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[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Apr 12,2007 7:55pm - fishcakes ""]
who wants to open this shit?:whipper:
[Apr 12,2007 8:24pm - metalguy ""]
move the rabbit will do it
[Apr 12,2007 8:26pm - ZenErik ""]
/\ What he said.
[Apr 12,2007 8:26pm - metalguy ""]
[Apr 12,2007 8:28pm - ZenErik ""]
metalguy said:www.myspace.com/movetherabbit

[Apr 12,2007 9:27pm - handinjury ""]
[Apr 12,2007 9:39pm - RichHorror ""]
handinjury said:whoremastery

[Apr 12,2007 10:07pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
RichHorror said:handinjury said:whoremastery

Hell yes.
[Apr 13,2007 1:00am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
MDF weekend.
[Apr 13,2007 1:02am - anonymous  ""]
handinjury said:whoremastery

if you are for real brian you got it
[Apr 13,2007 1:02am - pam ""]
I'm not going to MDF, so I'll probably be there.
[Apr 13,2007 1:16am - Gibbs  ""]
Brutal #2 is always down to trek to New Bedfoid.
[Apr 13,2007 9:52am - fishcakes ""]
rite now it may be abnormality
[Apr 13,2007 2:42pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I think I just came.
[Apr 13,2007 4:13pm - handinjury ""]
anonymous said:handinjury said:whoremastery

if you are for real brian you got it

Oh yes, I am for real!
[Apr 13,2007 4:38pm - whoremastery ""]
ya amn as long as spidey can do it!!!!!
[Apr 13,2007 4:40pm - pam ""]
This show should be tonight. I'm bored.
[Apr 13,2007 7:35pm - deathchick ""]
abnormality confirms :NEWHORNS: this will be a sick show
[Apr 14,2007 1:06am - RichHorror ""]
This place is rad because if you're in a band you can usually score free cocaine or heroin.
[Apr 14,2007 3:11am - pam ""]
I love the bullpen. The beer is cheap. That's really all you need to win me over.
[Apr 14,2007 5:33am - fishcakes ""]
I only wanted 4 bands, but I am selfish and I have to see all these bands now

[Apr 14,2007 5:34am - fishcakes ""]
RichHorror said:This place is rad because if you're in a band you can usually score free cocaine or heroin.

who do you know?
[Apr 14,2007 7:59am - handinjury ""]
fishcakes said:I only wanted 4 bands, but I am selfish and I have to see all these bands now


Thanks fish, this is a sweet lineup.
[Apr 14,2007 11:33am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Holy shit. What a ridiculous lineup.
[Apr 14,2007 12:06pm - Whoremastery ""]
RichHorror said:This place is rad because if you're in a band you can usually score free cocaine or heroin.

im down for some coke!
[Apr 14,2007 12:27pm - RichHorror ""]
Ask and you shall receive.
[Apr 14,2007 12:42pm - Whoremastery ""]
ill be askin!!!! so we def on this show?
[Apr 14,2007 12:52pm - handinjury ""]
This will be the show of bands that end in "ity/y" .Except for bane (of existancy)
re re reeee.
[Apr 14,2007 2:02pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
We can change our name for this show.
[Apr 14,2007 3:45pm - handinjury ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:We can change our name for this show.

[Apr 14,2007 3:59pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
It's already spelled wrong.
[Apr 14,2007 4:12pm - DomesticTerror ""]
fuck yeah! Jeremy, can i use my cab? ; )
[Apr 14,2007 5:14pm - fishcakes ""]
we got cabs if you need them scott
[Apr 14,2007 5:19pm - fishcakes ""]
handinjury said:fishcakes said:I only wanted 4 bands, but I am selfish and I have to see all these bands now


Thanks fish, this is a sweet lineup.

we are just going to have to start it early, around 9:30. fuck it this thing will rule!:doublehorns::doublehorns::doublehorns::doublehorns::doublehorns:
[Apr 14,2007 6:15pm - Whoremastery ""]
the cunt ridden filth returns...thanx fish!
[Apr 14,2007 6:36pm - handinjury ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:It's already spelled wrong.

