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Anyone's neighbors loud as fuck, drunk, and frat boys?

[Nov 30,2003 1:48am - the_reverend ""]
sig-ep bra!
[Nov 30,2003 1:51am - succubus ""]
i have no idea what sig-ep bra is

but i hate these guys

i don't like how they look at me (or girls in general)

oink oink

we need to do something to THEIR door
[Nov 30,2003 1:54am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i will bag my cat poo and sent it to you to
give them as a christmas present...

or hire a male transevstite stripper for
their next party, take pictures and pass
them out to their friends so that everyone
thinks they like chicks with dicks...

or... umm... shoot them next time they
leave the building...
[Nov 30,2003 1:55am - succubus ""]
MyDeadDoll said:i will bag my cat poo and sent it to you to
give them as a christmas present...

or hire a male transevstite stripper for
their next party, take pictures and pass
them out to their friends so that everyone
thinks they like chicks with dicks...

or... umm... shoot them next time they
leave the building...

all EXCELLENT ideas MDD <3
[Nov 30,2003 1:58am - MyDeadDoll ""]
oooh!! buy a clapper, plug it into their
stereo, and knock on their door everytime
they get loud so it turns off... if that would
even work... if it did, it would be funny
like in a movie... or something... i'll shut
up now...
[Nov 30,2003 2:01am - succubus ""]
more great ideas


you remember the door incident right?
the bottle being thrown out the window?

these are the same guys...
[Nov 30,2003 9:28am - Kalopsia ""]
MyDeadDoll said:oooh!! buy a clapper, plug it into their
stereo, and knock on their door everytime
they get loud so it turns off... if that would
even work... if it did, it would be funny
like in a movie... or something... i'll shut
up now...

THAT'S A FUCKING GREAT IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOTTA TRY THAT
[Nov 30,2003 10:17am - the_reverend ""]
man.. now the hippies on the other side are slamming doors.
[Nov 30,2003 10:32am - succubus ""]
and again
[Nov 30,2003 11:06am - Lynneaus ""]
heheh what do u live in a dorm??? hahahah

my landlord lives upstairs... it was a rough first year cuz he was unemployed for most of it and hes annoying and the ceiling is thin so i woke up almost every weekend to him and his gf having sex..... and everynight i fell asleep to him fighting with his gf on the phone.

but now.......... hes pretty much only home every other weekend... it rules :D
[Nov 30,2003 11:32am - succubus ""]
heh..i remember reading some of your older posts about him LMAO

[Nov 30,2003 1:12pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
My neighbors are bikers and they have two decent-sized dogs that they never let inside. So not only do we get to hear his fucking mutts 24/7, we get to listen to his goddamn loudass craptorcycle being revved up for 10 minutes at 6am before he drives it up and down the street a couple times before leaving for work.
I actually miss the complete racist cunt that lived in that house years ago. I don't miss the Hatian family that would let their trash fall down the hill into our yard though. Empty milk jugs are not ornaments for bushes and trees. Cunts.
[Nov 30,2003 1:15pm - succubus ""]
i liked your neighborhood DOM

seemed nice
[Dec 1,2003 12:24am - brad  ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:Hatian family Cunts.

i really hate Haitians
[Dec 1,2003 12:32am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
brad said:DeOdiumMortis said:Hatian family Cunts.

i really hate Haitians

Hahahahah that's quoted so out of context. Way to make me look like a racist hahahahaha.
[Dec 1,2003 12:36am - the_reverend ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:that's.. me.. a racist

yeah, you are pretty freakin racist when you are taken out of context.
[Dec 1,2003 12:51am - MyDeadDoll ""]
**runs and hides from all the racists...**

but really... i HATE the people that come here
from Mexico and pretend to not speak english
because they are so much better than us. hell,
honey, if you're so great, go back to your own
shit hole. leave us alone in ours. FUCKING SPICS!
they give all mexicans a bad name... but at least
i'm pretty and smart and nice and pretty...
[Dec 1,2003 12:55am - succubus ""]
where's my enchilada?
[Dec 1,2003 1:14am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i haven't made enchiladas for a while...
i should make some...
[Dec 1,2003 1:16am - succubus ""]
yes please..and 1 for me

because you are nice and smart and purdy
[Dec 1,2003 1:21am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i wonder if it would be possible to make
some and send 'em somehow.... i could
always just send you some of my yummy
christmas fudge. that ships well.
[Dec 1,2003 1:27am - succubus ""]

better yet..bring it when you come visit us
[Dec 1,2003 1:28am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i'm still working on that. i'm waiting to see when
they're gonna schedule my surgery. i'm having
my tonsils out. i'm kinda looking forward to it. but,
it's all about timing!
[Dec 1,2003 2:11pm - University of Jock Killing Irish Assassins  ""]
goddamn white hats
i bet they play football video games alot
[Dec 1,2003 4:01pm - retzam ""]
I have these neighbors who at Christmas time cover their whole fucking yard with decorations and they blare carols over the loudspeaker until fucking 11:00 at night. I have so much shitty stuff and stories to say about them but I don't feel like typing it all.
[Dec 1,2003 4:05pm - Joe McNamara  ""]
retzam said:I have these neighbors who at Christmas time cover their whole fucking yard with decorations and they blare carols over the loudspeaker until fucking 11:00 at night. I have so much shitty stuff and stories to say about them but I don't feel like typing it all.

don't fret Retzam, Ravage is playing on thursday.
[Dec 1,2003 4:32pm - the_reverend ""]
have your tonsils removed and inserted into your boobs.
[Dec 1,2003 4:37pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
rev, what the hell am i gonna do with
tonsils in my boobs?!

andif anyone care, they're being taken
out on the 9th of Jan.
[Dec 1,2003 4:42pm - succubus ""]
i don't know if i still have myne...
i guess i do...

why are you having them removed?
[Dec 1,2003 4:53pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i am the queen of strep and tonsilitis.
apparently i have huge tonsils with
big "pits" in them that catch every
virus that passes by... so yeah, they
have to come out, otherwise i'd just keep
getting sick all the time.
[Dec 1,2003 5:12pm - extremedeath666 ""]
our appartment is a frat house.

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