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What other online auction sites are there besides Ebay?

[Apr 5,2007 3:56am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Any info is appreciated. Thanks folks.
[Apr 5,2007 4:31am - Niccolai ""]
there's used stuff sites like craigslist.com, and for gear there's musicgoround.com (might be music-go-round.com) but other then that there aren't many successful auctioning sites.

I'm sure there are a hundred auction sites, but nothing with as many sellers or buyers as ebay.
[Apr 6,2007 10:31am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
cool, thanks for the tip.
[Apr 6,2007 12:34pm - powerkok ""]
Ya , a few years ago there were a few, but Ebay has the e-auction market cornered.
The only other one I know of that is as big is a gun auction site, and that is only because Ebay dosent do guns.

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