[Apr 14,2007 6:52pm - pam ""]
This show is going to kill. Fuckin a.
[Apr 14,2007 7:43pm - D2A-NLI  ""]
Yes Scott, you may use your cab for this show. =)
[Apr 14,2007 11:50pm - jere nli  ""]
haha scott, did you just ask to borrow your own cab lol! of course! I am fucking psyched for this show
[Apr 15,2007 12:01am - deathchickNLI  ""]
fishcakes said:I only wanted 4 bands, but I am selfish and I have to see all these bands now


HELL YES> so psyched to finally play a show with deconformity and whoremastery.
[Apr 15,2007 12:35am - Deconformity  ""]
hey its great to play with abnormality, this is gonna be a severe fucking show
[Apr 15,2007 12:54am - fishcakes ""]
[Apr 15,2007 5:54am - deodiummortis ""]
[Apr 15,2007 7:22am - fishcakes ""]
crap is the shit....
[Apr 15,2007 11:09am - animalrampage ""]
way to tap into metrowest's finest, good work Fishcakes
[Apr 15,2007 9:02pm - fishcakes ""]
bump for blast beats
[Apr 15,2007 10:03pm - BornSoVile ""]
i'm gonna hafta see this shit.
[Apr 15,2007 10:15pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
MDF weekend!!!
[Apr 15,2007 11:42pm - fishcakes ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:MDF weekend!!!

have fun:tightiewhities:
[Apr 16,2007 2:48pm - Whoremastery ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:MDF weekend!!!

who cares!
[Apr 16,2007 2:51pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I do, I will have to miss this.
[Apr 16,2007 2:52pm - Whoremastery ""]
then dont go..metal fests are gay.
[Apr 16,2007 3:03pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
MDF is the one NON-Gay fest...

Brutal Truth (New York)
Zyklon (Norway)
Malevolent Creation (Florida)
Extreme Noise Terror (England)
Vomitory (Sweden)
Dead Infection (Poland)
General Surgery (Sweden)
Regurgitate (Sweden)
GUT (Germany)
Cripple Bastards (Italy)
Ghoul (Creepsylvania)
Retaliation (Sweden)
Gorerotted (England)
Rotten Sound (Finland)
Birdflesh (Sweden)
Skitsystem (Sweden)
Cock and Ball Torture (Germany)
Origin (Kansas)
Gorod (France)
Odious Mortem (California)
Jigsore Terror (Sweden)
Nunwhore Commando 666 (Germany)
Fuck the Facts (Canada)
Foetopsy (Wisconsin)
Flagitious Idiosyncrasy in the Dilapidation (Japan)
Exhale (Sweden)
Putrescence (Canada)
Saprogenic (Michigan)
[Apr 16,2007 3:05pm - Whoremastery ""]
I knew you where gonna be a DORK and post all the bands.
[Apr 16,2007 3:06pm - Whoremastery ""]
never heard of half those bands either.
[Apr 16,2007 3:08pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
You should.
[Apr 16,2007 3:10pm - Whoremastery ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:You should.

I should what...........
[Apr 16,2007 3:13pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Hear those bands.
[Apr 16,2007 3:17pm - Whoremastery ""]
Im not intrested in hearing new shit these days...its all starting to sound the same to me. Old school shits where its at...just my opinion...im sure those bands are very good.
[Apr 16,2007 3:19pm - pam ""]
I would really like to see Ghoul, General Surgery, Brutal Truth, and Zyklon. Oh well. This show will KILL!
[Apr 16,2007 5:46pm - fishcakes ""]
flyer time. can someone make one?
[Apr 16,2007 9:52pm - pam ""]
[Apr 16,2007 10:00pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
THANK you.. Now we have a flyer for the show AND I don't have to scour the internet later for grapefruit-nun jerkoff material.
[Apr 16,2007 10:17pm - pam ""]
That's actually a plastic baby doll.
[Apr 17,2007 12:10am - D2A-NLI  ""]
whoa I thought it was a fruit too!
[Apr 17,2007 12:12am - D2A-NLI  ""]
This flyer is beautiful by the way.
[Apr 17,2007 12:20am - pam ""]
I aim to please.
[Apr 17,2007 12:26am - D2A-NLI  ""]
mission accomplished.
[Apr 17,2007 12:54am - RichHorror ""]
A baby is very much like a grapefruit.
[Apr 17,2007 12:56am - pam ""]
[Apr 17,2007 4:51am - anonymous  ""]
pam is way cooler than blackmetalady
[Apr 17,2007 6:38am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Mike, give me a ride to this show. I want Deconformity to see my penis before I sue them for copyright infringement.
[Apr 17,2007 6:54pm - fishcakes ""]
everyone should go to this show!
[Apr 17,2007 6:55pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Apr 17,2007 7:00pm - Whoremastery ""]
sluts should also attend!
[Apr 17,2007 7:02pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Apr 17,2007 7:09pm - deathchick NLI  ""]
D2A-NLI said:This flyer is beautiful by the way.

agreed. thanks pam!
[Apr 17,2007 7:12pm - fishcakes ""]
Whoremastery said: sluts should also attend!

sluts have priority at this shit:whipper:
[Apr 17,2007 7:34pm - pam ""]
deathchick NLI said:D2A-NLI said:This flyer is beautiful by the way.

agreed. thanks pam!

