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May 3 (Thu) - ******FREE SHOW*****Porphyria, the_Network, GAZA, and The Taste of Silver, ALL AGES. Starts 6:00pm - VPAC, Fox Tower, UMass Lowell (Lowell, MA)[view flyer]

THU, MAY 3RD - DON'T MISS THIS!!! FREE!! Gaza, The Network, TTOS, Porphyria

Fox Hall (Lowell, Ma) - [gaza][porphyria][randomshots][the_network][the_taste_of_silver][otep]
[show listing]  _________________________________________________
[Apr 15,2007 2:11am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]


Thursday, May 3rd
@ UMass Lowell VPAC, 3rd Floor
Fox Tower
Lowell, MA

GAZA (Black Market Activities, from SLC Utah)
The_Network (they will destroy everything in sight, I've seen it happen more than once)
Porphyria (New England's answer to Decapitated)
The Taste of Silver (New England's answer to Phillip Glass in a grind band)
[Apr 15,2007 11:37am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Salt Lake City, UT

From Salt Lake City, Gaza play a dark, glooming and frantic breed of hardcore and metal mixed with grind. Combining the sludgy, droney elements of Crowbar or Soilent Green with the absolute blasting force of Pig Destroyer, adjectives like abrasive and devastating, do not even begin to touch the full extremes of this group. What little will be left after The_Network's set will be cleared away by these men.

Dover, NH

Recalling memories of bands like Coalesce and Deadguy, the frantic, desperate music of The_Network is something that can only truly be experienced live. I've been playing shows with these guys for four years now, and they've destroyed every damn thing in their path whenever they play. Countless microphones and guitar cables have fallen mercilessly at their feet. The frustration and contempt for all things worldly that is felt within their guts becomes reality for fifteen minutes, with guitars swirling, drumsticks flailing, and microphones sailing through the air. You must see this band to believe they actually do what people say they do. Plus they're fast as hell.

Maine / New Hampshire / Massachusetts

Formed in late 2003, Porphyria is a 5-piece death metal band based out of three states (ME, NH, MA). Their 5 track EP, recorded with Ken Susi in April of 2005, is cutting-edge death metal, filled with some of the heaviest parts New England has ever heard. They have played 100+ shows all over New England and to as far as Ohio within the last two years with some national and international acts such as: Suffocation, Cryptopsy, Vehemence, Despised Icon, Beneath the Massacre, Akercocke, Vital Remains, Cattle Decapitation, Malignancy, Internal Sufferring, Immolation, Dehumanized, Mortician, Incantation, Goratory, Wasteform and many more. This band is consistently tight and razor accurate. Expect them to be picked up by a major label soon.

Arlington, MA

Hailing from the small historical town of Arlington, Massachusetts, The Taste of Silver has been making surprisingly large waves in the underground music scene. Combining the likes of Phillip Glass and John Cage with music like Assuck, Saetia, and Dinosaur Jr, their blend of melody and technicality is a breath of fresh air in a world of one-hitter wonders and pattern songs growing progressively stagnant. They have played over 300 shows in over 35 states, and have just released their second album on Hold True Records. This band is sure to win you over with their passion and integrity live.
[Apr 15,2007 12:42pm - cav ""]
im getting work off to go to this show. mhm
[Apr 15,2007 12:54pm - tylerl ""]
what a sick lineup
[Apr 15,2007 2:28pm - blue ""]
yowza! this show is going to rule!
[Apr 15,2007 8:58pm - blue ""]
bump. everyone needs to know about this show.
[Apr 15,2007 10:07pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
this show delivers

it's a thursday night, this room is spacious and the sound is great

let's set this the fuck off
[Apr 15,2007 11:11pm - cav ""]
aaaaaaw shit son! nick is bringin da fuckin mosh yo!!!
[Apr 15,2007 11:38pm - xanonymousx ""]
blue said:bump. everyone needs to know about this show.

true dat.
[Apr 16,2007 12:46am - Doomkid ""]
I promise not to puke in the VPAC.
[Apr 16,2007 1:12am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Doomkid said:I promise not to puke in the VPAC.

