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Can't remember the name of this movie

[Mar 30,2007 4:55pm - dertoxia ""]
I remember seeing a movie a couple years ago and i cant fucking remember the name. It was about these drugged out kids and their lives. One of them has a baby and they all live in a crackhouse. I remember one really fucked up scene where this kid is tripping out in his bed and he sees the baby crawling towards him across the ceiling and then he wakes up and realizes he shit the bed. I know it's definitely not requiem for a dream cause i just saw that.

Anyone have a clue what the movies called?
[Mar 30,2007 5:24pm - anonymous  ""]
[Mar 30,2007 5:31pm - sxealex ""]
oh yea! that was a book right?
[Mar 30,2007 5:38pm - dertoxia ""]
oh yes!! that's gotta be it. An anonymous poster thats actually worthwhile.
[Mar 31,2007 7:50pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Mar 31,2007 8:32pm - powerkok ""]
I laugh at you young'ns
[Mar 31,2007 9:30pm - lbpdvnli  ""]
if you like that rent the Acid House. same director and its waaay better.
[Apr 1,2007 12:06am - sacreligion ""]
is it spun? i don't think it is but it might be
[Apr 1,2007 1:05am - tylerl ""]
it's trainspotting

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