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what's your physical deformity?

[Apr 10,2007 6:57pm - rhys ""]
the left half of my collar bone is bent forwards and i can never get my shoulder in a comfortable position. now the same thing is happening to the right side. who else is fucked up?
[Apr 10,2007 7:04pm - mOe ""]
i've been walking on my toes for my entire life because of tight achilles tendons...my legs are over developed and it hurts like hell to stretch them
[Apr 10,2007 7:04pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I broke my toe and it didn't heal right, and it re-breaks every few weeks and makes me limp
[Apr 10,2007 7:20pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i am flat-footed, knock-kneed, have dislocated my right knee 3 times, dislocated my left knee 1 time, both of them crack and make gross noises when walking on stairs, my shoulder blades protrude much farther backwards than they should, i have a huge head and ape-like arms, i have hitch-hiker's thumb (i.e. the top half bends backwards with no help of my other fingers to form a 90 degree angle), all of my fingers are double-jointed (so i can make them dance in wave-like movements and have "zombie fingers"), and i think that's just about it.
[Apr 10,2007 7:20pm - ZJD ""]
I have fat all over my body. It's weeeeeird.
[Apr 10,2007 7:28pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I am devastatingly handsome.
[Apr 10,2007 7:29pm - pam ""]
I have a huge black penis.
[Apr 10,2007 7:36pm - Niccolai ""]
my toe:

[Apr 10,2007 7:37pm - pam ""]
[Apr 10,2007 7:45pm - dreadkill ""]
pam said:Dude....ew.

that's not as gross as your big black cock. that thing's all twisted and gnarled and hurts when it's going in your...ear?
[Apr 10,2007 8:03pm - sxealex ""]
ok what the FUCK happened to your foot
[Apr 10,2007 8:15pm - the_reverend ""]
I broke my arm as a kid (compound fracture) and that with all my typing and photography, I have to watch my wrists for the nerve damage.
[Apr 10,2007 8:16pm - ZenErik ""]
The right side of my chest is indented and the left is normal. My left ear sticks out a little more. My back definitely isn't straight. Nose isn't straight. Probably more. Well, at least my orientation is straight.
[Apr 10,2007 8:17pm - Shannon nli  ""]
I look like a terrorist.
[Apr 10,2007 8:22pm - the_reverend ""]
carina thinks its a deformity that I can go with out food easily for days and days. a couple years ago I wanted to go a week, but she made me stop after 5 days. I must have been muslim.
[Apr 10,2007 8:22pm - ZenErik ""]
Shannon nli said:I am a terrorist.

[Apr 10,2007 8:24pm - yummy ""]
Niccolai, was that from what happened like over a month ago? Looks pretty gross.
[Apr 10,2007 8:39pm - dreadkill ""]
Shannon nli said:I look like a terrorist.

that's my deformity as well. :(
[Apr 10,2007 9:09pm - RichHorror ""]
the_reverend said:carina thinks its a deformity that I can go with out food easily for days and days.

I can do that if I have enough beer.
[Apr 10,2007 9:12pm - the_reverend ""]
rich and I have the same deformity as charlie brown's xmas tree.
[Apr 10,2007 9:16pm - tylerl ""]
i have pulminary stinosis, and had three open-heart surgeries, beat that!
[Apr 10,2007 9:23pm - Lamp ""]
I have extra cartilage just above and to the side of my right knee.
[Apr 10,2007 9:31pm - Niccolai ""]
Yea, thats my toe. it's ugly.
[Apr 10,2007 9:31pm - sacreligion ""]
the_reverend said:carina thinks its a deformity that I can go with out food easily for days and days. a couple years ago I wanted to go a week, but she made me stop after 5 days. I must have been muslim.

that's nothin...i used to have to do that when i was on the "I'm too poor to eat" diet

as far as actual deformities...none that i can think of. i have 2 nasty scars on my leg from my ankle surgery and sometimes it's a little sore, but nothing i'd call "deformed"
[Apr 10,2007 9:43pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I have Kartageners Syndrome.