Don't make promises you can't keep
[Apr 17,2007 12:53am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Apr 19,2007 10:51am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]


[Apr 19,2007 11:00pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Apr 20,2007 8:39am - the_network_booking ""]
[Apr 20,2007 2:54pm - blue ""]
[Apr 20,2007 7:56pm - mOe ""]
sorry, i'll be at Avalon watching SAVES THE DAY
[Apr 20,2007 10:45pm - blue ""]
you know for a fact that you do not win, due to the fact that STD havent been good in ages. stop convincing yourself that their weezer wannabe-ness is even remotely good.

anyway, you should really be at this show instead.
[Apr 20,2007 10:53pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
With the money you would save going to this show, you could buy any number of rugs that do not have sentimental value for me
[Apr 20,2007 11:14pm - xanonymousx ""]
this is coming up fast!
[Apr 21,2007 9:12am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Damn right

plus it's FREE
[Apr 21,2007 11:48am - mOe ""]
Stay What You Are + In Reverie = *b0nerz*
[Apr 21,2007 4:04pm - blue ""]
[Apr 21,2007 6:52pm - hungtableed  ""]
hell fucking yea. This is 2 mins from my house, I'm totally going to this. BTW where the heck would a show go down at fox hall? I used to have a class or two there even though I think it is a residence hall.
[Apr 21,2007 8:57pm - xanonymousx ""]
hungtableed said:hell fucking yea. This is 2 mins from my house, I'm totally going to this. BTW where the heck would a show go down at fox hall? I used to have a class or two there even though I think it is a residence hall.

it is a residence hall... my friend who goes there says most of the kids hates the shows there cause they are trying to sleep or don't like the non umass kids going there... cause it is an event for them i guess.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-272466537040003674 is a video from a show there.
[Apr 21,2007 9:37pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I used to be president of fox hall when I went there, and I always wanted to do shows in that room

fuck the haters
[Apr 22,2007 3:17am - Doomkid ""]
mOe said:sorry, i'll be at Avalon watching SAVES THE DAY

Moe, even I admit that STD is gay as shit nowadays. ME. Just come to this show, it'll be twice as sweet.
[Apr 23,2007 2:46pm - mOe ""]
Sound the Alarm is gay, everything before that is pretty gold
fuck the hatez0rrzz!
[Apr 23,2007 3:19pm - Doomkid ""]
post-Stay What You Are = homotronic
[Apr 23,2007 8:02pm - mOe ""]
people who dont understand In Reverie need to grow up
[Apr 23,2007 8:51pm - blue nli  ""]
mOe said:people who dont understand blatant weezer worship need to grow up
[Apr 23,2007 9:00pm - xanonymousx ""]
i saw saves the day a while back... they were alright.
[Apr 23,2007 9:56pm - mOe ""]
In Reverie does NOT sound like Weezer...its a beautiful power pop record and Weezer is not the ONLY power pop band there is, just the biggest one
[Apr 23,2007 11:59pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
mOe, you must come to this show

as must anyone else with vowels in their name
[Apr 24,2007 12:55am - Doomkid ""]
mOe said:people who dont understand In Reverie need to grow up

understanding does not equal enjoyment. regardless I hope you enjoy the show, and for those not lucky enough to have tickets: this show will more than make up for it. :pukeface:
[Apr 24,2007 11:59am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Apr 24,2007 1:08pm - HTR ""]
I have no vowels in my name and I'll be there.
[Apr 24,2007 1:09pm - sxealex ""]
ur an acronym.
[Apr 24,2007 1:10pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

that's vowels

oh you meant no bowels in your booty?
[Apr 24,2007 1:38pm - mOe ""]
Doomkid said:mOe said:people who dont understand In Reverie need to grow up

understanding does not equal enjoyment. regardless I hope you enjoy the show, and for those not lucky enough to have tickets: this show will more than make up for it. :pukeface:

my best friend brought me and my lady the tickets so I cant just be like "d00d, that shit aint brutal no thanx!"
[Apr 25,2007 3:37pm - blue ""]
sick show guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[Apr 25,2007 4:12pm - Doomkid ""]
I wasn't saying you should man, the pukey was just to illustrate what people might enjoy at this show: my well-honed regurgitation skills.
[Apr 25,2007 11:31pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
first your say you won't puke, now you say you will

which one is it, tiger?
[Apr 26,2007 1:07am - Doomkid ""]
[Apr 26,2007 2:27pm - blue ""]
up. flyers for this show will be in full effect at both metalfest days.
[Apr 26,2007 4:07pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
damn right. I am making my way up north with full 11x17 posters of the above graphic this week
[Apr 26,2007 7:35pm - BALLS SO HARD  ""]
[Apr 28,2007 9:21am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
take a nibble
[Apr 29,2007 5:00pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Apr 29,2007 10:03pm - brian_dc ""]
I'm there...


not now though.
[Apr 30,2007 1:20am - blue ""]
this show will the debut of my new guitar head. be there and be totally shocked.
[Apr 30,2007 9:09am - porphyria  ""]
this will be the debut of my ass in blues face.
[Apr 30,2007 9:17am - SteveOTB ""]
It's free and 30 seconds from my house; I can't find a reason not to go to this show.
[Apr 30,2007 10:13am - mOe ""]
blue said:this show will the debut of my new guitar head. be there and be totally shocked.