My pleasure.
[Apr 17,2007 7:47pm - fishcakes ""]
pam is swell.
[Apr 17,2007 7:48pm - pam ""]
I was rubbing my eye and thought that said I smelled.
[Apr 17,2007 10:06pm - fishcakes ""]
smelled what?
[Apr 17,2007 10:10pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Pam does smell.

She has a nose.
[Apr 17,2007 11:01pm - pam ""]
[Apr 18,2007 7:40am - fishcakes ""]
I think pam has the most scene points...
[Apr 18,2007 7:41am - Joey_Numbers ""]
What the fuck is a fishcake?! Do you put frosting on it?
[Apr 18,2007 1:26pm - pam ""]
I have no scene points, everyone hates me. Where've you been?
[Apr 18,2007 1:30pm - fishcakes ""]
[Apr 18,2007 2:47pm - fishcakes ""]
I don't think I hate you
[Apr 18,2007 2:48pm - pam ""]
No, you totally love me. Sucker.
[Apr 18,2007 5:26pm - DEATH2ALL NLI  ""]
I'm so pumped for this show! I wish it was tomorrow.
[Apr 18,2007 10:02pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I've just been informed that TOM MOTHERFUCKING TRAGUS will be in attendence at this show.
This will be good times.
[Apr 19,2007 2:45am - anonymous  ""]
this show requiers dancing shoes
[Apr 19,2007 5:28pm - fishcakes ""]
[Apr 19,2007 9:23pm - whoremastery ""]
cunt!! ...i mean bump!
[Apr 20,2007 8:57am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Apr 21,2007 11:57am - fishcakes ""]
[Apr 21,2007 12:19pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Apr 21,2007 3:42pm - fishcakes ""]
I want to fuck this show in the ass!
[Apr 23,2007 1:06pm - fishcakes ""]
[Apr 23,2007 7:07pm - deathchick ""]
[Apr 23,2007 7:12pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Apr 25,2007 8:15am - fishcakes ""]
[Apr 25,2007 10:56pm - deodiummortis ""]
I hate everything about this show.
[Apr 26,2007 7:23am - Whoremastery ""]
I love sluts!
[Apr 27,2007 8:07pm - Whoremastery ""]
[Apr 28,2007 1:30pm - robocop  ""]
[Apr 30,2007 10:09am - fishcakes ""]
[May 1,2007 3:30am -  ""]
Whoremastery said:[img]

Hey that's my future wife.
[May 1,2007 3:38am - horror_tang ""]
[May 1,2007 9:04am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[May 1,2007 9:05am - horror_tang ""]
I think I am going start making straight edge youth crew logos for all bands I know.
[May 1,2007 9:14am - horror_tang ""]
[May 1,2007 10:14am - fishcakes ""]
new flyer comming
[May 1,2007 10:15am - RichHorror ""]
I remember playing the Bullpen with Goreality and Sacreligion and Sacreligion thanked them for the show, pronouncing it 'Go Reality'. That was pretty good.
[May 1,2007 10:33am - fishcakes ""]
[May 1,2007 10:38am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
horror_tang said:[img]

[May 1,2007 10:52am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Hastily done Dusty 2.0 (xDustyx) now includes such great features as:
- Womens' jeans
- Castro hat
- Atreyu shirt
- X's on the hands

[May 1,2007 10:57am - Whoremastery ""]
said:Whoremastery said:[img]

Hey that's my future wife.

ok i'll kick her out of my apartment now!!:HUMP:
[May 1,2007 5:49pm - fishcakes ""]
[May 1,2007 5:53pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[img] [img] [img]
[May 1,2007 5:54pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
The GOREALITY logo looks very strange.
[May 1,2007 6:04pm - fishcakes ""]
it' ok
[May 1,2007 10:44pm - Whoremastery ""]
awesome flyer fish!
[May 2,2007 9:17am - fishcakes ""]
my friend from greece made that shit
[May 2,2007 10:45am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
It's makin' me haaaaaaaahd.
[May 2,2007 1:53pm - pam ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Hastily done Dusty 2.0 (xDustyx) now includes such great features as:
- Womens' jeans
- Castro hat
- Atreyu shirt
- X's on the hands


[May 2,2007 1:54pm - pam ""]
DEATH2ALL NLI said:I'm so pumped for this show! I wish it was tomorrow.