The only 'deformation' really is the fact that all of my internal organs are reversed. Yes, I'm serious.
[Apr 10,2007 9:44pm - Agrippa ""]
he's serious.
[Apr 10,2007 9:45pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
one of my feet is slightly bigger than the other...
[Apr 10,2007 9:49pm - Agrippa ""]
i can dislocate lots of things on my body. shoulders, knees, fingers, etc. i also have dimples. and aspergers syndrome. and a chronic inability to keep my bodily waste away from those i dislike.
[Apr 10,2007 9:54pm - Kinslayer  ""]

Jay, I could have told you there are no cameras at GC. How do you think I stole so much?
[Apr 10,2007 9:55pm - Agrippa ""]
how the fuck did they know it was me then?
[Apr 10,2007 9:56pm - Agrippa ""]
i was wondering how they didnt see me snorting rails off the repair desk.
[Apr 10,2007 9:58pm - Beorht-Dana ""]
One of my ears is slightly further forward than the other.
I have a tremor.
One of my collar bones has a weird protrusion on it. It's kind of hard to describe without seeing it.
When I was born the circlular muscle that is directly before my stomch (forget what it's called) was so small that I couldn't swallow anything so it had to be cut open and then stitched up again.
[Apr 10,2007 9:59pm - Agrippa ""]
oh yea thats right, i shake like a fucking vibrator too. ask anyone.
[Apr 10,2007 10:29pm - DUG_nli_again  ""]
I have one shoulder higher than the other. One leg is slightly longer than the other. The top of my sacrum (iliac crest) is malformed and is bigger than the other side because it thinks its a vertabrae which caused a herniation in my lumbar spine which in turn led to my back surgery. The muscles in my ass that hold my hip and pelvis in place are too short which cause me to occasionally walk like a pimp. And it hurts like the dickens.
[Apr 10,2007 10:29pm - i_am_not_logged_in  ""]
Got a massive scar that runs across the entire top right side of my head. Didn't heal entirely right, so it still hurts semi-often even 11 years after the injury.

Index fingers are ever so slightly crooked, I'd imagine from video games.

I can kinda dislocate my left shoulder.
[Apr 10,2007 10:31pm - tomx nli  ""]
my joints sound like cement mixers

my left eye and cheek don't have as much movement as my right side after a bout with paralysis

i have a small dent on the ride side of the bridge of my nose

my jaw is misaligned by a couple millimeters
[Apr 10,2007 10:49pm - xanonymousx ""]
mOe said:i've been walking on my toes for my entire life because of tight achilles tendons...my legs are over developed and it hurts like hell to stretch them

thats the same with me but my left foot only i have to wear a brace but i never do.
[Apr 10,2007 11:24pm - Dankill  ""]
I've never broken a bone or needed to go to the ER in my life. Plus, I've healed up wounds that most peope swore needed stitches and only get sick once a year (I'm up to 18 months and counting since last time)
[Apr 10,2007 11:25pm - chumly  ""]
my hog...
[Apr 10,2007 11:26pm - Ryan_M ""]
I have a bump on the back of my head, it's this bony knob on the back of my skull. You can't see it, if I shaved my head bald you might see it but if you felt the back of my head you would definitely feel it.

I also have two small bumps - one in each of my temples that my doctor said were cysts. He told me not to worry about them unless they get bigger, and they never have, and I've had them for maybe 10 years or so. You can't see these either but you can feel them.

On my right thumb, I've recently developed a nasty callous. I'm guessing it started from using my thumb to pluck my guitar strings when I tune it, but over the past few months its gotten bigger, and now its really dry and cracked and can be painful and irritating. I've tried slicing it off, but the skin underneath is so sensitive it stings like a motherfucker as soon as the blade cuts through it.

I guess that's about it for me.
[Apr 10,2007 11:35pm - pam ""]
Agrippa said:how the fuck did they know it was me then?

Because they know you're a fucking dirt bag, it's not rocket science.

[Apr 10,2007 11:37pm - pam ""]
Kinslayer said:I have Kartageners Syndrome.

The only 'deformation' really is the fact that all of my internal organs are reversed. Yes, I'm serious.

Does that cause you problems? Cause if not, that's actually kinda cool.