I SAW IT...when meghann and I went down to visit ya'll but you had just pooned out and left...needless to say i was suprised
[Apr 30,2007 10:45am - brian_dc ""]
did John sell you his Framus?
[Apr 30,2007 12:51pm - the_reverend ""]
what time do these shows start/end? I need to get to marks to shoot otep.
[Apr 30,2007 1:33pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
They seem to get over before 11pm, and it's only 4 bands, and the network and us have short sets usually

Plus I think we're gonna set up on the floor, so that wll save time
[Apr 30,2007 3:17pm - Kinslayer  ""]
What new head, Blue?
[Apr 30,2007 3:23pm - mOe ""]
i guess he wants it to be a secret
[Apr 30,2007 3:38pm - the_reverend ""]
it's probably a penis.
[Apr 30,2007 5:18pm - brian_dc ""]
if it were a penis he would be too overjoyed to keep it a secret
[Apr 30,2007 5:49pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Check out rad shit from The Taste of Silver and These Are: (not on this show but Adam helped set it up) here:

[Apr 30,2007 8:45pm - brian_dc ""]
Nicholas you are being a whore

but I kinda like it.
[Apr 30,2007 8:48pm - xanonymousx ""]
can't wait.
[Apr 30,2007 11:06pm - blue ""]
[May 1,2007 12:39am - Doomkid ""]
everyone wins when nick's a whore.
[May 1,2007 12:42am - sxealex ""]
there are alot of people that dont win.
[May 1,2007 12:42am - sxealex ""]
as in donut. your virgin is like sleeve of wizard
[May 1,2007 12:43am - Doomkid ""]
are you drunk?
[May 1,2007 1:07am - brian_dc ""]
I'm skipping midnight Spider-Man 3 for this shit.

Everyone rule.

blue is it the fucking Framus. I'm punching walls with anticipation.
[May 1,2007 2:04am - Doomkid ""]
brian_dc said:blue is it the fucking Framus. I'm punching walls with anticipation.

Good thing Dour Cursiva isn't playing this show then.
[May 1,2007 8:04am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I am flyering this show tonight

And anyone that picks on DC picks on ME!!!!!!


PS - Brian, I think this will be done before midnight...
[May 1,2007 8:10am - brian_dc ""]
haha...thanks for having my back dude. I don't know if the two of us could take a sweaty, shirtless, enraptured rowan though.

and it's still an hour drive from me, so I don't want to risk any temptation to leave early.
[May 1,2007 12:44pm - Doomkid ""]
i meant you would have broken hands and wouldn't be able to play guitar

[May 1,2007 12:56pm - brian_dc ""]
ohhhhhhh...I get it now.
[May 1,2007 1:28pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

[May 1,2007 11:32pm - blue ""]
2 days!
[May 2,2007 12:50am - Doomkid ""]
Obviously the kid is crying because Maryland is killing Duke.
[May 2,2007 12:17pm - blue ""]
[May 2,2007 12:27pm - manny silva  ""]
greatest show of the year..thats funny.
[May 2,2007 1:17pm - Doomkid ""]
manny silva said:greatest show of the year..thats funny.

You're right, its a misnomer. The show your mom gave me last night was much better.
[May 2,2007 2:06pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
manny silva said:greatest show of the year..thats funny.

dude's right, my apologies


How's that work for you, cocksucker?
[May 2,2007 8:58pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
come see my polish pedal
[May 3,2007 12:13am - jebus_crispex ""]
I'm very excited for this show. It's been way too long since I've seen Porphyria and I'm psyched for the other bands as well. Last time I saw Porphyria was at Franklin Pierce College with The Final Battle and a bunch of other bands that I can't remember.
[May 3,2007 1:01am - Doomkid ""]
I won a $50 gift certificate for a crappy tattoo parlor that I never used at that show. And I also had a shitty attempt at a beard.
[May 3,2007 9:22am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Welsh people + beards = Gay olympics
[May 3,2007 9:40am - the_reverend ""]
[May 3,2007 11:27am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I am glad our president is a retarded hillbilly
[May 3,2007 11:32am - Jimmy Justice  ""]
I was gonna go to this until I found out my old band is playing a show tonight. I havn't seen them in forever, I have to go see them.

