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the pubcrawlers

[Mar 18,2007 3:00am - troll ""]
own your ass.

They rawked the house tonight.

Patty can suck my dick ,sharp skins are fags, good night tokyo, god natt, javlar dig.

[Mar 18,2007 3:05am - pam ""]
Fall River sucks. There was no no green beer.
[Mar 18,2007 3:12am - troll ""]
some how I only drank guiness tonight and I din't have to fuck a fat chick

go figure?!?!
[Mar 18,2007 3:13am - troll ""]
shit its really 3am?

fuck this
[Mar 18,2007 3:19am - the_reverend ""]
I went to Jesu. no beer for me.
drinking now though!
[Mar 18,2007 3:21am - Lamp ""]
Shit, I forgot it was St. Patrick's Day, no wonder everyone on here is drunk.
[Mar 18,2007 3:29am - the_reverend ""]
did you go to torche?
[Mar 18,2007 4:00am - Lamp ""]
Nah, I fell asleep around 8:30 and woke up again four hours later or so. I slept from 10 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon and kind of spaced out for an hour later in the day. So right now I'm not really sure what to do.

I'm going to that Municipal Waste matinee show in Connecticut though.
[Mar 18,2007 12:57pm - pam ""]
I don't remember posting here last night.
[Mar 18,2007 1:21pm - Lamp ""]
I was too tired to go to Municipal Waste. I didn't drink and I'm still not feeling too good but I didn't really sleep either.

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