever see the day. Black Mayo, live, in the area, whatever. I used to write to him and the whole Ohio noisecore/weird/shit like pile of eggs, schnauzer, etc. and i still can't believe it. Feigned will be really good too, vinny is super stoked about playing it.
[Apr 19,2007 1:27pm - Yeti ""]
oh man, the day after Maryland Deathfest, then Emperor on Friday. thats one hell of a week.
[Apr 19,2007 7:47pm - anonymous  ""]
Bump! Should be a good time indeed!
[Apr 19,2007 11:24pm - anonymous  ""]
C.dead said:I never thought i would ever see the day. Black Mayo, live, in the area, whatever. I used to write to him and the whole Ohio noisecore/weird/shit like pile of eggs, schnauzer, etc. and i still can't believe it. Feigned will be really good too, vinny is super stoked about playing it.

I still love you jay
[May 12,2007 11:47am - VoidExpression ""]
Bump and "flier" up here (I'm having some resizing issues at the moment). A friend was supposed to be working on a sweet design, but flaked finishing it so now it's time for lame photoshop skillz. Anyone feel like being creative?
[May 12,2007 2:19pm - SoulsOfTheSlain ""]
Hope i can make it back from MDF in time. Fucking jarboe is playing this in NYC.

Stop having HUGE ~1meg pictures show on your site. At least have a jpg thumbnail or something and have the full one available for download.
[May 12,2007 2:46pm - VoidExpression ""]
Nah, I like having the big one up. I do need to resize the beast though, so it's not quite so ridiculous. Also, this could be the final Void Expression event in Boston, if anyone cares!

The New York show is going to be killer! Yellow Tears, the other band on that bill is pretty fucking serious.
[May 18,2007 10:20pm - sacreligion ""]
bump because i needed to remember when this show was.

going to be awesome
[May 25,2007 3:11pm - dyingmuse ""]


Who's going?
[May 27,2007 10:37pm - VoidExpression ""]
Tomorrow bump!
[May 27,2007 10:50pm - dyingmuse ""]
[May 28,2007 12:35pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
boy do i hope i have a way out there tomorrow
[May 28,2007 1:08pm - VoidExpression ""]
Do it!

[May 28,2007 3:32pm - DreamingInExile ""]

this is the perfect excuse to blow off family functions and cookouts today!!!
[May 28,2007 3:48pm - dyingmuse ""]
DreamingInExile said:TONIGHT!!!

this is the perfect excuse to blow off family functions and cookouts today!!!

That's right folks, That's exactly what I did lol!

Be there or be

...at a family cook out lol!
[May 28,2007 3:50pm - DreamingInExile ""]
you went back home Dan? ok, I guess I won't head to the space now then...
[May 28,2007 3:54pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah, Dave was being gay! LOL!

I packed my head and the merch in his car, I just have my cab and guitar to pick up.
We played Communion and some of Rose. I played drums though.
[May 28,2007 5:57pm - dyingmuse ""]

Leaving very soon!
[May 28,2007 8:32pm - MikePile  ""]
[May 29,2007 2:55am - dyingmuse ""]
Wow, cool show, cool bands, I had fun! And the sound guy was awesome!!!

Thanks to Drew, the other bands and anyone who went last night!

[May 29,2007 7:33am - DreamingInExile ""]
yeah, big thanks to everyone!

I had a blast, definitely an experience to not be forgotten!
[May 29,2007 9:14am - C.dEAD  ""]
This was such an amazing show! Black Mayo was one of the best performances i have ever witnessed, no fucking joke. Never in a million years did i think i would ever see that. Absolutely incredible.

SOB was spot fucking on last night. Love the new cd by the way, great stuff. Brings me back to 95/96.

Vinny/Feigned sounded really good through the Middle East PA, they have such a good sound there. Actually, everyone sounded amazing last night. My only complaint about Angelic Process was that you couldn't hear any guitars and they played for too long.

Awesome awesome show.
[May 29,2007 1:52pm - dyingmuse ""]
C.dEAD said:This was such an amazing show! Black Mayo was one of the best performances i have ever witnessed, no fucking joke. Never in a million years did i think i would ever see that. Absolutely incredible.

SOB was spot fucking on last night. Love the new cd by the way, great stuff. Brings me back to 95/96.

Vinny/Feigned sounded really good through the Middle East PA, they have such a good sound there. Actually, everyone sounded amazing last night. My only complaint about Angelic Process was that you couldn't hear any guitars and they played for too long.

Awesome awesome show.

Thanks bro!


Definitely a good night!
[May 29,2007 7:27pm - VoidExpression ""]
Thanks to the bands and everyone who came out last night. Everyone sounded amazing!
[May 30,2007 9:00pm - dyingmuse ""]
Thank you sir!
[Jun 1,2007 8:28am - BlackMayonnaise  ""]

it was really great meeting and hanging out with ALL of you in cambridge. i really enjoyed every band that played. it was also great that one band alone had more members than the remaining 3 put together!!
next time i happen to be out that way i'll try and spend more time in town so we can all hang out and party or whatever.

i'm REALLY digging the Hirudinea and Sewer Goddess discs too...

keep in touch guys.
[Jun 1,2007 8:35am - BlackMayonnaise  ""]
Oh yeah, i forgot to thank drew again in the above post... and you guys should thank him too because he's the one who invited/lured me up that way!!!!!!! otherwise if it wasn't for him i'd have never rolled into town.

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