I hope this show is attended by a lot of people and everyone has a great time. I'll see Gaza soon.
[May 3,2007 12:33pm - brian_dc ""]
if I mapquest umass lowell will I never find this place?
[May 3,2007 1:10pm - the_network_booking ""]
DIRECTIONS... from Andover, MA but you can figure it out from 93 or 495.


Hope that helps...looks a little confusing and mapquest sucks...but those links should help.
[May 3,2007 1:17pm - brian_dc ""]
thanks muchly
[May 3,2007 1:36pm - sxealex ""]
The FOX TOWER is pretty much THE tallest thing in Lowell, so you should be able to find it easily. Every one in Lowell knows where it is, too. It's like 20 or 24 floors or something. It needs a special blinking light so planes don't fly into it.

When you get to the building, go straight ahead through the doors to the freight-looking elevator. Take that to the third floor. You can also take the stairs behind the doors to your right and left.

totally free show, so enjoy

oh also! If you are still confused as to where to go, just ask the security guard or the person at the help desk by the soda machines for the VPAC.
[May 3,2007 1:39pm - brian_dc ""]
[May 3,2007 2:13pm - blue ""]
[May 3,2007 3:19pm - the_reverend ""]
how far is it from here to the WUML studios?
[May 3,2007 3:23pm - SteveOTB ""]
the_reverend said:how far is it from here to the WUML studios?

30 seconds?
[May 3,2007 3:36pm - the_reverend ""]
I just called and they said that fox hall is in the east campus and the station is in the north campus.
[May 3,2007 3:40pm - SteveOTB ""]
the_reverend said:I just called and they said that fox hall is in the east campus and the station is in the north campus.

OK so 40 seconds.
[May 3,2007 3:43pm - the_reverend ""]
I've never really been on the campus.
I'm going to see about visiting the stressfactor before the show

listen to 91.5FM from 6pm to 9pm.
I also think we should have that show playing as music if there is music between bands.
[May 3,2007 3:46pm - SteveOTB ""]
the_reverend said:I've never really been on the campus.
I'm going to see about visiting the stressfactor before the show

listen to 91.5FM from 6pm to 9pm.
I also think we should have that show playing as music if there is music between bands.

We got played on Stress Factor 2 weeks ago...pretty awesome.
[May 3,2007 3:54pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

That "east campus" bullshit is just new terminology

it's literally like 2 blocks away, if that. You just cross the bridge and it's in the basement of the library

I used to live at Fox Hall and do a show at WUML, it's super close, trust me. 5 Minute walk.
[May 3,2007 3:55pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
actually, maybe even less than 5 minutes
[May 3,2007 3:59pm - Gibbs  ""]
Rev if you wanna get intouch with Pat to go down to the stressfactor the station ## is 978 934 4969
[May 3,2007 4:57pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[May 3,2007 5:06pm - brian_dc ""]
hitting the road nowish.
[May 3,2007 5:13pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm 30+ minutes away.
[May 3,2007 5:18pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm excited to see WJUL's studio. I've been listening to that station since 1990-ish.
I've only been to 2 other radio stations before. harvard's and notre dame (manchester nh. now RIP).
[May 3,2007 5:25pm - Adam_is ""]
OK here's the deal. If you don't come to this show you suck. plain and simple
[May 3,2007 5:36pm - the_reverend ""]
[May 3,2007 5:39pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm listening to uml now and it's emo boy bands.
[May 3,2007 6:01pm - the_reverend ""]
looking for parking
[May 3,2007 6:05pm - the_reverend ""]
ok... there isn't any parking anywhere? wtf! everything is sticker only or residential.
[May 3,2007 6:22pm - the_reverend ""]
there is no giant dong parking. I'm so confused and there is no parking!
[May 3,2007 7:02pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, I said a prayer to the god of no tickets and went inside. it's like a community theatre room. I'm hoping for puppet shows in between the bands' set.
[May 3,2007 10:41pm - xanonymousx ""]
kinda wish car troubles weren't a factor i would have been there.
[May 3,2007 10:50pm - the_reverend ""]
the show, in short and reverse order.

network, the: scott was in the hspital taking care of his little lady so 2 dudes from gaza did most of the vocals. Granted, they aren't scott and weren't able to stand up to pete's screaming like scott can, but they did a good job. Between the 2 of them, they knew most of the vocal rhythms. The last 2 songs had a bunch of people step up on the mic. Including steveotb and immortal13.

gaza: my 3rd time seeing them in 5 days? Still awesome. They had the best sound of all the bands (besides the kick drum mic that was cut out for 1/2 a song). After the stage/sound from zack last night, the sound here wasn't on par. But that's ok. It's still gaza.