"I broke my arm once"
"Yeah? My fucking insides are reversed."
[Apr 11,2007 12:26am - anonymous  ""]
Ryan_M said:I have a bump on the back of my head, it's this bony knob on the back of my skull. You can't see it, if I shaved my head bald you might see it but if you felt the back of my head you would definitely feel it.

I also have two small bumps - one in each of my temples that my doctor said were cysts. He told me not to worry about them unless they get bigger, and they never have, and I've had them for maybe 10 years or so. You can't see these either but you can feel them.

On my right thumb, I've recently developed a nasty callous. I'm guessing it started from using my thumb to pluck my guitar strings when I tune it, but over the past few months its gotten bigger, and now its really dry and cracked and can be painful and irritating. I've tried slicing it off, but the skin underneath is so sensitive it stings like a motherfucker as soon as the blade cuts through it.

I guess that's about it for me.

thats syphillis chief,better get checked out
[Apr 11,2007 12:26am - anonymous  ""]
Ryan_M said:I have a bump on the back of my head, it's this bony knob on the back of my skull. You can't see it, if I shaved my head bald you might see it but if you felt the back of my head you would definitely feel it.

I also have two small bumps - one in each of my temples that my doctor said were cysts. He told me not to worry about them unless they get bigger, and they never have, and I've had them for maybe 10 years or so. You can't see these either but you can feel them.

On my right thumb, I've recently developed a nasty callous. I'm guessing it started from using my thumb to pluck my guitar strings when I tune it, but over the past few months its gotten bigger, and now its really dry and cracked and can be painful and irritating. I've tried slicing it off, but the skin underneath is so sensitive it stings like a motherfucker as soon as the blade cuts through it.

I guess that's about it for me.

thats syphillis chief,better get checked out
[Apr 11,2007 12:32am - Ryan_M ""]
anonymous said:Ryan_M said:I have a bump on the back of my head, it's this bony knob on the back of my skull. You can't see it, if I shaved my head bald you might see it but if you felt the back of my head you would definitely feel it.

I also have two small bumps - one in each of my temples that my doctor said were cysts. He told me not to worry about them unless they get bigger, and they never have, and I've had them for maybe 10 years or so. You can't see these either but you can feel them.

On my right thumb, I've recently developed a nasty callous. I'm guessing it started from using my thumb to pluck my guitar strings when I tune it, but over the past few months its gotten bigger, and now its really dry and cracked and can be painful and irritating. I've tried slicing it off, but the skin underneath is so sensitive it stings like a motherfucker as soon as the blade cuts through it.

I guess that's about it for me.

thats syphillis chief,better get checked out

I don't think so.
[Apr 11,2007 12:38am - Doomkid ""]
Nah nah none of you get a place in my futuristic utopia populated by a super-human race.
[Apr 11,2007 12:41am - the_reverend ""]
I have cysts under my skin that piss me off. mostly around my ribs and forearms.
the hurt when you touch them and as I put on more muscles they stick out. I want them cut out, but then I would have a bunch of scars.
[Apr 11,2007 2:18am - Dwellingsickness ""]
Mine is obvious ha ha:spineyes:
[Apr 11,2007 2:19am - sacreligion ""]
your eyes spin around your face uncontrollably?
[Apr 11,2007 2:21am - pam ""]
dreadkill said:pam said:Dude....ew.

that's not as gross as your big black cock. that thing's all twisted and gnarled and hurts when it's going in your...ear?

You weren't complaining last night.
[Apr 11,2007 2:46am - Dwellingsickness ""]
sacreligion said:your eyes spin around your face uncontrollably?

See I told you..
[Apr 11,2007 8:35am - Mess ""]
[Apr 11,2007 8:57am - MassOfTwoSlits ""]
mOe said:i've been walking on my toes for my entire life because of tight achilles tendons...my legs are over developed and it hurts like hell to stretch them

You should get those botulinum toxin shots. Is that a muscle dystonia thing?
[Apr 11,2007 10:09am - Granny_Monster ""]
I have scoliosis and a shitty immune system.
[Apr 11,2007 10:25am - GoatCatalyst ""]
i have this terrible genetic affliction where i get more and more handsomer every single day.
[Apr 11,2007 10:34am - Yeti ""]
the_reverend said:I have cysts under my skin that piss me off. mostly around my ribs and forearms.
the hurt when you touch them and as I put on more muscles they stick out. I want them cut out, but then I would have a bunch of scars.