I'm with you!!
[May 2,2007 2:51pm - Whoremastery ""]
our album "the cunt chronicles" will be for sale...4$ 22 tracks....anyone know a good place to do some stickers real quick?
[May 2,2007 2:59pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

We have a referral program and it has two parts:

1) Have your friends place a sticker or T-shirt order with us and have
them tell us that you referred them when they place their order.

2) When they place their first order, you receive either 250 Black & White stickers the same size and design of a previous sticker you have purchased (or a new design of the same size) or a $10.00 credit towards your next order of our other products (T-shirts, posters, stickers, etc.)

We like to keep things fair, so there are rules...

1) You can not refer yourself. If you're in two bands (or a band and a business), or if your band/band name changes you can not say you were referred by your previous/other band/business.

2) Rewards will only be given to one band or business per new customer. This means if a new customer places their first order and gives two names as referral sources only one will get credit.

It's that simple! When the person you referred to us places their first order, we will e-mail you with all the details. The more referrals we receive from you, the more credit or stickers you can receive. It really does pay to have friends!

Please check out our current band list so you know whether your friends
are already customers of Contagious Graphics or not:


To receive proper credit for your referrals, the new customer
must mention the following when placing an order:

Your band or business name: Pathos Productions


Your email address: PathosProd@hotmail.com

If they mention you when they initially contact us regarding questions and such before they place an order, and then actually place an order, you'll receive credit for the referral.

To receive proper credit for the referral, it is very important that the new customer
mentions you when they place their order. So be sure to pound that into their heads!

[May 3,2007 9:15am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
horror_tang said:[img]

Horror_Tang: make me a toughguy styled BANE OF EsXeISTENCE white basketball jersey with the words "FIGHT HURRICANE VICTIMS" on the back above the player #.
[May 3,2007 9:47am - DEATH2ALL ""]
Whoremastery said:our album "the cunt chronicles" will be for sale...4$ 22 tracks....anyone know a good place to do some stickers real quick?

Rob, call me. I got someone who can do it.
[May 3,2007 3:13pm - Whoremastery ""]
i dont think i got your number in my phone anymore..my phone got all fucked up.....
[May 3,2007 10:31pm - fishcakes ""]
[May 7,2007 2:56am - yomamma  ""]
[May 8,2007 1:11am - zykloned ""]
Whoremastery said: said:Whoremastery said:[img]

Hey that's my future wife.

ok i'll kick her out of my apartment now!!:HUMP:

Thanks man I was wondering where that stupid bitch was. BTW did you find my stash while you were up in that?
[May 8,2007 11:25am - Whoremastery ""]
i found two 50 bags of nose candy in her ass...but i snorted them off her tits......she told me god said i had to....
[May 9,2007 7:58am - fishcakes ""]
fucking whore!
[May 9,2007 11:58am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
17 days!
[May 10,2007 10:57am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I've stopped watching pornography. Whenever I masturbate now, I just think of this show.
[May 10,2007 4:59pm - fishcakes ""]
gonna try that now
[May 10,2007 7:18pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:I've stopped watching pornography. Whenever I masturbate now, I just think of this show.

well... this show and LazyTown.
[May 12,2007 12:42pm - jere nli  ""]
bump for a sick lineup, so looking forward to this! I vote scott does his rape and pedophelia bit in between whoremastery songs
[May 12,2007 12:46pm - Whoremastery ""]
i second that!
[May 12,2007 1:07pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
haha yes! that would rule. He should do the 9-11 joke too. That was hilarious when he pissed off that guy who looked like Francis from Pee Wee's Big Adventure at Rafferty's in Marshfield.
[May 12,2007 1:11pm - jere nli  ""]
we are going to need some tittie jokes, for some weird reason we are playing three breast cancer benefits in may
[May 12,2007 1:14pm - Whoremastery ""]
i got the tittie jokes...and many many other classic whoremastery stories.
[May 12,2007 2:59pm - fishcakes ""]
oh man, this is gonna be the best show ever.
[May 13,2007 8:49am - handinjury ""]
I like titie jokes.
[May 13,2007 9:35am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
jere nli said:we are going to need some tittie jokes, for some weird reason we are playing three breast cancer benefits in may

Make a humorous t-shirt and put your band's logo on it and wear it to the shows. You will make the newspapers and talk radio. Take it from BoE.
[May 13,2007 10:08am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I just made a graphic for this, but realized that if I post it, someone will most likely punch me in the face at the show.
[May 13,2007 10:09am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Fuck it, I don't like my face anyways.

