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new Despised Icon song

[Mar 14,2007 11:06am - mOe ""]

[Mar 14,2007 11:09am - cav ""]
just listened to it a few minutes ago. thought it was average and kinda boring but hey im about as sick of death metal with breakdowns as the rest of the haters on here.
[Mar 14,2007 11:10am - mOe ""]
yea, i dont hate it...its defninitly solid
[Mar 14,2007 11:13am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i like this... excellent guitar solo and breakdown. i can see people dying to this tune.
[Mar 14,2007 1:59pm - blue ""]
its pretty good, but doesnt make me smile the way the older material does. it seems as if their penchant for mixing things up isnt as prevalent. first half of the song is DM, the other half is SLOW hardcore.
[Mar 14,2007 2:52pm - Anthony nli  ""]
I will buy this CD
[Mar 14,2007 3:09pm - Jimmy Justice  ""]
Meh, lack luster at best.
[Mar 14,2007 8:01pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

Bring back Consumed By Your Poison.
[Mar 14,2007 8:15pm - Niccolai ""]
Anthony nli said:I will buy this CD

Well I will buy TWO.

Beat that. Pillow biter.
[Mar 14,2007 8:18pm - Niccolai ""]
I thought this song was totally awsome until they broke out the fucking gangvocals and turned into bury your dead.
[Mar 14,2007 10:00pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Mar 14,2007 10:04pm - BornSoVile ""]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XXViuYcrkA - The Sunset Will Never Charm Us, this features a certain sexy guitar player from Mass.
[Mar 14,2007 10:12pm - Niccolai ""]
Arin Grassman have biiig merican penis.

Us chinaman have rittle penis.
[Mar 14,2007 10:19pm - BornSoVile ""]
Well, Alan has in fact hailed to le Motherland du Quebec on more than one occasion, you have alot to learn from those of us are, how you say "naturarry erite".
[Mar 14,2007 10:35pm - Niccolai ""]
As soon as I find out what that means, I'm 100% certain I'm going to dress up in a chicken suit.

What happens from there is classified.

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