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SEXCREMENT Studio Update

[Mar 26,2007 6:14pm - BornSoVile ""]
Well, we made a shit ton of progress this past weekend and I can assure you that "Genitales From the Porno Potty" is about 90% complete at this point. We have a few samples that will be incorporated within the album and will also take this time to make a few minor EQ adjustments dealing with guitar and bass before it's mastered. The layout is basically done, we took some more promo shots the other night, got some good ones of me in my skibbies among others. If all goes as planned, we'll be able to post some mp3s by next week and at least be able to offer a release date, DeathMetal.us will be accepting pre-orders and will also be offering package deals as well.
Also I'd just like to remind everyone that your last chance to buy a "Whiskey Tits" shirt will be on April 5th when we play Metal Thursday XII. Sorry, no reservations or holds are accepted on these suckers, please just show up early and support the entire show, that's your best bet. Shirts are only available in XL and are $15.
[Mar 26,2007 6:59pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm looking forward to metal thursday. i still have yet to see sexcrement live.
[Mar 26,2007 7:08pm - Niccolai ""]
Let us know when Deathmetal.us starts accepting pre-orders.
[Mar 26,2007 7:09pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Make some xxl size shirts this time around
[Mar 26,2007 8:04pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i cannot fucking wait for this album. evan better not let me down with the layout, haha! hopefully i'll see you bastards next thursday.
[Mar 26,2007 8:28pm - vesgore ""]
[Mar 26,2007 8:49pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
dreadkill said:i'm looking forward to metal thursday. i still have yet to see sexcrement live.

i have this feeling that they're gonna sound awesome there
[Mar 26,2007 11:47pm - BornSoVile ""]
Dwellingsickness said:Make some xxl size shirts this time around

we actually stocked a few XXL's, deathmetal.us was selling those too as of a few weeks ago. when the next design goes to press i'll give everyone a heads up cause they can special order anything up to 5XL.
[Mar 27,2007 10:42am - Yeti ""]
i want me a shirt. i'm really looking forward to this album.
[Mar 27,2007 11:15am - W3 nli  ""]
Josh you better make sure you're in the mix, that copy of Whiskey Tits i got sounded amazing.

please do not kill the Bleeding bass vibe you guys had on it.
[Mar 27,2007 12:05pm - Archaeon ""]
Rutcho told me dis album was off da hook
[Mar 27,2007 12:25pm - infant_skin_suitcase ""]
Rutcho is awesome to record with... Bands looking for a quality recording should defintely considering contacting him. The Revocation cd is unbelievable
[Mar 27,2007 5:32pm - ELJUSTINLI  ""]
i want mp3s, i want SOMETHING
[Mar 27,2007 5:37pm - dreadkill ""]
i like everything i've heard from rutcho so far. he does good work.
[Mar 27,2007 5:43pm - BornSoVile ""]
W3 nli said:Josh you better make sure you're in the mix, that copy of Whiskey Tits i got sounded amazing.

please do not kill the Bleeding bass vibe you guys had on it.

this album is by the far the best sounded Bass I've ever recorded. I'm beyond satisfied.
[Mar 27,2007 7:18pm - Deconformity  ""]
Josh, how do I get a hold of Rutcho?
[Mar 27,2007 7:50pm - Archaeon ""]
[Mar 28,2007 3:23pm - Anthony ""]
dreadkill said:i'm looking forward to metal thursday. i still have yet to see sexcrement live.

they will kill you.

one of the best live bands in this area.
[Mar 28,2007 3:26pm - Niccolai ""]
I'm looking forward to being 21 in 5 million years.

Hopefully in the future there will still be Sexcrement and thursdays so i can finally check them out.
[Mar 28,2007 3:36pm - passerby‘er  ""]
Isn't that the new name of lame of gods new record?
[Mar 28,2007 9:20pm - animal_rampage  ""]
artwork previews? por favor?
[Mar 28,2007 10:50pm - Dankill  ""]
Me buy album.

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