i have similar issues in my ears and on various parts of my right arm. i also have a goof finger, my right pinky finger is bent at a 90 degree angle.
[Apr 11,2007 10:36am - c.dead  ""]
i have a penis on my arm.
[Apr 11,2007 10:40am - SW  ""]

ya this def beats everyone
[Apr 11,2007 10:47am - xmikex ""]
I have 2 gross scars (one of my knee and one on my forearm). They're not as noticable as they used to be but they're kind of gross up close. I was in a car accident the summer before 7th grade where my whole family flipped over 3 times in a mini-van. Interestingly enough, my brother, who was hanging out the window by the end of the 3rd roll and was almost crushed to death, was the only one without injury.

I've also got a decent sized scar on my chin from a Sworn Enemy show like 5 years ago. Definetly should have gotten stitches for that one.
[Apr 11,2007 10:48am - largefreakatzero ""]
I have a crooked left arm due to a spiral fracture I received due to a badly lost arm-wrestling match.
[Apr 11,2007 10:52am - DreamingInExile ""]
I broke my nose years ago, and it's been slightly crooked ever since.

I'm also impossibly scrawny, and like Aaron, can go days without food.
[Apr 11,2007 10:59am - Mess ""]
i constantly see a black dot (floater). it's pretty fucking annoying. it started last winter. probably got a TUMA!
[Apr 11,2007 11:02am - xmikex ""]
[Apr 11,2007 11:09am - Ryan_M ""]
Mess said:[img]

Is that Britney Spears?
[Apr 11,2007 11:14am - sinistas ""]
Mess said:i constantly see a black dot (floater). it's pretty fucking annoying. it started last winter. probably got a TUMA!

Yep, got one of those.
[Apr 11,2007 11:18am - Mess ""]
sinistas said:Mess said:i constantly see a black dot (floater). it's pretty fucking annoying. it started last winter. probably got a TUMA!

Yep, got one of those.

seriously? they fucking suck. i went to the docs probably 5 times and all they say is it should go away soon. and then another said it might go away or i could have it until i die? wtf is that?
[Apr 11,2007 11:19am - rhys ""]
Mess said:i constantly see a black dot (floater). it's pretty fucking annoying. it started last winter. probably got a TUMA!

you might have glaucoma. i have glaucoma. you should get that checked out
[Apr 11,2007 11:19am - dreadkill ""]
Granny_Monster said:I have scoliosis and a shitty immune system.

me too :(
[Apr 11,2007 11:25am - new metal dude  ""]
i have a huge cock...thats my deformity. Some people would thing its a blessing...but you've obviously never tried to fuck a 14 year old girl with one.
[Apr 11,2007 12:14pm - SteveOTB ""]
I have Epilepsy and because of it I have memory loss and shit.
[Apr 11,2007 12:27pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
SteveOTB said:I have Epilepsy and because of it I have memory loss and shit.

Does the epilepsy cause you to forget the difference between a physical deformity and a neurological disorder? :spineyes:
[Apr 11,2007 12:30pm - SteveOTB ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney said:SteveOTB said:I have Epilepsy and because of it I have memory loss and shit.

Does the epilepsy cause you to forget the difference between a physical deformity and a neurological disorder? :spineyes:

Ahh I guess you're right. But it does have to do with my brain so I would think it's physical as well.
[Apr 11,2007 12:31pm - Mess ""]
oh yeah, and tedonitis in both wrists from fappn and what not
[Apr 11,2007 12:40pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
i got a scar on my hand from slicing it with an x-acto knife i also have a scar on my head from when it was split open by a bottle..not to mention the fact i cant sit comfortably for more than an hour since i fell off of a roof
[Apr 11,2007 12:46pm - Yeti ""]
oh yeah and i'm also freakishly tall.
[Apr 11,2007 7:48pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
all the males on my mom's side of the family have been born with hernias, and i got blessed with one of those right above the ol' italian stallion (heyo!), removed a few weeks after birth i guess. so i have 2 scars, 1 about 4 inches and one about 2 inches above my junk. good stuff.
[Apr 11,2007 10:26pm - i_am_lazy  ""]
Ryan_M said:

On my right thumb, I've recently developed a nasty callous. I'm guessing it started from using my thumb to pluck my guitar strings when I tune it, but over the past few months its gotten bigger, and now its really dry and cracked and can be painful and irritating. I've tried slicing it off, but the skin underneath is so sensitive it stings like a motherfucker as soon as the blade cuts through it.