[May 13,2007 10:12am - RichHorror ""]
That someone would be me.
[May 13,2007 10:14am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Let me take off my glasses first. That's all I ask.
[May 13,2007 10:15am - RichHorror ""]
If I have broken glasses, everyone has to have broken glasses too.
[May 13,2007 5:10pm - pam in quincy  ""]
So pumped for this. I love not having to go far for shows.

breakfast after?
[May 13,2007 11:32pm - Whoremastery ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:jere nli said:we are going to need some tittie jokes, for some weird reason we are playing three breast cancer benefits in may

Make a humorous t-shirt and put your band's logo on it and wear it to the shows. You will make the newspapers and talk radio. Take it from BoE.

i love the fact i heard my band name "whoremastery' on am radio because of that shit...i wish we could make headlines again....i know a girl that should have a date with a brick..........to the head.
[May 13,2007 11:33pm - Whoremastery ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:I just made a graphic for this, but realized that if I post it, someone will most likely punch me in the face at the show.

love is just a punch away!
[May 13,2007 11:35pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[May 17,2007 7:40am - fishcakes ""]
[May 17,2007 8:56am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
9 days!
[May 17,2007 10:57am - pam ""]
I thought this was this weekend and figured out it wasn't and was bummed out.
[May 17,2007 11:16am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Do you know what I think about that?
[May 17,2007 11:16am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[May 17,2007 11:56am - pam ""]
that...is amazing.
[May 17,2007 7:42pm - Kevin4president N.L.I.  ""]
I might check this out,I hear Goreality enduces a pretty roarin pit.
[May 17,2007 8:52pm - DomesticTerror ""]
horse de ovaries?
[May 19,2007 7:56pm - fishcakes ""]
she likes that shit
[May 19,2007 10:08pm - Whoremastery ""]
anyone taking pics/vid at this show?
[May 19,2007 10:27pm - pam ""]
I can take pictures
[May 19,2007 10:44pm - Shannon nli  ""]
Fish,aftter party @your jam spot?????? I gotta fuckin prep my liver for this show.....
[May 20,2007 3:27am - fishcakes ""]
Shannon nli said:Fish,aftter party @your jam spot?????? I gotta fuckin prep my liver for this show.....

[May 20,2007 11:48am - DomesticTerror ""]
pam said:I can take pictures

are you still gonna kick my ass?

[May 20,2007 1:08pm - pam ""]
DomesticTerror said:pam said:I can take pictures

are you still gonna kick my ass?

Do I owe you an ass kicking? I would have forgot!

After-party? Sweeeeet.
[May 20,2007 1:52pm - Whoremastery ""]
i wanna party! Pam it would be cool if you can take pics...
[May 20,2007 8:04pm - pam ""]
I can give it a shot...I may get killed in the process.

Last time I took pictures at a Bullpen show myself my camera were slammed into a brick wall. I had a baseball size welt on my leg forever.
[May 21,2007 7:47am - fishcakes ""]
[May 21,2007 9:28am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
What time's load in?
[May 21,2007 11:54am - zykloned ""]
[May 21,2007 12:07pm - fishcakes ""]
7:30 ish
[May 21,2007 12:11pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[May 21,2007 2:17pm - pam ""]
I hate every day until this weekend.
[May 21,2007 6:21pm - Whoremastery ""]
me too!
[May 21,2007 6:27pm - fishcakes ""]
[May 21,2007 10:54pm - pam ""]
Closest thing to a nickname I've ever had.
[May 21,2007 11:02pm - fishcakes ""]
I like it...
[May 21,2007 11:04pm - pam ""]
Me too. This way no one knows I'm a cream puff.
[May 21,2007 11:21pm - fishcakes ""]
you are no cream puff
[May 21,2007 11:24pm - fishcakes ""]
if you are taking pic's at the show just tell the doorman, you won't have to pay to get in. I will let him know yo.
[May 21,2007 11:50pm - pam ""]
You are too good to me. I will try not to take horrible pictures.
[May 22,2007 1:09am - shannon ""]
Tell the door guy Im there to mosh,its my job.....maybe he'll let me in too.
[May 22,2007 2:27am - fishcakes ""]
that really is your job:whipper:
[May 22,2007 2:32am - RichHorror ""]
My job is to bang lines of heroin off the top of urinals.
[May 22,2007 9:44am - fishcakes ""]
you will all be hard at work then.
[May 22,2007 10:00am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
It's looking pretty grim on our new stickers :(

I was hoping to get them before this show but I think they're going to show up monday or tuesday instead.
[May 22,2007 11:30am - Whoremastery ""]
RichHorror said:My job is to bang lines of heroin off the top of urinals.

