Now Find a show to go to! Apr 30 (Mon) - GAZA, THE_NETWORK, AND THEN THERE WERE NONE, SHOT DOWN SUN, THE MAMMON MACHINE, MORE TBA...6:30PM ALL AGES! - American Legion Post (Nashua, NH 03060); 11 COURT STREET +[view flyer] GAZA HITS THE NASHUA AMERICAN LEGION MONDAY APRIL 30TH!!![views:6592][posts:18][show listing] ______________________________________ [Apr 8,2007 11:13am - UnitedStrong ""] [img] CHECK IT! [img] AMERICAN LEGION HALL 11 COURT STREET NASHUA, NH 03060 6PM SHOW! $10 GAZA THE_NETWORK AND THEN THERE WERE NONE THE MAMMON MACHINE ONE MORE TBA SHORTLY! WWW.MYSPACE.COM/NASHUASHOWS |
_____________________________________ [Apr 8,2007 11:58am - xanonymousx ""] [img] |
__________________________________________ [Apr 8,2007 11:59am - Johnny Hardcore ""] unfortunately Apiary had to drop from this tour and will not be playing any of the dates of the Gaza tour...there will be one more added to the lineup in Nashua very very soon to complete the bill! HAPPY EASTER TO ALL! |
__________________________________________ [Apr 10,2007 5:02pm - Johnny Hardcore ""] Gaza bringing the metal to the Gate City!! [img] |
_____________________________________ [Apr 10,2007 5:03pm - xanonymousx ""] good show.... does this indicate that you will be putting on more metal shows up at the legion? |
__________________________________________ [Apr 10,2007 5:16pm - Johnny Hardcore ""] THEY NEEDED A DATE FOR WHEN TOUR HIT THE AREA. WE ARE WELCOME TO METAL/HARDCORE/PUNK AND ANYTHING GOOD! |
_____________________________________________ [Apr 11,2007 7:45am - the_network_booking ""] Abacabb will be at the legion on Jun 30th also with us.... |
___________________________________________ [Apr 24,2007 11:50am - Johnny Hardcore ""] ABACABB ON THEIR WAY FROM VIRGINIA!!! |
_______________________________________ [Apr 25,2007 2:51pm - aaron_michael ""] bump |
___________________________________________ [Apr 29,2007 11:15am - Johnny Hardcore ""] TOMORROW NIGHT!!! |
_______________________________________ [Apr 29,2007 11:27am - the_reverend ""] GAZA was so f'n heavy last night. people need to go to this. |
__________________________________________ [Apr 30,2007 8:05am - Johnny Hardcore ""] TONIGHT!! |
______________________________________________ [Apr 30,2007 12:48pm - the_network_booking ""] [img] |
_______________________________________ [Apr 30,2007 12:51pm - the_reverend ""] gaza's singer is a monster. I'll be seeing this tour wednesday and possibly thursday. |
_____________________________________ [Apr 30,2007 3:48pm - xanonymousx ""] i heard the mammon machine aren't playing the show. |
______________________________________ [May 2,2007 10:28am - the_reverend ""] how was the show? |
__________________________________ [May 2,2007 10:38am - brian_dc ""] revvvv...go thursday so we can all rub dix |
_____________________________________________ [May 2,2007 10:39am - the_network_booking ""] Well......Nashua on a Monday night didn't really fly, the draw sucked. But GAZA was amazing as usual...Jon (the singer) said "guys I apologize I'm not feeling well" then during there second to last song just stopped singing ran over to the trash and threw up all over the place....he then looks to Scott and says "you wanna sing the last few songs"...Scott looks at him like "dude you just threw up everywhere and that mic is smelling of puke"...needless to say Jon was a trooper and finished out there set.. The new PA/lighting system is freakin great. The PA was real loud and Johnny and his crew at nashuashows were real professional. To bad no one really showed up, but again it was a Monday in Nashua right after the Metal fest....hope tonight and tomorrow go a little better... |
______________________________________ [May 2,2007 1:47pm - aaron_michael ""] sorry we had to drop. work kept both of us a lot longer than we had expected and we would have been there about an hour and a half late. too bad since we were looking forward to playing with the network boys and Gaza. |