I guess that's about it for me.

I've got the Kirk Hammet callus on the side of my right hand from palm muting. Catching a string in it hurts like eight bitches on a bitchboat.
[Apr 12,2007 12:11am - INFECT ""]
i have a fucked up collarbone from a botched mountain bike jump that makes my shoulder click whenever i apply force in certain ranges of motion, (painting ceilings for example, is painful as hell)
also a ganglion cyst on my left wrist from lifting weights like an idiot when i was younger, it only really swells up and inhibits motion when theres humid or stormy weather
i had a bout with epilepsy when i was 12 or so but the doctors said it was a passing thing and i havent had another seizure sinucneoubn;alfoni/eh
[Apr 12,2007 12:24am - the_reverend ""]
mark, I was born wirh a hernia too. 2 scars "woohoo!"

when I broke my arm, both bones broke and I have a scar from where the bone came out to say "oh helloz!"
[Apr 12,2007 5:33am - Mess ""]
i haven't broken any bones yet (that i know of). i have a feeling my nose has been broken a couple times but never did anything about it. i know i have a deviated septum.
[Apr 12,2007 7:18am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
the_reverend said:mark, I was born wirh a hernia too. 2 scars "woohoo!"

when I broke my arm, both bones broke and I have a scar from where the bone came out to say "oh helloz!"

hooray for crotch scars!
[Apr 12,2007 9:10am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
My back is all fucked up. I have had 2 surgeries on the same spot. A really bad herniated disc. The last surgery just a few months ago. It sucks bad.
[Apr 12,2007 9:16am - Granny_Monster ""]
INFECT said:
i had a bout with epilepsy when i was 12 or so but the doctors said it was a passing thing and i havent had another seizure sinucneoubn;alfoni/eh

I had something like that in middle school, so yeah, around 12. Haven't had a seizure in ages, but I'm always really shakey.
[Apr 12,2007 9:21am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
INFECT said:
i had a bout with epilepsy when i was 12 or so but the doctors said it was a passing thing and i havent had another seizure sinucneoubn;alfoni/eh


[Apr 13,2007 9:53am - Kinslayer  ""]
pam said:Kinslayer said:I have Kartageners Syndrome.

The only 'deformation' really is the fact that all of my internal organs are reversed. Yes, I'm serious.

Does that cause you problems? Cause if not, that's actually kinda cool.

"I broke my arm once"
"Yeah? My fucking insides are reversed."

Well one of the symptoms is 'immotile cilia syndrome" which means my cilia don't work 100% so I do have athsmatic like symptoms from time to time but nothing serious. I played soccer my whole life including in college and it never deterred me...

It's one in 65,000 people that have it and I have a rare, 'perfect' reversal of internal organs so I have MUCH less problems than most others born with it...it's genetic.

I'm supposed to wear a medical bracelet that says I have it incase I need emergency care at some point like in a car accident and the doctors dont know everything is backwards; it's a mirror image of 'normal' internal organs...
[Apr 13,2007 9:59am - Mess ""]
[Apr 13,2007 10:28am - pam ""]
That's so bizarre!!! I'm glad you don't have any serious complications.
[Apr 13,2007 10:32am - kinslayer  ""]
Me too...

I used to think I was slick and funny in grade school saying the pledge of allegiance with my hand over my heart on the right, hahah
[Apr 13,2007 10:41am - ariavette ""]
i have a gruesome looking scar on my wrist from when i accidentally smashed by hand through a glass window.. sliced all the tendons amd muscles inside... never healed right. can barely use it to watch dishes.. the only bitch i have about it is it interferes with playing my guitar
[Apr 18,2007 8:19am - Mess ""]

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