Thats what ill be doing!
[May 22,2007 11:32am - RichHorror ""]
You will have to wait in line. As I'm doing a line. lawlz.
[May 22,2007 11:49am - Whoremastery ""]
ok but...im bringin some hot bitches with me..mabye i can blast'em off there asses...
which reminds me...fish can i use your cab? I wanna pack my car up with some babes!
[May 22,2007 2:21pm - pam ""]
Something tells me Fish will be OK with that.
[May 22,2007 3:01pm - fishcakes ""]
Whoremastery said:ok but...im bringin some hot bitches with me..mabye i can blast'em off there asses...
which reminds me...fish can i use your cab? I wanna pack my car up with some babes!

you got it pal!
[May 22,2007 3:58pm - handinjury ""]
Whoremastery said:ok but...im bringin some hot bitches with me..mabye i can blast'em off there asses...
which reminds me...fish can i use your cab? I wanna pack my car up with some babes!

Sweet, you are bringing the "whore posse".
[May 22,2007 4:39pm - shannon ""]
Whose playing first,second,third and so on????????
[May 22,2007 5:25pm - fishcakes ""]
abnormality 10:15-10:45
deconformity 11:00-11:30
b.o.a. 11:45-12:30
goreality12:45-1:30 ish

set times are firm:whipper:
[May 22,2007 5:29pm - Whoremastery ""]
ill bring the whip!
[May 22,2007 5:57pm - DomesticTerror ""]
fishcakes said:

set times are firm:whipper:

...and so am I
[May 22,2007 6:12pm - BornSoVile ""]
I hope to be there, can I hitch a ride with Abnormality or Deconformity? Hit me up guys.
[May 22,2007 8:22pm - pam ""]
Yes. Please bring Josh.
[May 22,2007 8:55pm - Whoremastery ""]
fishcakes said:whoremastery9:30-10:00
abnormality 10:15-10:45
deconformity 11:00-11:30
b.o.a. 11:45-12:30
goreality12:45-1:30 ish

set times are firm:whipper:

we wont go over..we have 14 songs to play but it only comes out to about 20 min:duffbeer:
[May 22,2007 9:09pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Stickers shipped today. Fuck yes. I should be getting them by thursday or friday.
[May 23,2007 12:37am - fishcakes ""]
:we wont go over..we have 14 songs to play but it only comes out to about 20 min:duffbeer:

[May 23,2007 12:42am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Stickers shipped today.

A huge "THANKS!" for the referral bonus, homey.

[May 23,2007 6:52am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Oh yeah, I was just going to ask if you got that. No problemo homeblood.
[May 23,2007 4:05pm - DomesticTerror ""]
Jere, can i use yer head? mine's making an awful noise.
[May 24,2007 8:32am - fishcakes ""]
two days
[May 24,2007 8:57am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[May 24,2007 12:48pm - pam ""]
I'm going to have to dig out my fangirlsupreme Goreality shirt.
[May 24,2007 3:06pm - fishcakes ""]
that shirt is crazy looking
[May 24,2007 4:12pm - Whoremastery ""]
im drinkin already for this show...im hammered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[May 25,2007 1:26pm - pam ""]
[May 25,2007 1:36pm - Whoremastery ""]
is this a 21+ show?
[May 25,2007 1:47pm - RichHorror ""]
[May 25,2007 2:01pm - Whoremastery ""]
crap...i didnt think of that...there goes some of the young sluts i had comin...
[May 25,2007 3:09pm - fishcakes ""]
awwwwww man! YOUNG SLUTS ARE A MUST !:whipper:
[May 25,2007 3:16pm - Whoremastery ""]
i know..i know.... too many young little hotties ...they all work with me...flipflops, mini skirts, and abercromie shirts.....there's a new song right there!
[May 25,2007 3:30pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Whoremastery said:i know..i know.... too many young little hotties ...they all work with me...flipflops, mini skirts, and abercromie shirts.....there's a new song right there!

