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[Mar 21,2007 4:43pm - lbprovidencenli  ""]
[Mar 21,2007 4:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Fuckin A-right! Although, I'm a dumbass.
[Mar 22,2007 10:40am - Yeti ""]
i read a different article about the same topic, and it stated "death metal such as Slipknot". that about speaks for itself.
[Mar 22,2007 11:12am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

The boy on the far right sure looks like the brightest bulb of the bunch.
[Mar 22,2007 11:44am - xmikex ""]
1. This isn't a huge surprise. I think the obvious appeal of metal to a lot of kids is that it's some sort of an introverted separation from your peers, and a diversion from a failure to relate to said peers. More intelligent kids often have a harder time relating, or communicating with their peers.... metal seems to promote a lot of introversion, and fantasy... blah blah blah you know the rest.

2. On the other hand I once heard a metal kid say that he considered metal to have a greater intellectual gap between the musicians and its fanbase than any other form of music. I'd say a solid majority of metal kids are still meatbags.
[Mar 22,2007 11:47am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
well metal does have songs with more substance than "tryin ta get ta yooooouuuuuuuu and that booty...tryin ta get ta yooooooouuuuuuuu and that booty"
[Mar 22,2007 11:50am - reverend_cziska ""]
That is called a coincidence. The kid with the Tool shirt is probably a tool.

"even the National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth recognises its metal loving alumni suffers 'low self esteem' and has 'difficulties with friendships and family relationships'. Such afflictions can vary from bodies scarred from self-mutilation to simply being a bit rubbish at discos."

Sounds more like kids listening to some odd form of high school music (kids these days. When I was there age...). Oh, and this was a blog.

According to researchers at GAY & GENDER RESEARCH (a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the research of sociocultural and health related issues impacting the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities), those that identify themselves as being fans of metal music are 56% more likely to be gay, bisexual or transgendered. An amazing 82% of lesbians were said to be fans of folk music, with only 2% considering themselves as fans of metal.

So, ladies the next time you meet that special guy at a metal show you might be just barking up the wrong tree. If you're there looking for a woman to bring home, you're definitely barking up the wrong bush.
[Mar 22,2007 12:46pm - Yeti ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:[img]

The boy on the far right sure looks like the brightest bulb of the bunch.

[Mar 22,2007 2:12pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Mar 22,2007 2:14pm - HailAtWork  ""]
It's always bothered me that metalheads are portrayed as dimwitted morons in movies, television, and the media in general. I'm sure there's no shortage of them, but we're not all idiots. The amount of morons at a particular metal show would depend largely on the band. Somwhow I doubt there would be alot of intelligent people at a disturbed show.
[Mar 22,2007 3:27pm - largefreakatzero ""]
reverend_cziska said:That is called a coincidence. The kid with the Tool shirt is probably a tool.

That reminds me of an awesome quote. I was driving with this dude and we come up on a car with Tool bumbersticker and he says "I'm glad they label those."
[Mar 22,2007 9:56pm - hungtableed  ""]
This doesn't take into consideration that 90% of Pantera fans were/are sick meat heads who only listened to them to get pumped up before the big game.

I'm really not surprised though, just like how I wouldn't be surprised that most people who listen to emo are gay.
Oh my god, did I just say something homophobic/anti-gay? - bring out the cavalry.
[Mar 22,2007 11:27pm - Ryan_M ""]
HailAtWork said:It's always bothered me that metalheads are portrayed as dimwitted morons in movies, television, and the media in general.

I can understand why people who don't listen to this music would think its fanbase is dumb. You go to any metal show, half the people are standing there staring blankly at the stage with a dazed look on their faces, and the other half are going berzerk in front of the stage, flailing their limbs and whipping their heads around - this isn't the kind of behavior someone would normally associate with a person of high intelligence. It's shallow, I know, but for someone who doesn't understand the music, it's easy to make that assumption.

As for movies and TV - think of movies like Wayne's World and Airheads: if the metalhead characters in these movies were portrayed as brilliant intellectuals, they wouldn't be funny.
[Mar 23,2007 12:56am - reverend_cziska ""]
Detroit Rock City
[Mar 23,2007 1:01am - Lamp ""]
I wonder how stressed out the people doing that study would think I was if I showed them Dillinger Escape Plan and Into the Moat and told them those were two of my favorite bands in high school.
[Mar 23,2007 1:03am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
DRC is in a league of its own...you can't bring that in as a comparison!
[Mar 23,2007 12:35pm - diamond_dave ""]
Either this article is way off, or Heavy Metal Parking Lot is staged.
[Mar 23,2007 4:30pm - Nuclear Winter  ""]
I encourage and support all instances of metalheads living up, to the best of their abilites, their media stereotype.
[Mar 23,2007 4:53pm - niflheim ""]
Enthusiasts of more eccentric forms of extreme music tend to be more intellectually engaging than "metalheads" or some hxc kid. There tends to be more artistic creativity and depth found in bands that are "metal" for non-metal fans (i.e. Neurosis, ISIS, Mouth of the Architect, Swans, Khanate, etc. ) Those said bands possess unconventional and expansive songwriting capabilties, elaborate packaging, and minimalist lyrical content that compliments their music perfectly. Just look 98% of the kids who attend Ozzfest or even the NE metal and hxc fest; most of the crowd looks like they attended S.P.E.D. classes in school.
[Mar 26,2007 6:53am - Metal Mega-Stud  ""]
That article is complete bullshit. When I see some pimply-faced doofus in an Emperor shirt, the last thing I think is, "I wonder what his thoughts are regarding super massive black holes."

Just browse through any arbitrary thread right here on RTTP; it's hardly Mensa material.

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