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Toilet is a good name for a pet

[Apr 9,2007 12:52pm - Granny_Monster ""]
I'm serious.
[Apr 9,2007 12:56pm - Mess ""]
yeah, for a shitzu
[Apr 9,2007 1:01pm - Granny_Monster ""]
Rich thinks it's mean. He thinks it's a bad idea to get three goats and name them Toilet, Bathtub, and Faucet.
[Apr 9,2007 1:04pm - Mess ""]
goats would be cool
[Apr 9,2007 1:05pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
How's that mean? Rich is a faggot. Toilet is a good name.
[Apr 9,2007 1:07pm - Granny_Monster ""]
I'd sooner name a cat Lobster than I would Toilet, Rich.

Lobster is a good name for a cat.
[Apr 9,2007 1:08pm - RichHorror ""]
Goats smell. Mike is getting a bunny and naming it Pancake. And I'm the faggot. Right. And yes, he said 'bunny' and not 'rabbit'. Homo.
[Apr 9,2007 1:09pm - RichHorror ""]
Lobster is also a stupid name for a cat or anything that isn't a Lobster.
[Apr 9,2007 1:10pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
I said I might name it Pancake, which was a name my ex-girlfriend thought of. I'm probably gonna end up naming him Darby.

And Rich, you say "kitty" not "cat'. You are a faggot.
[Apr 9,2007 1:10pm - Granny_Monster ""]
Mike, you're getting a bunny?!
[Apr 9,2007 1:11pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
Granny_Monster said:Mike, you're getting a bunny?!

My sister knows someplace that has bunnies that are already litter trained and everything. So I don't need to keep him in a cage and he can just wander around my house. Plus, they sell bunny leashes so I can take him out for a walk. It just depends on if I find the time to go the place this week.
[Apr 9,2007 1:11pm - RichHorror ""]
We'll see who the faggot is tonight when we're having sex with each other.
[Apr 9,2007 1:14pm - Granny_Monster ""]
[Apr 9,2007 1:16pm - RichHorror ""]
[Apr 9,2007 1:19pm - Granny_Monster ""]
It's not that, I just thought Mike didn't have sex with anyone over 17.
[Apr 9,2007 1:19pm - RichHorror ""]
I'm 12 in dog years.
[Apr 9,2007 1:20pm - Granny_Monster ""]
If you were a puppy... I'd name you Toilet.
[Apr 9,2007 1:21pm - RichHorror ""]
And I would kill you in your sleep.
[Apr 9,2007 1:21pm - Granny_Monster ""]
[Apr 9,2007 1:24pm - Yeti ""]
i'd have to imagine that the pet would resent you. "toilet?? you named me TOILET??"
[Apr 9,2007 1:33pm - porphyria  ""]
you and your love for toilets :spineyes: you should make toilet shaped cupcakes for shows!
[Apr 9,2007 1:34pm - RichHorror ""]
Toilets are for urine, feces, vomit and used condoms.
[Apr 9,2007 1:35pm - porphyria  ""]
and goldfish.
[Apr 9,2007 1:36pm - RichHorror ""]
And soggy Cheerios.
[Apr 9,2007 1:37pm - Granny_Monster ""]
Soggy Cheerios is a good name for a pet.
[Apr 9,2007 1:38pm - RichHorror ""]
I hate you.
[Apr 9,2007 2:41pm - Dankill  ""]
My friend named his cat then just never stopped calling it shithead. So, everyone only knows it as Shithead.
[Apr 10,2007 9:42am - Granny_Monster ""]
Bump because this is a good idea!
[Apr 10,2007 9:44am - Lamp ""]
Pets are toilets.
[Apr 10,2007 9:48am - RichHorror ""]
Lamp is a good name for a message board user.
[Apr 10,2007 9:54am - Granny_Monster ""]
Lamp would also be a good name for a pet. As would Couch and Sofa... possibly Loveseat.

The list goes on...
[Apr 10,2007 9:57am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I call my cat "Hey get the fuck away from me!"
[Apr 10,2007 9:58am - Granny_Monster ""]
I call my cat "I hate you" and "you're worthless"
[Apr 10,2007 9:59am - Granny_Monster ""]
... but he's a jerk, so it's okay. I'm nice to my good cats.
[Apr 10,2007 10:02am - sinistas ""]
My cat is named Cow. She also looks like a cow, so it works.
[Apr 10,2007 10:12am - Lamp ""]
I'm the bright light of this place, haw haw...
[Apr 10,2007 10:12am - Mess ""]
i took my dog for a walk through the woods for like 1 1/2 hours yesterday. she had a fucking blast. i did too.
[Apr 10,2007 10:18am - Granny_Monster ""]
Mess said:i took my dog for a walk through the woods for like 1 1/2 hours yesterday. she had a fucking blast. i did too.

What kind of dog is it?
[Apr 10,2007 10:19am - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
Dankill said:My friend named his cat then just never stopped calling it shithead. So, everyone only knows it as Shithead.

Shithead only works for a dog, and if you're Steve Martin.

[Apr 10,2007 10:23am - Mess ""]
Granny_Monster said:Mess said:i took my dog for a walk through the woods for like 1 1/2 hours yesterday. she had a fucking blast. i did too.

What kind of dog is it?

a pain in the ass Minpin. she's got the funniest personality i've ever seen in a dog. she's a clown.
[Apr 10,2007 10:24am - Granny_Monster ""]
Mess said:Granny_Monster said:Mess said:i took my dog for a walk through the woods for like 1 1/2 hours yesterday. she had a fucking blast. i did too.

What kind of dog is it?

a pain in the ass Minpin. she's got the funniest personality i've ever seen in a dog. she's a clown.

Ack! Really? That's awesome! I love those little things.
[Apr 10,2007 10:28am - Mess ""]
yeah, she's a year and a half now and still only 9 lbs. haha
[Apr 10,2007 10:46am - ariavette ""]
my sisters cat is an orange tabby.. who she named steve... at first i was like that's gay.. but it fits his personality b/c he's just as weird... so it fits..then it turned into Steven Mctowley... so it's even better
[Apr 10,2007 11:31pm - Dankill  ""]
I dunno, Chris. That cat knows it's place pretty well and it's place is being named Shithead. Plus, the thing is a bitch and a half.

What about Buttrumpus?
[Apr 10,2007 11:50pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm naming my next pet acid reflux.
[Apr 11,2007 6:16am - Granny_Monster ""]
That is a very good name, Ken. I approve.
[Apr 11,2007 6:35am - Mess ""]
[Apr 12,2007 6:20am - Mess ""]

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