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Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job

[Apr 15,2007 11:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Making Sunday late night appearences on Adult Swim, this show is beyond disturbing... definitely helps to be completely wasted while watching it. :spineyes:
[Apr 16,2007 1:00am - Anthony nli  ""]
i love this show
[Apr 16,2007 2:10pm - MikePile  ""]
This show is gospel
[Apr 16,2007 2:11pm - brian_dc ""]
I stopped watching adult swim...I should check this show out or something. Any shows up online?
[Apr 16,2007 2:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Apr 16,2007 2:57pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Apr 16,2007 3:32pm - ariavette ""]
i started watching it.. but it's almost like a ... too fucked up to watch high show... most adult swim shows fit the mood pretty well.. but this one.. i was so just so confused and kept asking" what the hell is going on right now".
[Apr 16,2007 3:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ariavette said:i started watching it.. but it's almost like a ... too fucked up to watch high show... most adult swim shows fit the mood pretty well.. but this one.. i was so just so confused and kept asking" what the hell is going on right now".

i had a similar experience ...yet i will continue watching.

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