Tell them to come. They can wait in my truck.
[May 25,2007 3:32pm - Whoremastery ""]
bahaha ok.....them we will bring them out some coke n cheeseburgers!
[May 25,2007 4:16pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[May 25,2007 9:52pm - fishcakes ""]
rich may have some
[May 26,2007 10:44am - deathchick ""]
yessss, tonighhhhhht!!!!!!!!
[May 26,2007 11:26am - handinjury ""]
This will be the Whoremastery CD release shabang. "The Cunt Chronicles" will be available for $4, featuring 22 songs about whores and cunts.
[May 26,2007 11:28am - pam ""]
I have never seen Abnormality OR Whoremastery. I am fucking excited.
[May 26,2007 11:35am - handinjury ""]
pam said:I have never seen Abnormality OR Whoremastery. I am fucking excited.

Your in for a treat, Abnormality is the balls!!!!
[May 26,2007 12:15pm - pam ""]
So I have heard!
[May 26,2007 12:17pm - pam ""]
It's funny because people always say to me, "You were a chick in a metal band...you must know the chick from Abnormality."

Because we're all in a secret club...I think it's funny.
[May 26,2007 1:19pm - DomesticTerror ""]

[May 26,2007 1:50pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[May 26,2007 2:14pm - deodiummortis ""]
scott this is jere, you can def use my head, its a 5150, its not the greatest but its ok, the stock distortion sucks though, wicked muddy. do you have a pedal?, if not use can use mine as well.
[May 26,2007 2:16pm - DomesticTerror ""]
i do not have a pedal. thanks bro, yer the best!
[May 26,2007 2:55pm - Whoremastery ""]
im so hung over today...if i throw up while im singing i apoligize..i drank a shit load of car bombs and almost fucked this bar skank....i cant wait to see what i get into tonite...cheers!
[May 26,2007 5:28pm - pam ""]
Those car bombs...get you every time.
[May 26,2007 8:45pm - IluvUFreeBeer ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:MDF is the one NON-Gay fest...

Brutal Truth (New York)
Zyklon (Norway)
Malevolent Creation (Florida)
Extreme Noise Terror (England)
Vomitory (Sweden)
Dead Infection (Poland)
General Surgery (Sweden)
Regurgitate (Sweden)
GUT (Germany)
Cripple Bastards (Italy)
Ghoul (Creepsylvania)
Retaliation (Sweden)
Gorerotted (England)
Rotten Sound (Finland)
Birdflesh (Sweden)
Skitsystem (Sweden)
Cock and Ball Torture (Germany)
Origin (Kansas)
Gorod (France)
Odious Mortem (California)
Jigsore Terror (Sweden)
Nunwhore Commando 666 (Germany)
Fuck the Facts (Canada)
Foetopsy (Wisconsin)
Flagitious Idiosyncrasy in the Dilapidation (Japan)
Exhale (Sweden)
Putrescence (Canada)
Saprogenic (Michigan)

There are four bands on that set that do not suck, and I've already seen one of them in the last week. So... no. This fest is also gay.
[May 26,2007 9:00pm - RichHorror ""]
Brutal Truth (New York)
Extreme Noise Terror (England)
General Surgery (Sweden)
Regurgitate (Sweden)
GUT (Germany)
Cripple Bastards (Italy)
Ghoul (Creepsylvania)
Rotten Sound (Finland)
Birdflesh (Sweden)
Skitsystem (Sweden)

Are who would've gotten me to Maryland. But I've either seen them recently or they're not enough to get me out there.
[May 27,2007 11:37am - fishcakes ""]
[May 27,2007 11:51am - handinjury ""]
Great show. Thanks for having us Fishy.
[May 27,2007 11:59am - pam ""]
Did I get hit by a fucking train at some point last night? Ow.

Pictures coming.
[May 27,2007 12:13pm - Whoremastery ""]
good times...i wish i wasnt so sick last nite...i feel like death today...i cant wait to play again..it felt good to get back behind the guitar again.
[May 27,2007 12:56pm - DomesticTerror ""]
good times! great to see everyone.
thanks to everyone for coming out. the bands were awesome, the beer was awesome, the ladies were awesome. extra thanks to Phil and Pam for shooting pics.

