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Lead guitarist of Kiss dies

[Apr 10,2007 12:42pm - Josh_Martin ""]
No, not Ace.

[Apr 10,2007 12:49pm - Nuclear Winter  ""]
If he was from the "Crazy, Crazy Nights" era, I'm really sad.
[Apr 10,2007 12:52pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
It was Mark ST. John. I think he played on one album, and never did a tour with the band. He played on that gay "Heaven's on Fire" song. Not sure what album he was on, as I barely listened to any of the crap they did after taking off the makeup.
[Apr 10,2007 1:02pm - powerkok ""]
wow. Glad it wasnt Ace .
I wouldnt be suprised tho, hes a raging alcoholic.
[Apr 10,2007 1:04pm - powerkok ""]
However, right around the time Kiss was to launch a worldwide tour in support of the album, St. John was diagnosed with a form of arthritis called Reiter's Syndrome, which caused his hands and arms to swell, and prevented him from playing guitar.

I remember this happening back in the day.
[Apr 10,2007 1:38pm - Anthony ""]
damn that sucks, I love Animalize

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