Porphyria: the sound was messed up for them. On blue's side, I only heard tom. On tom's side I only heard blue. Once they turned it up it was better (especially the bass) but there was a little bit too much low end in that system. BMR was there rocking out for them and all that stuff.

the_taste_of_silver: they played with almost no crowd interaction what so ever. I guess people in lowell just rock that way. TTOS still played as good as they always do. Somehow, even though they write 800 songs and 800 messages, I always know most of the songs that they play.
[May 3,2007 11:10pm - sxealex ""]
er rev whats your paypal email
[May 3,2007 11:13pm - sxealex ""]
actually if u cuz just email or pm the address to me that would be good.
[May 3,2007 11:20pm - brian_dc ""]
good times
[May 3,2007 11:40pm - SteveOTB ""]
Good show; myself singing with The_Network was ridiculous.
[May 3,2007 11:48pm - the_reverend ""]
alex: did I drop dsome money or something?
[May 4,2007 1:04am - the_reverend ""]
[May 4,2007 3:14am - Adam_is ""]
i had a really good time at the show tonight. kinda sucks that there weren't more people but what can you do. gaza fucking rocked my ass. ttos never lets me down. all the bands were wicked nice.
[May 4,2007 8:13am - brian_dc ""]
now to give more than a "good times" response.

Was nice to see the bros from Porphyria and TTOS again. Blue looks like a bearded lady now and is playing through an old Fender head that has more gain than anything they have on the market these days. Sounds like it has potential.

TTOS were great as usual, even though there was not crowd participation they gave it their all and Nicholas proceeded to ruin is guitar a little.

Porphyria was a bit sloppier than I;ve seen them before, but even in that case they're tighter than most bands on the local circuit.

Gaza sounded huge. It seems like every other band had a bit of a hard time filling out the room (though TTOS sounded bigger than usual because of the WOBO). Gaza must tune down to -Zflat or something, every note snapped back from some higher note to a lower note due to string wobbliness. I'm usually not down with that because it's a little gimmicky, but they've created a really dark vibe and great stage presence around that vibe. At times these guys would fit right in on a doom and grind fest (and I'm not being an ignorant fuck about grind, I know the difference), other times they sound like a tech-ier coalesce tuned down to death. It's a good thing.

The_Network was ridiculous. Guest vocals and loudness. I wish they had set up on the floor.

[May 4,2007 8:15am - brian_dc ""]
also, I wasn't there, but OTEP was terrible.
[May 4,2007 9:25am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

CAPTION: All these 18 yr old girls, but I only got one dick!!!


CAPTION: God, I hope someone in The_Network bends over to pick up that mic cable...
[May 4,2007 9:29am - the_reverend ""]
from behind, blue looks like your mom's middle aged friend who always bitches about her husband and you don't really like her all that much.
[May 4,2007 10:55am - the_network_booking ""]
A HUGE thanks goes out to everyone that stepped it up and helped out with vocal duties while Scott had to take care of some urgent matters. This was a very unique show for us...GAZA filling in and then open mic for the last few songs....a sincere thanks to everyone that grabbed the mic and sang there hearts out...
This was such a good show...Porphyria, TTOS and us have been playing shows together for a long time now and all have become good friends over the years...it was good to all play the same show and just hang out with bud's, add GAZA and you've got a reaction much like the pic of blue above...
[May 4,2007 2:27pm - xanonymousx ""]
damn kinda looks like a low turnout from the pictures
sure it was great though.
[May 4,2007 7:18pm - jim_is_to_lazy_to_login  ""]
the_network is blowing up seriously
these dudes rule
[May 4,2007 9:08pm - jebus_crispex ""]
Great fuckin show, too bad I had to bail after Gaza. Thanks for puttin my long ass hair on RTTP lol. I couldn't just stand there during Frailities of Humanity and not thrash, it felt unnatural.
[May 5,2007 11:48am - Foghorn  ""]
I only made it down to see the end of TTOS set and the beginning of Porphyria. I wish I could have stayed for the rest of the show. But, I did promo the hell out of the show on the Stress Factor and played some tracks from each band. I hope to see the bands I missed sometime soon.

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