holy shit, i'm wiped...
[May 27,2007 1:01pm - pam ""]
I feel like death.
[May 27,2007 1:34pm - DomesticTerror ""]
I had this much fun-
[May 27,2007 2:36pm - deathchick ""]
great show!!! thanks goreality, bane of existence, deconformity and whoremastery. i'm hungover and i can't move my neck. Pam, send me that claw picture when you can.
[May 27,2007 5:24pm - shannon ""]
This show fucking ruled! Much appreciation to all the people who helped keep the pit going,so much fun. And thanxs for the shots Fish! One of the best local shows Iv been to in awhile.
[May 27,2007 7:06pm - pam ""]
Pics probably wont be up tonight, I have to wash chocolate sauce out of my hair and get to the hell show...but they're coming!
[May 27,2007 10:20pm - fishcakes ""]
oh man, thanx to all the bands. you all kicked major ass. fucking drunkness!!!!!!!!!
[May 27,2007 10:54pm - DomesticTerror ""]
thanks for having us, fish! and thanks to mike o for the rig.
[May 28,2007 8:04am - fishcakes ""]
Whoremastery said:good times...i cant wait to play again..it felt good to get back behind the guitar again.

that is where you belong:whipper:
[May 28,2007 9:20am - Whoremastery ""]
thanx dude
[May 28,2007 3:38pm - BornSoVile ""]
One of the best local shows I've been to in quite sometime. All the bands killed, good energy from the crowd as well, plus the beers and food are always cheap!
WHOREMASTERY is the best Grind band in all of New England.
[May 28,2007 3:42pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
awesome show! thanks to everyone especially mr fishcakes for puttin this shit on!
[May 28,2007 3:47pm - fishcakes ""]
we will do it again.
[May 28,2007 4:14pm - Whoremastery ""]
BornSoVile said:
WHOREMASTERY is the best Grind band in all of New England.

aw shucks!
[May 28,2007 4:34pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Good times! Thanks Fish for having us, thanks to all the bands & everyone who came out!!!
[May 28,2007 6:23pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I can't believe the guitarist from Whoremastery took off his mask and revealed his true identity at this show!

[May 28,2007 6:55pm - Whoremastery ""]
[May 28,2007 6:57pm - handinjury ""]
BornSoVile said:
WHOREMASTERY is the best Grind band in all of New England.

Wow, I dont know what to say to that.......N.E. Cunt Grind!!!!!!!!!!!
[May 28,2007 8:30pm - pam ""]
Mike that is the funniest thing ever.

Pics are uploading now.
[May 28,2007 8:40pm - hutch ""]
that was an awsome show. everyband fucking killed. first time ive seen whoremastry that were awsome. abnormality it was awsome finally playing a show with you guys and gal!! BOE and goreality are always fucking brutal. Pam how can i find those pictures you took of all the bands?
[May 28,2007 8:56pm - pam ""]
You can go here and look! (Just finished uploading)

[May 28,2007 8:59pm - pam ""]
And here are the aforementioned mandatory Bullpen bruises. (Thanks, Dusty.)


Another fun 2 weeks of telling people I don't listen and watching their faces.
[May 28,2007 9:02pm - handinjury ""]
Thanks for taking pics Pam. You got some nice bruises :NEWHORNS:
[May 28,2007 10:49pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[May 29,2007 6:47am - Whoremastery ""]
[May 29,2007 7:26am - fishcakes ""]
[May 29,2007 12:00pm - pam ""]
I used the "I don't listen" on my mom last night. Her disapproval face hasn't changed in 24 years.
[May 29,2007 4:20pm - deathchicknli  ""]
damn! awesome pictures. thanks pam!
[May 29,2007 6:05pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
great pics pam!!
[May 29,2007 7:03pm - pam ""]
No problem!
[May 31,2007 4:54pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I updated xDUSTYx and was going to put it on the myspace but I guess that's being frowned upon by the other members :(

[May 31,2007 6:45pm - fishcakes ""]
I have BOE stickers all over my amp and guitar cases.
[Jun 1,2007 6:57am - crabcakes  ""]
who's BOA?
[Jun 1,2007 8:28am - fishcakes ""]
crabcakes said:who's BOA?

Bane Of Existance:whipper:
[Jun 1,2007 9:05am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
fishcakes said:I have BOE stickers all over my amp and guitar cases.

Nice! We handed out a shitload of those stickers last week.
[Jun 2,2007 1:17am - DomesticTerror ""]
pam said:Mike that is the funniest thing ever.

i look pretty good!

[Jun 2,2007 12:43pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
A goddamned dreamboat.
[Jun 2,2007 6:51pm - DomesticTerror ""]
only cuz you retouched me.
[Jun 4,2007 9:59am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Our guitarist Chris looks mexican with that mustache.

[Jun 4,2007 10:00am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

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